How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Trump clearly wasn't a perfect POTUS but when compared to what was before and after 45, He was a Marvel comic book hero of monumental proportions. Just like those stupid yet profitable cards he put out.

The dope was is in Irland and says..... "I may be Irish ...but I'm not stupid" ...........................Yah THINK??? Who says that in the host country? Only yours truly. Anyone knocking Trump today as what HE did is delusional. The Libs have fast track the US into utter destruction of the capitalist system along with the limp risted republicans who fancy them selves as nothing less than blow up sex dolls for the deep state apparatchiks. I'm first Gen American who's parents escaped the victorious Bolsheviks of WWII. The home boy Dems have NO IDEA what they are doing to their high standard of living and freedoms pushing these leftist policies of the like of Biden/Obama/ Clintonistas. It was that AH Billy boy who's Ron Brown GAVE the satellite tracking tech Gyros to China for "communication satellites" but the Pentagon screamed bloody murder because it will be exclusive to ICBM targeting. Clinton let it go out to them anyway any Ron Brown was conveniently killed before his being called to give testimony for Congress with his Commerce give away. Face it, Dems and a good portion of Repubs want a one world Gov. Bush 1 spilled it in a speech calling out the NEW WORLD ORDER to come. Nothing new here. AI is the heart beat of the Beast who is soon to hand out your society inclusion numbers. At that point, If I'm still alive, its time to step off this gravy train since it will be loaded with cheese eating rats ready to blow you in for a copy of the Bible or US Constitution found in your possession. History Repeats its self. My Uncle was put in Siberia work camps because they found a Bible in his house after WWII. In reality, the Russians couldnt get at my Father for his war efforts against them, so they took it out on his brother.
Sound familiar to our Feds these days???? God Bless Trump & his family for being the lightning rod that has and is opening the eyes of at least some of the Left who see this imaginary persecution as NOT what America stands for. If you all cant see it for what it means to our foundational freedoms, Its sad this great country has finally met its end in as a world leader of human rights and God given freedoms in print. Its over, only now waiting for China to kick ass around the world in the next few years.
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Face it, Dems and a good portion of Repubs want a one world Gov. Bush 1 spilled it in a speech calling out the NEW WORLD ORDER to come.

Yes he did (and they do).
Bush Sr. mentioned a New World Order in a SOTU address in 1993. It made my skin crawl.

Most people don't understand what that means. The "mark of the beast" is coming fast... and you won't be able to buy or sell anything without it.

People need to do their own research on the United Nations agenda... formerly known as the League of Nations.

This goes back to the great depression (1920's)... and the start of Socialism during the Eisenhower years.

A whole slew of leaders and prominent business people started this a century ago.

I had a list of names in another (much older) thread. The list was surprising.
One former president said during a speech... "there will always be wars and rumors of wars" ... in a poor attempt to quote the Bible... and justify things that were going on at the time.

I THINK... it was Bush Jr. It may take some time to find it. I do remember "Junior" mentioning "the war on terra" (terrror).

Even after decades... we still have a small military presence in Iraq.

