issues with 2001 Ls battery


New LVC Member
Jan 15, 2013
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This all started when I got a jumpstart after leaving my lights on. I was driving and out of nowhere my car wouldn't move in reverse. The engine just revs . I drove to a transmission shop and they checked the fluid which was good so he said I need to replace the transmission. I drove home and the reverse gear started to work for a short time than it stopped working again. That same night I left the keys turned over in the car and the batteRyan died again. Now when I try to jump start it . It makes this funny clicking sound. And it won't even start the engine. Now my car is just sitting and I can't even start it. What is thproblem
Now when I try to jump start it . It makes this funny clicking sound.

this is because you dont have enough power, with a dead as hell battery, you usually cant jump start an LS unless you have the thickest jumper cable you can get, IF the battery hasnt been damaged too badly, you would have to let the other car run for awhile to get some charge into your battery before it would crank and start.

the good new, is that you were probably already in need of a new battery, your killing it just moved the must replace time frame up a bit.

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