got nabbed for tinted windows

while radar detectors (and police scanners) are legal in most States, it is ILLEGAL in all of them to use either in an attempt to avoid being caught commiting a crime. I.E. a thief using a scanner to run away from a burglery when he hears the call sending the cops his way. If you had admitted you used it to speed, he would have had you. have illegal tint, you know you have illegal tint, you get ticketed for it and you complain about the officer. Stop breaking the law and you won't have this 'problem' again.

I wish that for once, someone would take responsibity for their actions and accept the consequences of their acts. Being stopped for 20 minutes was a direct result of the illegal tint.
Fla02LS said:
I just reread the entire thread again and i think the whole thing is comedic.

"I would read the law you were cited for and determine how you think it might apply. "
No offense, but I dont think it really matters how he feels it applies.

"If it does not apply then I would call his department and find out if this enforcement of the obstructed windshield law is department policy" want him to call the police captian and ask if its policy for the cops to enforce a traffic law? I want to be there to hear that one.
I know it is fun to pick things out and ridicule, but to be clear, what I was trying to convey was that if he did not believe he violated the law after having read exactly what it said, he should determine if it was that department's enforcement policy to cite the his placement of the Radar Detector as being an obstruction. (not enforce traffic law) If so, his only other option was to go to court and fight the citation. If the department involved reviewed the citation and determined that the law was miss-applied in his case they may pick up the citation. Departments will do this to avoid going to court on what they perceive to be a CS citation. It goes to maintaining credibility with the court. BTW most police departments have a complaint process, You would in most cases be referred to the officer's immediate supervisor, not his Captain.

I do not know where he had his detector mounted, nor do I know how big it was. Most detectors are mounted above the rear view mirror and not in a way that obstructs the view of the driver. Having said that, as in every thing else when it comes to the law, it all depends on the exact wording of the law and how the courts in that jurisdiction actually interpret the law.
Just be glad you don't live here:

"Could criminals walk free in New Orleans?
Wouldn't it be a strange and disturbing twist if the same storm that killed more than a thousand innocent people ended up freeing thousands of criminals? Dangerous criminals, like child molesters, rapists, even murderers.

As we found out, Louisiana is the only state in the country that relies on traffic fines to fund its public defender program. Because nobody was driving or parking after the storm, the office lost 70 percent of its funding and had to lay off 36 of its 42 lawyers.

Also tonight, you'll hear the story of a confessed killer who strangled a woman in New Orleans back in 2003. Come December, if his case hasn't been heard, he can walk free, even though he told police he needs to get off the street before he kills again.

We contacted the Louisiana attorney general's office for comment, but they haven't returned our calls." -

Here's a good rule - never let a police car get behind you. I've had them slow down in front of me and I slowed down with them. No problem.
Has anyone ever had their butt saved by having a speed detector? By the time they shoot the laser, it's too late. that ticket with dis

:D :D

Police get on my damn nerves. To be a cop here is not too difficult. I went to a police academy graduation here last year cause one of my gf's guy friends was graduating.....I didn't want to go to that :q:q:q:q cause I hate being around police but she made me :shifty: Most of the guys there were f*cking losers. I was like "great, future cops". You could tell all of them were the types that got picked on in school growing up and now they're gonna take it out on someone. Seriously. How do I know this? Cause one of my f*cking cousins is a cop and he was a fat, WWF t-shirt mullet wearing kid that ALWAYS got picked on. Well he is a cop and is a total DICK. He told his mom that he would even give her a ticket.........and he was serious.

There, now everyone has some cheese to go with there "whine"...

wow there is so much garbage on this thread now I don't even know where to reply.

bottom line is I'd love to own up to my violation and pay the fine, he shoulda gave me a tint ticket and I would have been happy to pay it and I wouldn't have bitched about it. I'd "pay the tax of having a radar detector" I've done it before and will do it again. Also the fact that he walked away from me twice it what got me most angry.

