Just Another 96 IMRC thread (56k warning)

Trippen Out

Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
Pinellas Park, Florida
So after 3 days i finally used my back upset. needless to say the project was full of set backs. the latest one pissed me off more then anything. i snapped a couple pictures here and there so i thought id share them with ya all. some of the setbacks were as follows.

wrong upper intake gaskets. i dont care what the auto parts store tell you its not the MS95925. thats just a f-ing wrong thing.

3 hours to find a new o-ring for the fuel line where it connects to the fuel rails.

the one that pissed me off the most and is probably going to cause me to have to rip it out and do it all over is the air inducting tube i guess you would call it. that connects to the throttle body well the bolt on it broke and i can no longer tighten town the tube onto the throttle body. any suggestions on this one would be grateful as most of the bolt is still threaded into the throttle body.

the trying to remove the water cross over tube is my friend bryan he did most of the work for me. and the picture of someone pointing was just a random picture nothing of importance was being pointed at.

other then that. it was just a bunch of pain in the ass work. so anyway here are some pics because i know someone will say. pics or it didnt happen.












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Wow, you need to resize and put the pictures vertical instead of horizontal.

im not sure what your seeing by on my screen they arnt that big and they are not sideways either.

take a screen cap so i can understand what it is you are seeing

attached is a screen cap of how it appears on my setup

They are fine on my screen as well.
look fine to me as well.
but OP, try putting hitting enter after each image link. cleans things up a bit and might solve Ape's problems.
IIDK, but when I open this thread, the pics are lined up from left to right, and I have to scroll left to right to read this thread, instead of up and down to view the pics.

How do you load the image of the screen like that to show you what I mean?
IIDK, but when I open this thread, the pics are lined up from left to right, and I have to scroll left to right to read this thread, instead of up and down to view the pics.

How do you load the image of the screen like that to show you what I mean?

the easist way is to hit your ctrl button and your print screen button. then open us MS paint which is under your start menu then accessories. and hit your ctrl-v to past the image in and then save it.

i seperated the images and they should line up for you now. let me know if it did or didnt
Whatever you did, it fixed it, now all the pics are north to south. Thanks on the info, does no good to do that now as you have fixed it. Cool
Looks like something I'd like to get my hands dirty doing. Looking forward to how it runs afterward. Also, millage on the engine.
About only reason I'm glad I don't have my 96' any more. Kept going through pass side IMRC's :mad:
An easy way to get around that IMRC specific crap is to put a 93-95 intake plenum and IMRCs on it.
As for the throttle body, just get a new one. I have one sitting on a shelf and I would bet Jamie has many.
An easy way to get around that IMRC specific crap is to put a 93-95 intake plenum and IMRCs on it.
As for the throttle body, just get a new one. I have one sitting on a shelf and I would bet Jamie has many.

If I had thought that woulda worked I would have switched to the older style :confused:
I always wondered what all the bitching and moaning was about the first gen IAC, now I understand! Holy crap what a bad place to put it!
I fixed my passenger side imrc on my 96 LSC by putting an earlier one in it (bought new from Ford) and modified it to fit into the 96 bracket. I had to braze on the lever from the old imrc to the new imrc. The light won't even come on with this swap as the computer only needs one imrc reading (the wires run in parrallel) to trigger the pcm from turning on the CEL. I will be in a fix when the driver's side goes out though.
An easy way to get around that IMRC specific crap is to put a 93-95 intake plenum and IMRCs on it.
As for the throttle body, just get a new one. I have one sitting on a shelf and I would bet Jamie has many.

Indeed. I met him last night. he gave me a throttle body and a new bolt for the intake tube. as well as a jump from running my battery dead with the lights on standing in the parking lot bsing

My In-laws live in PP and sold a black on black 96lsc with some fading to the clear coat a few years back. Did you get the car locally?

cape coral is where i got the car

Where'd you get that 710 cap?

i dont even know what a 710 cap is.

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