I forget who said if we ever get into the Middle East... we will never get out. Whoever it was, they were right.
When I was growing up, My father was a very tuff disciplinarian. He was living in Kiev during the first battle for Kiev during the Barbarossa advance. In 47 days, the Germans wiped out 675,000 Russians killed or missing. Out of the 36 Russian divisions defending Kiev, only half of one division managed to escape. The Wehrmacht triumphantly marched threw Kiev with military song and drums sounding loud as the Ukrainians rejoiced at the demise of the Bolsheviks that ruled over them. That day, my father and thousands of other Ukrainians joined the German ranks to rid the Ukrainian nation of the Russians.
Here will be a history lesson NONE of you have ever been taught. But I will provide you with the truth right from the horse's mouth. ALL of this will come around to how we, Americans find our selves in the place of self destruction today. It has its original roots in the day of Moses and the faction of jews who would be known as the worshipers of the golden calf.
My father was an anti samite. His reasons for this was simple. In his eyes, it was the Jews that starved 6 million Ukrainians in 1936 by Russian made famine. YOUR history wont tell you that the fact is, Czar Romanov was over thrown by Lenin, Trotsky and company who were Socialist jews of wealth. They were a tight nit community of Business families. By 1930's the commanders of the Russian army were via nepotism, commanded by governing class. In my fathers words, a Hebrew speaking Russian has a distinct accent in their Russian pronunciation, and it was them that ordered the murder of entire country side farmers in the Ukraine by the millions.
As a kid, I never took this accusation seriously. But the evidence as my father put it, was the Ukrainian prison guards at a number of the German elimination camps. Why??? It all goes back to the Famin of 1936 by Russian Jews who owned the Russian Government and commanded the divisions that send untold tons of food back to Moscow during the man made famine. My father told me that once they striped a farm of every edible item, a rifle company was posted for 2 weeks to watch the survivors. If they were still alive, they were to be re-interrogated and killed for any remaining food stocks. History is replete with "payback is a B**ch". People can be Evil beyond imagination.
During the 1920's The Socialist Jewish Cabal was busy in Germany setting up the new Weimar Republic that grew out of the ashes of WWI, There money bought up legislative seats in the German Gov and businesses of great importance. Again, according to my father, during that time, only a jew could buy wholesale grain for his bakery, raw materials for clothing and textiles. Germans need not apply. Then the economic bottom fell out and these weathy Jewish businesses were left holding the bag while Germans starved.
Just who were the Socialist jews of the day? watch and listen.......... A closer nit batch of Intelligentsia, the world has never known.
Listen and READ the sub titles of these valiant Jews who are truly "Gods People" and be enlightened all the way to George Soros, the KING Socialist of our day.

Once you let this information settle in, You'll understand that as I found out, my father wasnt, BS-ing me at all! As we can all agree, there are bad people in every walk of national extraction. We all bleed the same and our US constitution / bill of rights is the GOD STANDARD we all must abide by for the survival of the Human race....PERIOD. but it was not so in our history as competition of one against another flourished and still does. There lies the seeds of evil.
After you look threw this next link, You will see TODAY in its infant battle to be reconned with. It will dawn on most that Socialism will gut the nuclear family along with the freedoms we cherish. Please do not interpret this in the wrong light. In general, I and you should have zero animosity for the jews of the world. They, like all peoples have contributed greatly to the love of life and studies across humanity. But be it a Chinese Communist or Socialist of any nature, be on your guard for Freedoms sake.
Here's one that most people already forgot.

This too.
Fauci, Rand Paul get in shouting match over Wuhan lab research

I predict... that the future generations of kids will find themselves sterile and be unable to have kids of their own... due to having the Covid vaccine administered to them.

Keep in mind that the NWO "powers that be" are trying to keep births down... for the sake of "population control".

Paul/Desantis, Desantis/Paul... 2024!!!
Maybe you didn't get the memo? But those balloons were shot down once it was safe to do so and had a more likely chance of being recovered, for counter intelligence purposes.


While my state was not in the travel path of any balloons... there are over 13 million acres of farmground in my state.

I am rural enough that a shopping mall sized balloon could be shot down without any major consequences.

The 2 states listed above... WERE in the travel path of the balloons.

Being that NASA has the scientists and tech to get crippled space shuttles safely back to earth... I think the Govt. can figure out how to drop a couple of balloons safely.

Face it... Biden gave the Chinese massive amounts of intel... by allowing the balloons to travel their course.
Agreed there. But Bush JR should have lost his second term over the manurfactored bullshit that lead us into Iraq.
Jr. was just following in "daddy's" footsteps.

How many people remember the attack on the parking garage... 2 or 3 years before the towers were hit. While there was little damage to it... it gave the terrorists an idea of what they needed to do.

