Clinton could have stopped 9/11

FreeFaller said:
another Dem who thinks President Clinton had everything to do with the economic boom of the 90's.
Clinton did! After all, it was his Vice-President that invented the Internet.

All I know is I have another 27 years of losses to write-off from the great Clinton years. Figure in all the phantom stock gains, you know, the wild speculation that created taxable offenses, had to be paid into the treasury. These taxes supposedly created the huge surpluses and closed the deficite gap. Then this same wild speculation created all the losses when the Clinton bubble hit, shrinking the treasury. Didn't Enron and companies all grow to their gigantic size on Clinton's watch? More smoke and mirrors from the left.

There are so many points to dissect and discredit on Silver02Sport's post that I just don't have the time. I need help. Everybody pick one point and have it. Kind of a divide and conquer thing.
Silver02Sport said:
Ok I’m new here so I should keep my mouth shut but when I here stuff like this I just can’t. Clinton said on many occasions he wanted to get Bin Laden both in and out of office but there where no grounds what would you have liked for him to do send a SEAL team to kidnap a citizen of a foreign country just because we don’t like them that’s not what this country is about and if we did we would turning the bill of rights into nothing more then toilet paper while making us into the biggest hypocrites in the world next to the church. He did how ever make sure the CIA knew his every movement then W gets put in office and when told about the danger of Bin Laden and Al-Quadia he says but what about Iraq when told there is nothing to worry about in Iraq he fired the people that would not tell him what he wanted to here ignored the warnings of imminent threat. Then as soon as he could he returned his attention back to where it had always been finishing what his dad started the Downing Street Memo’s have proven that. Once agen though he ignored and fired those who did not tell him what he wanted to here. The Chef UN weapons inspector repeatedly said there where no WMD's but did Bush listen no he was told they would need a lot more boots on the ground then they had planed by some of his top generals he did not like it so he fired them. In the end all Clinton ever did was push us in to one of the best economic times we have ever seen got unemployment and crime to recored lows and got a blow job He will go down as one of the best pres. ever, Bush on the other hand has distroyed everthing Clinton the econamy is in shambiles unemploment is up and other then england world hates us now. W will go down as the WORST pres. in history

And just for the record with as much stress as the job has I HOPE HE WAS GETTING BJ's besides it was an issue between him and his wife there was no reason for it to become what it was other then it was the only dirt the GOP could find to attack with.

Ok, let's see, where to begin. Oh yes, Clinton wanted to get Bin Laden but there were no grounds. Let's see, how about all the terrorsim that he has been involved in for years and years. Ok, yeah, but atleast Clinton "wanted" to get him. Let's see, Bill of Rights. hmmmmm, ok, so a terrorist gets rights under our Bill of Rights, even when he's not an American citizen. Ok, I'll stop on that one because that's too easy. NEXT!! Ok, biggest hypocrites in the world next to which church? I'm Catholic, and well aware of the hypocrisy, but when you say church, I don't even know in what facet you are talking about. ANYWAYS. Ok now, so Bush said oh forget the guy who bombed us on 9/11 and said let's go JUST after Iraq, right? hmmmm. Ok, have they been serving "special" brownies with the blue kool aid too? I forgot about the Afghanistan thing we did, and oh yeah capturing like, I don't know, like hundreds of terrorists around the world, NOT JUST IN IRAQ. Let's see, what else do we have..... Now I see where we went wrong!!! We have been listening to the official UN COOK!! No wonder our country is so f'd up. Stupid Bush, don't listen to chefs!! Best economic times???? From Clinton?????? Oh, I beg to differ my friend!!!! Please refer to the numerous discussions we have had on this topic. Just search for "more bs about the economy". What you will find is that we have proven that the housing boom was the affect of neither president, actually of the poor economy which was caused by 9/11!!! Gee, it's funny how 9/11 coincided with the bad economic era, but ya know, it must have been Bush's fault. Ok, by the way, how many jobs have been created in the past year? I forget, but I'll let you look it up because I'm lazy right now. Oh, all Clinton did was get a blow job??? Ever see Black Hawk Down? Yeah, how many of our troops died during Clinton's reign, and we weren't even at war!!! This time around we are actually spreading democracy, and doing something positive, and you libs can't take it because you want the whole world to be a socialist state!!!!! And let me tell you, Clinton will go down in history the same as Jimmy Carter. Bush will be more akin to Reagan, but since you guys still can concede that Reagan was great, then well, ya know. Eat a biscuit or something.
Yeah, what did Bin Laden call the United States under President Clinton...

I believe he said we were a paper tiger. All growl no claws. Yeah, the world really respected the hell out of us didn't they...

