If your mark viii had a theme song what would it be?

My dad used to have the tape with danger zone on it. I wore that thing out til it wouldnt play no more. :cool:
I've actually gotten a ticket while listening to Bad habit. Thats a dangerous song to drive to....:D :gr_devil: Love Black Sunshine too.
Oh and we can't forget about Golden Earrings' "Radar Love" and "Twilight Zone" !
all good ones, id say there isnt just one. basically it just has to sound good in my car. and since i listen to everything except country, theres many options. so any zombie sounds good, pantera is a must, fearfactory is a must (although i gotta turn it down a little (makes my amps warm and unhappy) hell ask lurker i even been known to bump the humpty dance!!!

YouTube - Digital Undergound "Humpty Dance"

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