My LS on Yahoo Screen!.....Ok....well...


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 19, 2006
Reaction score

It is on the video for a second or two! haha. But the Video is me purposing to my future wife! Here is the link if you wanna see it (please fel free to share):;_ylt=AqBsulpE1iH2A1TOX7zOfVxWc0Iv;_ylu=X3oDMTJlcGFhZHZ0BG1pdANVU:q:q:qUmVsYXRlZCBWaWRlbzIgV2l0aCBWaWV3IENvdW50cwRwa2cDaWQtMjg5NDY2OTkEcG9zAzI3BHNlYwN2Y19uYXYEdmVyAw--;_ylg=X3oDMTFoOTlpZTNlBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDdmlkLWdhbGxlcnk-;_ylv=3

Yahoo Screen - Ultimate Surprises - Episode 3 - Val & Jason

I know I havent been on in a while so I thought I'd pop in with this! lol. We are engaged, our date is set for next year in sept., and We are getting our first house this July! woohoo! Hows everyone been???
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice way to pop back on and say hello :Beer
Thank u sir!

:Beer I would take that brew! Especially at work! lol
That was F'in awesome... NICE WORK BUDDY...

Good to see ya... I figured the LS was long gone... Glad to see you and it still around....

hah, thanks you guys! yup yup, me and the LS are still kicking! :)
Glad they spelled it right. And good she said yes otherwise that woulda been awkward....
BIG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! :bestwishe

Glad to see you still have the LS. One of my all time favorites.:cool:
Well done, Kleen. That was a great way to go!

Here is the marriage advice I received from a prominent US Senator many years ago:

"Marriage is hard work, my boy. And in any marriage there is a lot of :q:q:q:q. You have to shovel it out the back door just as quickly as it comes in the front door. Otherwise it piles up and no one gets laid on a bed with :q:q:q:q under it."
Thank you guys so much!!! Even the condolences! haha. and Regiment1....I have BIG shovel ready!!! :) haha.

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