The US under clinton was like the cool uncle. Always letting you get away with sh!t and not controlling the situation. So now that daddy has come home with his belt and got to whoopin', a bunch of crybabies think we're jerks. Well you know what...I don't give a made your lie in it.
Yup. Bin Laden was pretty much served up to Clinton. But we all know what Clinton did... 'No Thank You'

From ABC News…"Federal agents seeking bin Laden had developed a plan to have a plane fly in and attack a compound in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where the terror leader was believed to have been holed up back in 1998 — three years before the devastating attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But when the plan went up the chain of command for approval, it was killed by then-Attorney General Janet Reno. 'They came to the decision that this plan was probably too dangerous, that the loss of life on the ground would have been significant,' (former FBI agent Jack) Cloonan said. 'There was concern that people around the bin Laden compound would be killed.'"

Obviously the Clinton success at the Waco Compound in Texas weighed heavily on their decision here. This is exactly why you can't have a Democrat in the Presidency. Too wishy-washy and touchy-feely.

~ and ~
Bill Clinton quoted after his Presidency: "I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him."

I love how you libs always try to excuse Clinton's immorality by any number of ways:

1. It was private (Oval Office is a public office)
2. He was under stress (Tough crap. Stand up and be a man and a role model, for cryin' out loud)
3. Hillary drove him to it (can't argue with that one)

For the record, in saying that the infidelity was the only thing the Republicans could dig up, you ignore that Clinton:

1. Exposed himself to Paula Jones
2. Raped Juanita Broaddrick
3. The aforementioned flurry with fluffy Monica
4. Lied under oath
5. Was found in contempt of court and fined by a judge
6. Was disbarred and fined in 2001 by the Arkansas Supreme Court
7. Was found guilty of violating the Privacy Act by leaking private correspondence of Kathleen Willey, whom he had sexually assaulted
8. Sold ballistic missile tech to the ChiComs while accepting their campaign money
9. Had picture taken with known drug trafficker
10. Accepted money contributions from a KGB spy

And the list goes on and on...

Man, I love Nixon right about now!
Silver02Sport said:
Ok I’m new here so I should keep my mouth shut

Not necessary. You have some supporters. We're just tired of the same old crap coming out of this group.

Best of luck. Grow a thick skin. These guys are brutal but they can't see past their blinders.

I agree, GWB is the "WORST PRESIDENT EVER". I don't know if I'd agree that Clinton was the best. That's a stretch.
barry2952 said:
I don't know if I'd agree that Clinton was the best. That's a stretch.

Praise de Lawd, I do believe he is seein' de light!

I don't think even Mr. Fantastic can stretch that far.
LOL, dang fossten, eL eS, and MonsterMark, Barry called us brutal!!!! I guess that's a synonym for always right huh??? Silver02Sport, you needn't shut your mouth!! I started on this forum, and have barely shut up since!!! I may rival the lead for most posts a day!! We don't care if you're right or not, that's why we let Barry and Johnny to keep posting, so have no fear!!! It's true, you should have a thick skin if you don't like to be proved wrong over and over, oh and also bring plenty of buscuits!!!! You'll be eatin' plenty!!!!
barry2952 said:


Your mouse must have slipped when you cut and pasted my post. You left out the truth.
You RWW are right, Clinton screwed up. Following your logic, I guess this means that Shrub screwed the pooch in Iraq:

Prewar Memo Warned of Gaps in Iraq Plans
By Bradley Graham
The Washington Post

Thursday 18 August 2005

State Dept. Officials Voiced Concerns About Post-Invasion Security, Humanitarian Aid

One month before the US invasion of Iraq, three State Department bureau chiefs warned of "serious planning gaps for post-conflict public security and humanitarian assistance" in a secret memorandum prepared for a superior.

The State Department officials, who had been discussing the issues with top military officers at the Central Command, noted that the military was reluctant "to take on 'policing' roles" in Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. The three officials warned that "a failure to address short-term public security and humanitarian assistance concerns could result in serious human rights abuses which would undermine an otherwise successful military campaign, and our reputation internationally."

The Feb. 7, 2003, memo, addressed to Paula J. Dobriansky, undersecretary for democracy and global affairs, came at a time when the Pentagon was increasingly taking over control of post-invasion planning from the State Department. It reflected the growing tensions between State Department and Pentagon officials and their disparate assessments about the challenges looming in post-invasion Iraq.

The question of whether the United States planned adequately for the post-invasion occupation echoes today, as the insurgency continues to challenge US policy in Iraq. Many senior State Department officials are still bitter about what they see as the Pentagon's failure to take seriously their planning efforts, particularly in the "Future of Iraq" project.

