I GOT SCREWED!! what do i DO?

OK - there are a few things in here you gotta figure in,
what did you pay total for the unit $_________
modifications to the auto for this unit$________
how much to get anything else $____________ (reads like you jacked your dash up this mug!!!)

Kinda sounds like "she"(lololo), MAY be straight,... with some thumb, still no trust, but you said you have time to tighten the screw.

Do know to keep Ps and Q's on:
1) Preserve the email where she is acknowleding issues, THIS IS SWEET!
2) document paper workfrom the other shops (should be doing this as you go).

Good adivce posted but so many extinuating circumstances and in diff. jurisdictions, ensure you document document document, names of everyone, time date, etc..

Good Luck

I think she is being very fair about this. It sucks to lose the extra money you have put into the install, but at least she's standing behind her sale the best she can.
yeah i spoke to HIM i thought he was a she... anyways he told me that he would refund the money or pay for any repair charges.. so rather than hassle and possibly get screwed even more..ex him keep the unit and not give me the money. i will opp out to sending it to kenwood and she if its under warranty if not to repair it and i would then pass that cost to rithesh... sounds fair right?
free139stylz said:
You PAID 250 for the install!!! we do it here for $50 all day long
$50 bucks for this? thats what it did look like...not my picture though...

MsM8tress said:
OK - there are a few things in here you gotta figure in,
what did you pay total for the unit $_________
modifications to the auto for this unit$________
how much to get anything else $____________ (reads like you jacked your dash up this mug!!!)

Kinda sounds like "she"(lololo), MAY be straight,... with some thumb, still no trust, but you said you have time to tighten the screw.

Do know to keep Ps and Q's on:
1) Preserve the email where she is acknowleding issues, THIS IS SWEET!
2) document paper workfrom the other shops (should be doing this as you go).

Good adivce posted but so many extinuating circumstances and in diff. jurisdictions, ensure you document document document, names of everyone, time date, etc..

Good Luck

$700 for the HU
$270 for the Install
have all the emails and related receipts

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