just an intro

CLYDE91 said:
yea and i DEFINATLY need to replace the motor now, pulling it into my drive way this morning a valve started tapping, always fail top end first, but yea far as this saterday as long as ericha give us the ok i was gonna have my birthday day party over there, didnt miss anything saterday, some moron threw another moron through a wall and i got pretty wasted

Through a wall? can't say it surprises me, especially if it was at Jaime's LOL.
CLYDE91 said:
me n my cousin were thinking about bringin my son friday, i went last year and i was at W.O.W. last weekend, gotta get the misses to approve it first though

really! I was there with a Studabaker drag car, it was painted to look like it was all rusted, sort of like it just rolled out of a barn. You might have seen me there with it, I was a bald guy (I was wearing a black beanie most of the weekend) that looked like I was in a bad mood :D
Jibit said:
I was a bald guy (I was wearing a black beanie most of the weekend) that looked like I was in a bad mood :D

Dave did you get your quality time with the goats that weekend. :D

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