The memo was one of several documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and made public yesterday by the National Security Archive, a nonprofit research group. Other documents detail the specifics of the Future of Iraq project, which brought together Iraqi exiles and US experts in an attempt to plan for such things as a new banking system, a new military and a new constitution.

In the memo, the three bureau chiefs offered to provide technical assistance to help the Central Command develop new plans to ensure law and order as well as humanitarian aid after the invasion. They said they had also raised the potential problems with retired Army Lt. Gen. Jay M. Garner, who was the first US official to take charge of post-invasion Iraq.

The memo was submitted by Lorne W. Craner, then the assistant secretary for democracy, human rights and labor, who is now at the International Republican Institute; Arthur E. Dewey, assistant secretary for population, refugees and migration; and Paul E. Simons, then acting assistant secretary for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs and now deputy assistant secretary for energy, sanctions and commodities.

The three senior officials said it was "crucial" that the State Department leadership become "strong advocates" for the issues in planning discussions within the administration. "Responsibility must remain with coalition military forces until these functions can be turned over to an international public security force or other mechanism to be defined," the memo said.

But the specific gaps in planning that they identified in the memo were not declassified.

A senior State Department official said yesterday that the memo provided no new information. "This isn't a new story," he said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of department rules. "There's been no shortage of revisiting of decisions made and actions taken."

Let me ask you a question. The world has been fighting for over 30 years to get rid of terrorism now, and it seems that not a whole lot has been accomplished, except in the past few years when we have been catching terrorists by the hundreds. You have countries like Syria, Jordan, Libya, etc.... who are teaming with people who have nothing better to do than bow their useless/worthless lives away to kill some innocent people to prove, well, I'm really not sure what they prove besides Islam is a stupid religion. Ok, we have all those facts, and you think that the "insurgency(I mean who are we kidding, they are fing terrorists, not insurgents, there shouldn't be any more positive connotaion than that)" should be gone by now?? Well, it will never be gone, and there is NO way to get rid of terrorists!! But what they have now is just about a million times better than what they had!!!! One, they have a government they don't have to be afraid of, and two, they can atleast fight back against the terrorists, something they couldn't do with Saddam!!! Not to mention the fact that Saddam was paying terrorists families when they get blown up??? And you think there is a problem with what we've done? Give me a break!!! I'd like to know if you guys really think the world would have been better off if Saddam was still in power?? And keep your biscuits ready, because we're going to force feed them to you now!
barry2952 said:
GWB is the BEST president in history!!!!!!
Barry, you've come over!!!!!!

disclaimer: this quote has been fabricated by the right wing conspiracy movement. any and all statements contained in this quote have been fabricated to subjugate the american people. the right wing conspiracy is a for profit conspiracy group who's goal is to ruin the world for everyone! we wish to take over the world, and turn America into an imperialist state. if you respond to this message, your name will be put into a database of goodhearted leftwing wonder boys that the RWC will ruin for life. this has been a message from the RWC. The RWC, destroying the planet, one lefty at a time. haha, I bet you lefties wish you could find something like this, huh?
No one on this site has said that it's a bad thing that Saddam is gone. I believe we who hate George BuSh, hate him because he lied to us about why we had to invade. To say that he didn't, is just bull:q:q:q:q. America is waking up.

I love the smell of impeachment in the air. Cheney in '06!!!
barry2952 said:
No one on this site has said that it's a bad thing that Saddam is gone. I believe we who hate George BuSh, hate him because he lied to us about why we had to invade. To say that he didn't, is just bull:q:q:q:q. America is waking up.

I love the smell of impeachment in the air. Cheney in '06!!!

Barry, I think that tops the stupidest thing I've heard this week........
So, what we did is good. Why we originaly did it is bad. hmmmmmm
No offense though, I know that you've just been brain washed by the liberal media and whatnought. I still love ya buddy!!!! Oh, and by the way, you can impeach Bush all day long, but he'll never be taken out of office my friend.
MAllen82 said:
The world has been fighting for over 30 years to get rid of terrorism now, and it seems that not a whole lot has been accomplished, except in the past few years when we have been catching terrorists by the hundreds.
1. Terrorism is a tactic.
2. You mean we've been creating terrorists by the thousands.

MAllen82 said:
But what they have now is just about a million times better than what they had!!!! One, they have a government they don't have to be afraid of, and two, they can atleast fight back against the terrorists, something they couldn't do with Saddam!!!
Yes, welcome to Club Med in Iraq. Over 2 years since numbnutz declared "an end to hostilites" and we have 1500+ more dead troops, how many tens of thousands more dead civilians, and very little progress in restoring the infrastructure we destroyed. People there are lucky to have 1 hour in 6 of electricity or potable water, that ought to really win the hearts and minds!

