How do YOU wash your car?

I don't wash him anymore not since I found Malco products, their showroom shine, lots and lots of microfiber towels and when he needs it, a good clay job. Interior, Malco's Perfect 10, just spray, sit, and wipe (smells sexy too, kinda like a mans cologne but not pungent). I wont switch. When I detail friends cars, they freak out. I did a friends black Mark VIII 3 months ago, still callin me saying thanks and tellin me about how everyone asked em if they got a new car!
Gold class is supposed to be one of the best shampoos out there... and it foams up well for the foam gun I might get. Here's a link...
Gold class in a foam gun sucks unless you are using a pressure washer. Get the DP Extreme soap. Just look on the Autogeek site and get on there forum and you will learn alot of stuff from what to get and not to get. Thats where I get all my stuff from. There customer service is the best in the business.
Clay bar is what makes or breaks it. It makes SUCH a huge difference.

-- My family owns a detailing product company and Ive used ALOT of different stuff. Basically I have found the best to be clay,polish, wax (the brand does matter) :). Im thinking about becoming a vendor on this site to sell our stuff. Also to help people out with how to do everything. Im going to be selling a "All in one kit"

Which clay do you prefer? I like the Mothers. Makes your finish feel like satin....I love it.

The perfect 10 release spray is awesome for the interior, no film or grease feeling, just soft leather and smooth clean dash. /The scent is to die for too!

Which clay do you prefer? I like the Mothers. Makes your finish feel like satin....I love it.

The perfect 10 release spray is awesome for the interior, no film or grease feeling, just soft leather and smooth clean dash. /The scent is to die for too!


Well, I use our own brand of clay bar. The key to making clay bar work is the lubricant you use. Alot of people dont realize that you NEEEEEED lube. It has a sort of solvent in it. Any highend clay bar will work. For the name brands, I do prefer mothers.

-- As far as interior goes, I LOVE our stuff because it is water-based. <<< Doesn't attract dirt and doesn't leave it slippery as HELL >>>
Well, I use our own brand of clay bar. The key to making clay bar work is the lubricant you use. Alot of people dont realize that you NEEEEEED lube. It has a sort of solvent in it. Any highend clay bar will work. For the name brands, I do prefer mothers.

-- As far as interior goes, I LOVE our stuff because it is water-based. <<< Doesn't attract dirt and doesn't leave it slippery as HELL >>>

Exactly on target about the lubricant! I'd love to try yours especially if you feel it tops mothers - but the key is the lub no doubt, combined with an properly applied even stroke with precise balanced pressure on the clay. I had my Opalescent (sp?) Mark so clean it was soft to the touch!!!!

Make sure you let me know if you decide to start selling yours!

One bucket with Chamois Mit, Blue Coral Additive, Cold Water / Cold Car in the Shade.

Dry using a Chamois.

Polish with Meguire's #26 Yellow Carnuba.
Hi Tricky - Welcome to LVC !

I just don't get him wet with that crappy car wash water - if he does get wet with rain, I pull him in the garage, wipe him down (use about 10-15 microfibers, never using the same side twice) but even when he isnt wet, I just spray the showroom shine on, wait a minute for it to release the grime. longer if necessary and wipe it off.

I must admit, when caught in winter storms where salt is involved, I spray him like a mad woman, then dry every inch...for days.

Intersting to hear all the products we use. I use one spray bottle for the exterior, one aerosol for the interior and under the hood, tire n wheel cleaner n shiner, that is it.

I usually just went with the one bucket method, sheepskin wash mitt and used a dryblade and some towels to clean my car. I'm thinking about buying a foam lance, and I've recently stepped it up to the two bucket method. Just curious to see how the rest of you make them shine.

Same method, but instead of towels, I finish up the nooks and crannies with the Absorber. I dry the hood, trunk, and roof in front/back strokes only. Doors, Fenders, and quarterpanels I dry top to ground. I never use swirl motions except when waxing. as a result, I have minimial fine scratches. The ones that are there, are almost imperceptible to the eye because of the direction that they flow. Swirl fine clearcoat scratches are a LOT easier for the human eye to see than straight fine clearcoat scratches
Hi Tricky - Welcome to LVC !

I just don't get him wet with that crappy car wash water - if he does get wet with rain, I pull him in the garage, wipe him down (use about 10-15 microfibers, never using the same side twice) but even when he isnt wet, I just spray the showroom shine on, wait a minute for it to release the grime. longer if necessary and wipe it off.

I must admit, when caught in winter storms where salt is involved, I spray him like a mad woman, then dry every inch...for days.

Intersting to hear all the products we use. I use one spray bottle for the exterior, one aerosol for the interior and under the hood, tire n wheel cleaner n shiner, that is it.


haha... I took me awhile to figure out who "him" was... lol

also everyone, try not to ever use a DRY towel. Microfiber is fine, but not a dry old towel you use to shower with.
Wash my own car!! You guys must be crazy, I don't have time to do it myself. With Honey do's, kids in sports, my sorry golf game and bowling. Who's got time to spend 3 hrs cleaning the car. I go to this little hand car wash, pay the $11.00 + $2.00 tip and its done in about 1/2 hr., I drive off.
I wash mine maybe few times a year, but I do detail inside more often myself. As for weekly washing I take it to the best carwash in Long Beach, they do complete hand wash and really take their time with it.
I use mothers clay bar once a year it really makes a huge difference :D
I wash mine maybe few times a year, but I do detail inside more often myself. As for weekly washing I take it to the best carwash in Long Beach, they do complete hand wash and really take their time with it.

Which one? I think I might have been there. You ever been to the one in Newport next to the Ferrari dealership on the PCH?
I couldn't imagine anyone else touching him! Are you guys kidding me!!! I look forward to caressing every sleek line of his body, getting in the tiny little ticklie spots like the trunk groves and door hinges, massaging his dash, using q-tips to get in itty bit interior spots and don't get me started on the leather!!!!....I love cleaning him! speaking of....I've been gone all week and I think someone needs some TLC....tehehe, gotta go ;)

I couldn't imagine anyone else touching him! Are you guys kidding me!!! I look forward to caressing every sleek line of his body, getting in the tiny little ticklie spots like the trunk groves and door hinges, massaging his dash, using q-tips to get in itty bit interior spots and don't get me started on the leather!!!!....I love cleaning him! speaking of....I've been gone all week and I think someone needs some TLC....tehehe, gotta go ;)


Sounds like quite a washing experience.
It is....but I think I enjoy more than he does! lol one thing for sure is he knows when he is blingin' - he drives even better, Weird, all of my Marks have been like that...hummm maybe it's me....naaaaa - lol
It is....but I think I enjoy more than he does! lol one thing for sure is he knows when he is blingin' - he drives even better, Weird, all of my Marks have been like that...hummm maybe it's me....naaaaa - lol

It is an experience i have seen the way Debi Rubs TUX down. :D

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