That was a test to see what it would take, to drop the towers.
Charles F Stanley was an intolerant and bigoted man, who did a lot of harm to people with his horrible views on gay people, gay equality rights and even women's rights.

If there's a Christian hell, he surely is in it now. I don't believe in heaven/hell though, that's just man made, imho.
I'm sorry you feel that way. By your statement, you seem to be an Agnostic... not an atheist.

If you made the same comment about a Jewish Rabbi, or Muslim Imam... you would be getting alot of flak from people of those Faiths.

You do realize the 3 prominant faiths are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity... yes? They all believe in the same God, of the Bible, (Old Testament), Torah, and Quran.

IIRC... the next largest religion is Hindu (India). The problem with that is that it is a polytheistic religion. (belief in many Gods).

India is starving for food... while at the same time they have cows roaming the streets (because cows are a god to them). They treat cows better than they do people.

The next prominant faith would be Bhuddism. If you did some study on the Chinese... you would find that they came from the offspring of Ham... one of Noah's sons. There is evidence that the 3 wise men (of the Bible) that came to visit Jesus at his birth... were Chinese astrologers... and the "star" that marked Jesus' birth... was a comet (in about 4 B.C.)... depending on which calendar you use (Julian, Gregorian... etc.)

See... your problem is you see the Bible as a "fairy tale" book... when it is actually a book of the history of many nations.

You are blinded by your atheism, (for whatever reason), which is why I keep telling you that you are ignorant. I don't mean that in a hostile way... but just saying you have no clue.
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To put this more back on track, (Biden and Pelosi)... the secular humanistic movement of the 60's was not good for this country. Sadly, those people are now in charge... and taking this country down a path of no return.

What used to be wrong is now right... and what used to be right is now wrong.

The United States is/has become a Hedonistic society... and anyone who has been "indoctrinated" over the last 3-4 decades has been "programmed" right along with the present leadership.
I'm sorry you feel that way. By your statement, you seem to be an Agnostic... not an atheist.

If you made the same comment about a Jewish Rabbi, or Muslim Imam... you would be getting alot of flak from people of those Faiths.

You do realize the 3 prominant faiths are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity... yes? They all believe in the same God, of the Bible, (Old Testament), Torah, and Quran.

IIRC... the next largest religion is Hindu (India). The problem with that is that it is a polytheistic religion. (belief in many Gods).

India is starving for food... while at the same time they have cows roaming the streets (because cows are a god to them). They treat cows better than they do people.

The next prominant faith would be Bhuddism. If you did some study on the Chinese... you would find that they came from the offspring of Ham... one of Noah's sons. There is evidence that the 3 wise men (of the Bible) that came to visit Jesus at his birth... were Chinese astrologers... and the "star" that marked Jesus' birth... was a comet (in about 4 B.C.)... depending on which calendar you use (Julian, Gregorian... etc.)

See... your problem is you see the Bible as a "fairy tale" book... when it is actually a book of the history of many nations.

You are blinded by your atheism, (for whatever reason), which is why I keep telling you that you are ignorant. I don't mean that in a hostile way... but just saying you have no clue.
I believe I've said as much. But I do feel there's more of a chance of there being some higher power, than the universe being all randomness. Unguided randomness just doesn't make sense to me, I could be wrong though. I just don't believe religions are a valid source of what this higher power is, they're all man made, all religions.

I would get that flak. I also get a lot of flak from Christians for those same or similar views.

I'm fairly well versed on most religions, especially all the major ones, as I find the ethos of each rather interesting. You don't have to be a believer, to educate yourself on their tenets. eg Scientology is a nutty nut show, but is it really nuttier than some stories in the bible. It's not. While Jainism has some truly good and benign viewpoints and beliefs, but alas, I am also not a Jainist.

I don't have to look to India for food related atrocities. In America, despite still being a Christian majority country (though that is going downward) we have people starving as well, yet we literally destroy or let go to waste mega-tons of good food each year to keep the prices at a set point. We treat the pursuit of every single penny better than people.

