Ever had a girl drop nail paint on the leather and she's so hot u cant get mad?

call me crazy, but does she have any black nail polish (as in the same color that the seat is)
rubbing alcohol

search the net for solutions, rubbing alcohol comes up many times
DO NOT USE NAIL POLISH REMOVER, as it will mess up the leather

no girl is hot enough to keep me from slapping the sh!t out of her for something like that

nail polish remover kills the original oils in the leather, but if you use a small amount to remove paint, and add some leather oil to the spot, it should even out
From a source online:

"If you have fingernail polish try acetate. Blot the chemical onto the nail polish spot using a Q tip trying not to touch the leather with the acetate and then blot with a towel and repeat, keep on doing this until stain is gone (will take a long time)

From a carpet cleaner of 14 years"

Now, from what I've been reading, is that any sort of household chemical that will remoev the polish will also remove the pigment from the leather. So, you are kind of between a rock and a hard place here. As the quote in the begining of this post says, use a q tip and only touch the nail polish, not the seat.

I know this will sound stupid, but maybe try taping off the spot as best you can to limit any potential damage. I'm wondering if there is something you could put on the seat to prevent the chemical from coming into contact with.
Idk yet man.. but, let's say I want to keep the pain ok? Now if I leave it on for a couple of weeks, with the heat down here it should begin to peel off by just sitting on it. If I dont see it coming up within a few weeks I will scratch it with a plastic spoon and then.. we'll see. Thank you all for the support!
Idk yet man.. but, let's say I want to keep the pain ok? Now if I leave it on for a couple of weeks, with the heat down here it should begin to peel off by just sitting on it. If I dont see it coming up within a few weeks I will scratch it with a plastic spoon and then.. we'll see. Thank you all for the support!

Your patients are strong grasshopper!

I would put a hair dryer on that sumbiothch and get to scrappin asap but im
just like that.

Good luck, And for gods sake get us some more pics of the lady friend!

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