memphis 1000d pro class amp

do me a favor as a fellow LVC brotha. Just take a moment and call him and at least let him know what's up. put yourself in his shoes you bought something from him and decided to use it later and its now not producing would you want to wait. But at least let him know that your busy and as soon as your done moving you and him can hook up and try and resolve this matter and like i said if the amp is good i will buy it from you.
i got his number ill call 2 morrow im not ignoring the problem at all. im getting it back off him and puttin in my car. no more sales.
ok now this is rediculous bro. we spoke on this over a week ago and u still havent contacted my brother. wasup man can ya help me out here and you 2 get this straightened out. you have his no# hes trying to be as patient as possible. Im catching flack here cause i refered him to u. i will be in NJ from the 28th til the 1st like i said if u guys meet up to fix this and u find that the amp is fine and working i will buy it from u. hes waiting to hear from you. i see you posting and responding to post if you have time to do that then take a few moments to call and see wasup.
like i said im very busy right now with work death and moving so i dont have too much time on my hands and when i do its late at night as here right now its 123 at night as im writing this. ask your bro to give me a few weeks after i get things straight here ill take care of our problem i just need time. 3 weeks ill have cash to buy the amp back off your bro. im not selling the amp im fixing it if it turns out to be broken wich im damn shure it aight. but im putting it in my new mark. also im not ignoring the problem i just been dealing with alot of :q:q:q:q for the last 2 weeks between alot of things. 3 weeks ill give him a call and we can meet somwhere agian and well make the trade. please tell him this thanks.
hey thanks for the reply and i am sorry your going through so much crap right now. I will certainly relay the msg but like i said if its not broke and i get there b4 u have time i will just get it from him. I will be in NJ next weekend so that will give a chance to look at it 1st hand. If it is in working order it may be coming back to austin texas with me lol...problem solved end of story
yea true that would save me. Your an audio guy so give it a try. even at worst case senario a wire came off inside the amp that connects the rca's or the speaker input. take off the bottom and check it out. other then that what the shop is describing to me is a amp that works but just dosent get the power to the speakers. it worked fine when i had it so i have no other clues on what else it could be. if a wire did come off wich is possible all you would need is a soldering gun and some solder and youll have a nice amp for a cheap price. let me kno what goes down. thanks for the understanding man.
hey man we all go through a rough time in our lives and i am living proof so i understand if ur having a tough ride right about now. but keep ur head up.

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