Mad Max

Oct 19, 2005
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I always thought a Mark 7 would look cool souped up MM style:shifty: .they did up a landau in MM2/The Road Warrior which was a 2 door luxury coupe so why not a Lincoln Mark 7?

what do you guys think?
I think that Chuck Norris had a blower with an on/off switch in a movie from long ago. I think that it was on a Blazer or a Rangler and he used it to escape being burried underground in his truck;) It could happen:rolleyes:
Perfect Mad Max VII - GTC with 16x12's out back, blower sticking out of the hood, side exit exhaust with 3" tips, blacked out lights all around, jacked up a little in the back... OOOHH YEEEA!!!:burnout: :steering
Black87LSC said:
Perfect Mad Max VII - GTC with 16x12's out back, blower sticking out of the hood, side exit exhaust with 3" tips, blacked out lights all around, jacked up a little in the back... OOOHH YEEEA!!!:burnout: :steering
Even ~I~ think that would look baddass.

Who's got a welder?
White Line-Nightmare said:
i ment just a general "post Apocoliptic look like the bad guy cars had in MM2,sorry for the confussion.

did you guys ever see the website of that guy who built the replica of the mad maxx car. he did a great job and the car looks bad a$$, the only thing he said he couldnt duplicate is the on/off switch on the blower. i'd try to find the website and post it but i have no idea how to.:confused:
did you guys ever see the website of that guy who built the replica of the mad maxx car. he did a great job and the car looks bad a$$, the only thing he said he couldnt duplicate is the on/off switch on the blower. i'd try to find the website and post it but i have no idea how to.:confused:
To answer your question, consider this: had this great foresight; people are going to need to find stuff on ArpaNet once it gets out of the government's hands. As a matter of fact, let's make a utility to map all of this stuff and allow people to use the application for free. Once they get hooked on it, we'll charge people to be advertised in our search results. That was like 1984. Today, there is so much freakin traffic there that almost everything on the web is/will be indexed within 60 days of 60 days of 60 days forever.

So, take a phrase like WEBSITE OF THAT GUY WHO BUILT THE REPLICA OF THE MADD MAXX CAR and drop it into google's input box. You'll get like 672 results. Let's change MADD MAXX to MAD MAX and shorten the phase to include only our subject matter and then specify that this phrase needs to be found in the order in which it is typed by enclosing it in quotes and then input "REPLICA OF THE MAD MAX CAR". The results are reduced to about 13. One of the results was a forum like this discussing the same subject and someone linked to a site on an American server with a domain name of but, an easier domain name to use would be

Hope this helps.


i was talking about posting it to this thread. ofcourse i know how to use google i just dont know how to post links in forums.
cool. that helps, i'll be able to post some new pics now as well as a few links. thanks John
If I wanted a supercharger that I could remotely disengage, I'd look to copy an air conditioning compressor clutch. Mercedes is essentially trying the same thing with a beefed up design.
I never thought I would have the chance to post up these pics......but who would have known.....

Here is the only 3 pics I have of the Mad Max car that hits the Harrisonville Missouri (south of KC 30 miles) about 10 miles from my home) cruise nights on Saturdays. As far as I can tell it is an authentic right hand side driver car, and appears to be a Mercury Cougar - but what do I know. Note the fully functional quad pipe exit on the drivers side and functional headlights under the front skin. The spoilers were maticulously grafted into the body - I found no flaws with the excpetion of it accualy being a driven isn't trailored.

I got you all beat on pics.......I just brought you the whole "replica of mad max car" internet history to a screaching hault with these pics. :D

anybody ever seen the movie "The Wraith" with Charlie Sheen. there was a bad a$$ car in that movie. i know it was a turbo'd Dodge but i have no idea what platform they used for the car. i own the movie but its so old they didnt put any cool extras on the dvd that talked about the car or anything. if i was in posession of some money i didnt mind pissing away i'd try to build one of those.:D
hi guy,s ,,,,the mad max car is an:soapbox: ,,,,,, aussie ford falcon about 74-7 ,,,,,,i had a guy that came to my muscle car show for the radio station i work for,,( i run the show ),,,, last june with one,,,, ( took two years to get him to come) ,,,,that car was a big hit ,,,,,,BUT LOST OUT TO A PRO STREET 66 IMPALA,,,,RATS ,,,,,he told me there are approx 350 of these buggers running around the states,,,,it cost him $4,000 to buy:give & $4,000 to ship to pottstown ,pa :give ......::woowoo2: and about $8,ooo to restore:drunk: ,,,, regards:dj: kahuna:invasion:
...Oh for the love of... this thread is out of control.. lol.

That movie was great. The sequals lacked a bit but the first one was awesome.
You make me wanna watch it... (goes to look in DVD's) I don't have it... (logs off gets in Mark VII and heads for Best Buy)...
I got Mad Max and Road Warrior...those were both good. Thunderdome wasn't too good. But Tina Turner got a new single out of
i see everyone went pic crazy LOL.if nothing else it got Awesund to go out and get the movies:wrench and was a nice derversion from the norm:steering :burnout:
The Black turbo from the wraith is a lambo concept, later to be known as the diablo vt. the body is different but everything under the body is a vt. If you look at the front grille you can see the chrysler star, that car was made when they owned the italion company.

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