God I hate illegals!

I do vote, however my vote is pointless because the system is a scam set up to make the people think they have a say in government. The elite choose who does what, who gets in office, and what actions they take while in power.

Democrats vs Republicans is a system set up to put a rift in the population. They want to keep us from becoming united, because a unified united population is a population that has control of their government.

Is this the kind of crap you're learning in your philosophy classes?

If so, you might want to review the founding of the country, and see how the divisions came about.

Hint: it had nothing to do with making the people 'think they have a say in government'. Perhaps the dumbest thing anyone's said about the 'system' as it was set up ever. :rolleyes:

Absolutely right! There is SO much going on behind the scenes that the majority of the population is unable to wrap their minds around it...but that's not their fault, they have become part of the cervial zombie population via psychotropic drugs and vaccinations. Their genetic code has been altered through planned eugenics in order to make them accept their destiny as a slave to the system. In other words, they are incapable of logic.

"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species." "A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton." - Bertrand Russell

Read Schumpeter.
Is this the kind of crap you're learning in your philosophy classes?
If so, you might want to review the founding of the country, and see how the divisions came about.

Hint: it had nothing to do with making the people 'think they have a say in government'. Perhaps the dumbest thing anyone's said about the 'system' as it was set up ever. :rolleyes:
Read Schumpeter.

Yeah I'm learning about this in philosophy class :rolleyes:

Apparently you know nothing of the usage of eugenics to water down the dna of the non-elite, and also their ploy to use pharmaceuticals and vaccinations to alter your genetic code from birth. Yeah that stuff is all fake too right? :rolleyes:

Also the usage of the two party system was used by the elite to put the people against each other, although that wasn't our forefathers original intention, it was was what it was ultimately used for by the later corrupted officials. I'm not going to go into a play by play and have this retarded back and forth with you about what reality is. If you're interested in reality, pm me and I'll provide you TONS of information via a multitude of links...otherwise I'm not going to waste my time.
In your first example, Hackbert won his case. I didn't look at the others, however many folks are arrested and fined for flipping the bird, but it would appear that anyone wishing to pursue the case up the through the courts will ultimately be aquitted. And, for good measure, cities that display a pattern of abuse of these types of arrests have been fined.

I would seriously doubt that the SC will ever hear a case on someone giving the middle finger. So most lower court rulings will stand, and they appear to back a freee speech usage of that particular digit.

If you didn't read, it is against the law in Alabama to flip the bird even if higher court have ruled it "legal". There is a gray area and totality of circumstances comes into play:

"Hackbart, in this instance, was expressing his frustration and anger when he gestured with his middle finger to both the driver behind him and to Elledge," Cercone wrote. "Both gestures are protected expressions under the First Amendment,unless they fall within a narrowly limited category of unprotected speech such as obscene speech or fighting words."
You may have the freedom of expression in some circumstances, but you have to pay the price of the response. Since totality of actions comes into play, it is best as I said earlier to just let it go and go on your way since the person you gave the bird to might not appreciate your right and kick your ass or put a bullet in your brain.
If you didn't read, it is against the law in Alabama to flip the bird even if higher court have ruled it "legal". There is a gray area and totality of circumstances comes into play:

A State can pass any law it desires. As can a locality. It falls to the Federal courts to determine the consitutionality of the law, based on SC precedent. Or, a state court that doesn't have it's head up it's butt. ;)

Bottom line is that it's unlikely that a case involving the sole charge of giving the finger to someone would come before the SC, simply because they have ruled on 'gestures'.

As part of a larger case, perhaps, but not as a stand alone issue.

You may have the freedom of expression in some circumstances, but you have to pay the price of the response. Since totality of actions comes into play, it is best as I said earlier to just let it go and go on your way since the person you gave the bird to might not appreciate your right and kick your ass or put a bullet in your brain.

Good advice, but not on point. :)
Yeah I'm learning about this in philosophy class :rolleyes:

I have to make that assumption, you haven't really offered anything else beside philosophy and criminology. And this is the type of daffy bull:q:q:q:q that would come out of most universities.

Apparently you know nothing of the usage of eugenics to water down the dna of the non-elite, and also their ploy to use pharmaceuticals and vaccinations to alter your genetic code from birth. Yeah that stuff is all fake too right? :rolleyes:

Holy moly....

Also the usage of the two party system was used by the elite to put the people against each other, although that wasn't our forefathers original intention, it was was what it was ultimately used for by the later corrupted officials.

Somewhere in your education, either in history, sociology or philosophy, you're going to come across the reasons why folks with the same self interests get together and act upon those interests. They make and break associations with other groups for short term gains while trying to improve their own standing in society. And the interplay between groups with opposing self interests is what makes our political world go round.

Using crappy analysis like 'the elites set us up against each other' is intellectually lazy. One doesn't have to actually think very hard to come up with a sophmoric reason for strife in the political system, actually doing the work to identify causes and effects takes a bit more effort.

I'm not going to go into a play by play and have this retarded back and forth with you about what reality is. If you're interested in reality, pm me and I'll provide you TONS of information via a multitude of links...otherwise I'm not going to waste my time.

I'm going to get an education in eugenics and dna manipulation.....should I bring the tin foil, or do you have your own? :D

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