I don't believe in the "X people came from Japheth and all the people I don't like came from from Ham cos god cursed Ham" viewpoint. It's man made nonsense and anti-science. All humans have a common ancestor, and it goes back further than the 8,000 or so years [young earth] Christians believe.

I 100% do believe the fairy tale aspects of the bible are fairy tales. They're stories meant to teach a lesson, not be taken as real, many are allegories. Sure it is possibly the bible has some data which has roots in real life events, but the bible has been written/interpreted over and over and changed over and over for over 2000 years by humans, and that's just the new testament. So who really knows what was actually there at the start.

I thought we already covered that I am not an Atheist? I don't take offense to you calling me "ignorant", I think you're ignorant deluded, so it's fine/fair :)
To put this more back on track, (Biden and Pelosi)... the secular humanistic movement of the 60's was not good for this country. Sadly, those people are now in charge... and taking this country down a path of no return.

What used to be wrong is now right... and what used to be right is now wrong.

The United States is/has become a Hedonistic society... and anyone who has been "indoctrinated" over the last 3-4 decades has been "programmed" right along with the present leadership.

Rightist love to claim that America is the best whenever there's a Republican president in the Oval, but two weeks after a Democratic sits in the chair, America is magically turned into a doomed and barren wasteland.

Then eventually a Republican wins again and America is great, good and proper, like magic.

Going to give you a solid tip. It's going to be okay. We'll probably all die when the water wars start due to humans litterally poisoning their own water, food and air. But we'll be too old to care or dead by then
Well... I don't see it like that. President Ford really had no legacy... and Carter failed the hostage negotiations.

Reagan was probably the last good President this country had... and the Bush's rode on Reagan's coattails... and failed.

Clinton didn't do anything special (except for Monica and others). Things have been going downhill since.

Proverbs 11:14​

14 Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers.

Proverbs 28:2-26 ERV​

A lawless nation will have many bad leaders. But a smart leader will rule for a long time in a land where people obey the law. A leader who takes advantage of the poor is like a hard rain that destroys the crops. Those who refuse to obey the law promote evil. Those who obey the law oppose evil. The wicked don’t understand justice, but those who love the LORD understand it completely. It is better to be poor and honest than rich and evil. A smart son obeys the laws, but a son who spends time with worthless people brings shame to his father. If you get rich by charging high interest rates, your wealth will go to someone who is kind to the poor. When people do not listen to God’s teachings, he does not listen to their prayers. Those who plan to hurt good people will fall into their own traps, but good things will happen to those who are good. The rich always think they are wise, but a poor person who is wise can see the truth. When good people become leaders, everything is great, but when the wicked rise to power, everyone hides. Whoever hides their sins will not be successful, but whoever confesses their sins and stops doing wrong will receive mercy. People who respect others will be blessed, but stubborn people will have plenty of troubles. An evil ruler over those who are helpless is like an angry lion or a charging bear. A foolish ruler hurts the people under him, but a ruler who hates wrong will rule for a long time. A murderer will never have peace. Don’t support such a person. Honest people will be safe, but dishonest people will be ruined. Whoever works hard will have plenty to eat, but whoever wastes their time with dreams will always be poor. People who can be trusted will have many blessings, but those who are just trying to get rich in a hurry will be punished. It is wrong for a judge to support someone simply because he knows them. But some judges will change their decisions for the price of a loaf of bread. Selfish people only want to get rich. They do not realize that they are very close to being poor. Correct someone, and later they will thank you. That is much better than just saying something to be nice. Someone might steal from their parents and say, “I did nothing wrong.” But that person is as bad as an enemy who smashes everything in the house. Greedy people might sue you in court, but those who trust the LORD are rewarded. It is foolish to be too confident. Those who ask for advice are wise and will escape disaster.

ERV: Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version
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