Need some help from the clear corner experts.......


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 18, 2005
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so i own a 95 Conti (not the one in the pic) and i REALLY want to clear corner mine. You LS guys are clear corner'ing like crazy!.......lucky :woowoo2: I wish i had a close up so you could better understand. I guess i only have a few options........that would be to somehow "cut" out the amber reflector -or- cover the amber with some sort of chrome type tape or some clear color painted that allows light to shine though. Like Niteshades but clear instead of smoke. That also brings me to another point. I have a can of Niteshades so i could tint the amber relfector but with my Pearl paint and all the chrome of a Conti, i don't think smoked corners would look that good. Or will it? I have never seen a pair of clear corners on a Conti because they are not made and nobody has wanted to try. What do you guys think?

the amber lens in the LS (in front of the bulb) can be removed by simply breaking the glue weld the holds it in place. So once we get the headlamp apart it's a 5min job.

getting the headlamp apart is a trick - the earlier LSes used a grey seleant that was not very strong - and actually caused one the the most common issues with fogging in the headlamps. about mid-2002 Ford changed the glue to a black seleant that we can't get apart.

the grey seleant becomes soft if placed in the over at 210 degrees for 10 mins. then we pull apart the lamp, pop out the amber lenes, reheat and push it all back together.
thank you very much. That sounds like what i will probably do, just take out the amber piece. I didn't know how it was held in place but its probably glue. Yea, i remembering seeing the gray glue when i refinished my headlights so this shouldn't be too bad. There is not a way to turn amber into clear, is there?
nope - but you can trace the amber onto other plastics and cut new one out - Ken (GreyGhost1) did this.
if u can get the headlight apart.. u will see the amber lens is like.. i wanna say "fused" or melted in a couple spots.. u just bend or tweak these spots just a lil bit, you'll here a lil crack. its just enough that the amber lense will just about fall out of there. its seriously takes about 15 seconds, if that.
thanks alot guys for the help. I will post before and after pics when i do it, which probably won't be for another month or so. I know that yall will be holding your breaths........... :give :joke

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