How do you feel about Biden NOW?

The UAW jobs and manufacturing left and went to Mexico. I won't directly blame Obama for that, but he should have done something to "stop the bleeding". The economy was already starting to slow down back then...

However... the "cash for clunkers" DID hurt lower income people. All it did was make salvage yards very profitable.

Of course... you don't understand that the economy is it's own "animal" ... regardless of who is in office.

But statistically... Obama did lose jobs back in 2009... and onward.
"Statistically", LoL. Obama ranks 6th in job creation, no spinning or twisting of reality will change that fact:

Do your best to keep avoiding these FunFacts regarding jobs:

Number of jobs created by sitting president U.S. 2022 | Statista - 'Obama ranks in at 6th place"

Which President Created the Most Jobs? - 'Obama ranks in at 6th place"

Trump leaves America with three million fewer jobs than when he came to office - "It’s being dubbed as the worst employment creation since the Great Depression"​

"Job creation would have been stronger during Obama's term if Congress hadn't passed sequestration. In his last FOMC meeting, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke noted that these austerity measures forced the government to shed 700,000 jobs in four years. In the prior recovery from the 2001 recession, the economy added 600,000 jobs during the same period." -snip

Obama ranks in at 6th, even with inheriting the 2008 Great Recession from Bush and having his hands tied in his second term. Thanks, Obama.
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You also forget, (or ignore) that years ago... Obama devalued the dollar, and then let China flood the U.S. with cheap Chinese goods.

Was THAT good for the economy??? Why are Socialist, Leftist, Liberals... (and other "ists") sucking on China's teet???

When will the "LEFT" learn that China is NOT our friend!?!?!?
Um, pretty sure it was Nixon that opened up China and it's flood of cheap-o junk to the US market, Rightist.

But that was the "free market" in the works, don't you like the free market anymore?
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"Tucker Carlson Says He Is Interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin"

Be sure to watch Tucker's sick love affair with Putin, and follow the marching orders, Rightist.
you mean insurrection protector.
Being a Trumper means you're defending a guy who was found liable by a jury of his peers of sexual assault, defamation and defaming his sexual assault victim a second time.

Being a Trumper means you're defending a guy facing 91 criminal charges tied to trying to steal the 2020 election, starting an insurrection, stole classified documents and a slews of other crimes.

These people are deplorables.
Imagine being a Far-Right douche bag like Peter Doocy and getting your ass handed to you on the world stage by an octogenarian.

"Tucker Carlson Says He Is Interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin"

Be sure to watch Tucker's sick love affair with Putin, and follow the marching orders, Rightist.

Fact Check: Putin defends Hitler's invasion of Poland in Carlson interview

Tucker Carlson's interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, posted online on Thursday, began with a 30-minute history lesson from the Moscow leader, who made broad claims about Russia's historical claim to Ukraine.

The controversial interview in Moscow, released on Thursday, sparked a wave of mockery as Putin lectured Carlson, talking through Russian history from the 9th century to the present day.

It's every bit as cringe as any real American would have imagined. Tucker gave Putin a platform to twist reality, twist history and gaslight Americans and Tucker did it while nodding along.

Do wonder if Tucker was paid to betray his own country or if he did it for free.
Of course... USA Today. :rolleyes: how much further left can you get, and still be main stream news.

I thought you liked Taylor Swift.

Still doesn't explain why Biden had Whitehouse docs in his garage.
So this is what I see happening in the future.

Biden's memory (and faculties) are starting to "slip". He recently got the leader of Mexico confused with the leader of Egypt.

This is a conundrum for the left... because that puts Harris in an awkward spot.

So now the Left is trying to figure out how to get Biden quietly out of "office".

The rumor is that somehow Newsome will be "magically" appearing on the ballot some time before the election.

This brings a famous quote to bear... by Sir Walter Scott.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

I can hear and feel the panic of the left... as they try to manipulate these proceedings, in a desperate attempt to keep the Whitehouse.

I don't see it happening, with only a few months til the 2024 election.

Be prepared for some heavy "shyster' manipulations from the left as election time gets close.
So this is what I see happening in the future.

Biden's memory (and faculties) are starting to "slip". He recently got the leader of Mexico confused with the leader of Egypt.

This is a conundrum for the left... because that puts Harris in an awkward spot.

So now the Left is trying to figure out how to get Biden quietly out of "office".

The rumor is that somehow Newsome will be "magically" appearing on the ballot some time before the election.

This brings a famous quote to bear... by Sir Walter Scott.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

I can hear and feel the panic of the left... as they try to manipulate these proceedings, in a desperate attempt to keep the Whitehouse.

I don't see it happening, with only a few months til the 2024 election.

Be prepared for some heavy "shyster' manipulations from the left as election time gets close.

Biden did do that, he slipped and confused two people. That is a fact.

What's also a fact is that you people ignore that Trump does the same thing, arguably more so, where he's confused Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi over and over, thought Iowa was South Dakota, thought Obama was the current President, thought Biden would "plunge the world into World War II" etc.

Apparently these type of slips disqualify Biden but not Trump, who is only a few years younger. Such are Rightist double standards.

ps It's "Newsom" and he'll be running for the Democratic nomination in 2028. Already told you this.
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Hey... like I have told you before (time and time again) I am a moderate.

Nothing personal (this time) but Biden is now not fit to be President.

Hell... I'll probably just as goofy as he is... If and when I make it to 80.
Well... you predicted Newsome in 2024. I guess we will see what happens.

Either way... Harris put her foot in her mouth by saying Biden had all of his faculties... which makes Biden culpable for the documents he had at his house (garage).

The truth sucks... doesn't it???
Hey... like I have told you before (time and time again) I am a moderate.

Nothing personal (this time) but Biden is now not fit to be President.

Hell... I'll probably just as goofy as he is... If and when I make it to 80.

Point: But Trump is fit to you people, despite making the same slips, in an even greater number and more deranged fashion. Weird how that works.
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Well... you predicted Newsome in 2024. I guess we will see what happens.

Either way... Harris put her foot in her mouth by saying Biden had all of his faculties... which makes Biden culpable for the documents he had at his house (garage).

The truth sucks... doesn't it???

I said Newsom would run in 2024 if Biden had chosen to not seek a second term, otherwise he would run in 2028. Thus far I am correct.

In your mind where you twist facts it does, but in the real reality where most of us live, Biden's been cleared of his classified documents probe.

Reality sucks for you, why you avoid it so often.

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