I agree the fact that radar detectors are legal does NOT mean they are permitted to obstruct your view but the technicality could be argued it in court.

LuxurySportCoupe my windows are a mirror tint I don't know how what that equals in % dark tint but I think any tint at all is illegal in NJ so the less % the better.

I have been pulled over many times before with this radar detector and never had this problem. The detector is hanging 6 inches up the windsheild from the dash board in the center of the windsheild under the mirror. Being 6' 3" I see right over it and can see the hood of my car. it has never been in my way I have never needed to try to look around it or past it to see the road.

Fla02LS, dude, I just posted a little innocent gripe, you went all crazy ripping it and other peoples posts apart, don't you have better things to do? In response to all your rants:

I question the obstruction charge because what I was guilty for was the tint. If I would have gotten a tint ticket I would blame myself and the tint. But now I blame the cop. I hope you get screwed by a cop just once and maybe you'll see what it's like. I'm not running, I'm not trying to get out of it, the $60 for the tint ticket is no big deal and that’s what I'm going to pay. I'm going to court and will try to explain things and try to get the charge amended to a tint charge cause that’s what I deserve - every cent of it. And BTW I had an apologetic attitude at first but then he ignored me and walked away. And you talk about a model citizen, aren’t cops supposed to be role models? You said it, you are arrogant and an ahole. As I said I'd be happy to accept my actions, I owe a fine for my tinted windows...let me pay it damn it! Asking me what the radar detector was for was entrapment. He was looking for me to say "for when I speed" so he could charge me for that too.

Jersey cops do seem pretty bad, but I don't have much to compare to... I'd like to think I'd have my share of wrong doings by them. Although… Fla02LS has got me thinking they were all really my fault and I have been blind all these years. One time I got pulled over for stopping at a green light. There was traffic congestion in the intersection so I stopped and waited for it to clear. This was a different car which was totally legal. The cop was right behind me and pulled me over because he "thought it was peculiar I was waiting at a green light." In this case he let me go with a warning, no fine.

so Fla02LS pick this post apart too, I'm sure you can, heck I'm sure I could do the same thing, its easy to take the other side of an argument, I just don't think I could do it while being such an ahole.

in any case I'm done with this thread I'm not respoding anymore to anything anyone says.

can some moderator lock this thread after he responds
jokken said:
can some moderator lock this thread after he responds

Please, and about three others :rolleyes: I know they're real light on the moderation here, but really folks. Since posts like these have nothing to do with the LS, other than driving it at the time, there is no reason to post these here.

People want help with traffic tickets... or
I have gotten pulled over for going 46 in a 35 in my 85 Mustang GT convertible when I was 16. I have gotten pulled over for going 79 in a 55 in my 90 Mustang GT convertible (knocked down to 65 in a 55) when I was 17. I have gotten pulled over for going 79 in a 65 in a dealer LS that my parents owned when I was 19. I deserved everyone of those tickets because I was speeding. The first and third cop were not very nice. The second was nice. And you know what? I could really care less about getting pulled over. I haven't gotten pulled over for nearly 5 years........and why? Because I don't do anything that is going to draw attention to myself. I don't have a radar detector and I don't need one. I really don't understand what some of you all are thinking by saying you didn't deserve to get pulled over.......if there was one and only one thing that you were doing wrong, you deserved to get pulled over. If you get pulled over and didn't do/don't have anything illegal, then you shouldn't worry about it.
Fla02LS said:
I just reread the entire thread again and i think the whole thing is comedic.

"show up in court, always challenge those summons because half of the time the cop is a no-show, or stands a very good chance of losing against a well prepared review. i know it's a hassle and theoretically you shouldn't have to go in the first place"
Shouldnt have to go ?? Hassle ?? What.....Is that a joke?

I said theoretically he shouldn't have to go in the first place. Sorry, Dad, I guess I should have clarified that a bit! The hassle involved in contesting minor traffic violations and inconsequential misdemeanors is worth more $$ for the defendent in time spent, gas spent driving to the location and back, losing work, and the overall pain in the ass of going to a court, waiting your turn, paying your fees and all the rest. If you disagree this is a hassle, I seriously would question if you've ever been to court or not.

