Fail of... beyond epic...proportions

It's all so ridiculous that it must be a hoax, right? Lol. Surely, nobody could be that dumb - especially with 19xx posts on that board.

Most likely.
It's "cool" to have an epically popular thread like that, especially since that cruel "girlfriend with my import car" picture thread on the homo-body builder website a few months ago.
Most likely.
It's "cool" to have an epically popular thread like that, especially since that cruel "girlfriend with my import car" picture thread on the homo-body builder website a few months ago.

Dare I ask?

When I read that, I was more thinking of the thread on the RSX forums a year or two ago in which the wing was installed backwards.
Sorry guys...

Um... no!

Nothing will ever top The Claw!

Cliff notes here.

But it is worth the 3 hours reading all 79 pages.:D


Claw Owned (600 x 457).jpg

For those who didn't click on TicTac's link:

"A narp (short for "intake narp") is a valve under your intake that controls differential pressure and vacuum flow across your intake valve. It is critical that your narps be properly calibrated to your engine displacement. Nissan had a run of improperly calibrated narps that caused a cylinder reversion problem. Luckily they corrected that problem in 1993. There are still many Nissans out there with improperly sized narps.

Ask that guy Pauly Walnuts. I warned him about it, but he didn't believe me. He bought the teflon coated narps. I told him to get the hardened titanium ones. He didn't take my advice. His cylinder reversion was so pronounced that it caused his timing chain to break. He tried to save money and it cost him more in the long run.

Worst part about the teflon coated narps is that the teflon wears out over time. This causes the flow pattern around the narp to expand and cause cylinder reversion. There are few mechanics that truly understand narp function, much less diagnose it."

I suddenly like 240 guys a hell of a lot more now, lol. That's priceless.
That narp :q:q:q:q was funny, i read it to. They tell the kid about it on page 12- 0r 13. Narp Not A Real Part. LMFAO They even posted some narps on ebay for him to buy.
i love the one about the guy who poured a bag of sand into his intake to port his bmw don't have the link thow it was so funny

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