Holly crap!!!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 31, 2006
Reaction score
Green Bay

Um, I was searching for something and came across...


I have to admit, I like it. I would not do it the same, but I like it.
i like it, i would also like to see the shaved version of a solid painted mark. i think if i had that much money (time) i would not spend it on painting my mark, but to each there own.
That guy was on tccoa a few years ago with a tbird that had basically one purple stripe painted down each side, and he called it "custom paint". I guess he decided to actually do some custom painting this time.

Here's his website
LOL that thing is dam ugly.
You would think Calvin would have banned him just because of the paint.
Everything looks good except the lack of tint on the back windows....... and I would of used a color other then the blueish green (Maybe a white,or redish color) Other then that you must give this guy props on the quality of the job at least from the pictures
that car popped up once about a year ago i remember seeing it.

As in when he started? He says he just got it done.

I know some dont like it, but i do, just not the colors so much. I think for a show car its nice.
I have to respect him for the custom work he did, and the quality of it.

I wouldn't do it to my car..
well it was on that very same board, posted like a year ago but i'm thinking it was a rendering of that very paint job, i think what i saw posted was a photoshop when he was thinking of a paint job, but the picture looks exactly the same. who knows, who cares too why am i rambling on, it looks horrible.
Do better? Awww.. does Jamie feel upstaged? LOL Just kidding :)

On another note, I should send you my old bike to get painted! It looks exactly like this one, of course I would ship without any components attached. Its carbon fiber.

Definitely admire the time and work put into it. Why spend all that money when your headlights still look like poo.
The headlights are tinted, but the bright sun makes then look "off".
Yeah they do look a little off. A set of super clear lsc housings would make it look newer.
I give the guy props, it is a rather clean looking car, if you follow the link you can look at more shots of the car. He probably spent a pretty penny on that car and although I like the air brush work from afar, if it's not done by someone good at it, it can turn out looking like crap up close. This appears to be a really good job though.

I like the FN10 airbrushed into the inside of the drivers door. I was quite surprised to see a pretty bone stock interior though, and the prairie is not my favorite of colors on our cars. I say, go all out or go home!

I'm not quite sure why he airbrushed the word "continental" onto the trunk lid.

I'm a little curious as to why he ran his power wire up under the wiper cowl!

It appears that he used quite a bit of bondo and filler to shave the emblems and the side moldings. Probably wouldn't have been my first choice of product to use in those locations but then again, I'm not a body man.

Overall, it's a fairly clean looking car, not exactly my taste but to each his own.
I'm not quite sure why he airbrushed the word "continental" onto the trunk lid.

Most Marks of the past had that. I am on the fence about that also....
This guy actually works at a John Deere implement dealer and took home some left over paint.

It it was a different color, it would not look as bad. Not my style.

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