And he shouldn't THEORETICALLY have to go (in other words, in an ideal world he would never have received that violation in the first place) because those sorts of infractions should be dealt with on the spot without any court involvement. If I was a judge, I'd rather sit at home and play pick up sticks with my buttcheeks than go to work to hear some kid's case about how his radar detector is 0.008mm smaller than 94% of other detectors and the legality of it all. This is a waste of taxpayer money to have a high income public official sit through garbage like that. Thus, the usage of my word theoretical. Look it up some time!

I agree with the general sentiment that this thread has turned into garbage... but any thread bashing cops or tickets will result in that, as I've learned here and elsewhere over the years. You're kind of asking for it because you know half the people are cops or friends of cops and will always rise to the challenge of someone's insults.
Here in Puerto Rico Cops tried to confiscated my V1 but i told them to show me a law that established that and a warrant for confiscation and all of the sudden the Cop tells me: "Have a nice day sir" he didnt even answer my questions.I was like WTF!!!!????
welcome to jersey lol. try the pallisades cops. i got a ticket yesterday for checking my cell phone at a red light so the officer assumed i was making a call, when he pulled me over, i have tints and everyone with tints should do the same, i rolled down my windows and waited for the officer. basically he told me its illegal in NY to use a cellphone while driving, im from miami and my license and reg. is from there, so i said ok i wasnt talking on my cell i was looking to see if i missed any calls due to my cell phone having a mind of its own, so basically when he gave me my ticket he also reached in my back window and started moving clothing on hangers i guess to check my vehicle so i was like what the heck are you doing, and started pulling out my stack of pba and state trooper cards where hey basically saaid oh you know cops, kinda like oh sh#$ and walked away and drove off, anyways ill be fighting it in court but basically fight em chances are youll win and save some money for those expensive gas hikes!
jokken said:
in any case I'm done with this thread I'm not respoding anymore to anything anyone says.

can some moderator lock this thread after he responds

Now thats being a little ridiculous. And i'm done bashing any remarks. Opinions can be taken too seriously within a forum, i made mention of things people have said about me and how it doesnt bother me and shouldnt you. You posted your "issue" on a public forum so expect feedback of all kinds or dont post stuff like that. This thread has relevence cause it was in his LS and tint is a "customization"..... thats a long shot but o well. The bottom line with all this is that there are tons of little things that everyone does everyday that violate some form of traffic law. Its the basis of why out of all the "violations" going on with evryone else did YOU get picked. And most feel they got picked unfairly. But if there is a law, and your action violates it, and its observed by a cop, then expect a consequence. If it doesnt happen then its a bonus, but doesnt mean you didnt do something wrong. Technically, you should have recieved two tickets for BOTH the tint and the radar, they both were in violation, but you didnt. And even though i admit the arrogant/ahole thing, i am not claiming to be a perfect law obiding person. One of my two vehicles has "illegal" tint(not the LS). I know that i could get popped at any time. But here is some real world stuff. I drove that car with illegal tint for over three years and never got stopped, i even got pulled over once and not only was the tint not questioned but i didnt get the speeding ticket either. Within three MONTHS of driving that same car my wife got a ticket for tint. Why? She was speeding and the cop gave her the lesser of the tickets. I also am not advocating cops and their actions, but just amazing at most people's view on breaking a law. Its quite scary that so many people feel they didnt do anything wrong.
Talk about some major garbage posted here...some people are just asses. Put your Radar detector above the rear-veiw mirror. I can see how he could write you for the radar detecter even though it was a pretty cheap call. If your radar detector is up high and out of the way, then there isn't much a cop can do about it (if it's legal of course), because technically, the only thing in the way is the wire cord, and that would be more challengable then the actual detector. Just "pay up" on this one. How much was your ticket anyway? It couldn't have been alot.

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