MAllen82 said:
And you think there is a problem with what we've done?
Yes I do. I can admit Bubba screwed up by not getting Osama when he had the chance. There's not supposed to be a double standard here, admit Shrub screwed the pooch. The Iraq war is a Dismal Failure!!!

"For months, Bush hyped the August 15, 2005 deadline for Iraqis to agree on a new constitution. But as the deadline came and went, the contradictions between the Shias, Sunnis and Kurds over federalism came into sharp focus. The Bush administration admitted that "we will have some form of Islamic republic," according to Sunday's Washington Post.

So much for Bush's promise of a democratic Iraq." INDEED!!!!!!!!!
97silverlsc said:
1. Terrorism is a tactic.
2. You mean we've been creating terrorists by the thousands.

Dude, are you retarded, they'd be created no matter what!! The whole point to Islam is world domination by the sword, what the hell do you think they are doing??? Come on man!!! So, you are going to say that we haven't captured terrorists? Dont' even, because that just throws you over the edge!! Sure, terrorism is a tactic, and guess who has been guilty of it in 90% of the casses? Muslims!!!! Don't try to lighten what they are doing by saying it's just a tactic. They are the dredge of the earth, and Saddam was at the bottom of the heap!!

Yes, welcome to Club Med in Iraq. Over 2 years since numbnutz declared "an end to hostilites" and we have 1500+ more dead troops, how many tens of thousands more dead civilians, and very little progress in restoring the infrastructure we destroyed. People there are lucky to have 1 hour in 6 of electricity or potable water, that ought to really win the hearts and minds!

Ok, so the old government is gone, and by and large, the actual Iraqi citizens are happoer without him. Do you wonder why most of the terrorists are coming from other countries??? I didn't say it was paradise, but neither is this country!!! And that goes for any president!! I'd like you to answer if you think the Iraqis were better off with Saddam in power. Please if nothing else, answer that question.

Yes I do. I can admit Bubba screwed up by not getting Osama when he had the chance. There's not supposed to be a double standard here, admit Shrub screwed the pooch. The Iraq war is a Dismal Failure!!!

Bush wasn't handed UBL on a platter my friend. He's dug into the mountains, and we're trying to find him. We sometimes can't find hikers in the woods who are looking to get out, and you think we should just snap our fingers and have UBL in our hands??? Oh, but no mention of capturing Saddam from you, huh?? That's not an accomplishment? Having elections, and working on a constitution isn't progress?? You my friend need to live a day in Iran or something. Iraq is not a dismal failure!! Is it perfect? Absolutely not, but like I said, it's a million times better than it was under Saddam.
barry2952 said:
I don't know if I'd agree that Clinton was the best. That's a stretch.

A true sign of intelligent thinking and one heck of a person - here's a man who is not blind to the faults of politicians... That even if you like a person everything they do is not perfect!!

Whereas other blind mice will agree with Bush just because they've opened their mouths so much that all they can do to save face is agree with all the lies and bush it...

Hats off to you Barry!!
barry2952 said:
Not necessary. You have some supporters. We're just tired of the same old crap coming out of this group.
It is just like the left. When the going gets tough, the left gets going. Which is the same reason the left is running from Iraq.

barry2952 said:
Best of luck. Grow a thick skin. These guys are brutal but they can't see past their blinders.
Thanks for the compliment. that short for 'MSM koolaid', you know, the stuff you guys guzzle?

barry2952 said:
I agree, GWB is the "WORST PRESIDENT EVER". I don't know if I'd agree that Clinton was the best. That's a stretch.
I laughed my arse off today when I heard the sound clip of Bill Clinton being interviewed and how he was saying he had a "virtual obsession" with Bin Laden.

It is under the "Able Danger" update here...

Sorry to hear it got too rough for you guys. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow.

Best way I can describe it is this. In the movie the 'Matrix', Neo has a choice of taking the blue pill and seeing the real world or taking the red pill and going back to lala land. Those of us on the right took the blue pill becuase we wanted to see the truth, and not in the fashion (spin) the MSM presents it to us. To be heard, we have to fight harder, which we do, because we love this country and don't want it to fail.
The LEFT is a TOTAL joke. But I appreciate the humor.

Here's a teaser...

CLINTON: I remember exactly what happened. Bruce Lindsey said to me on the phone, "My God, a second plane has hit the tower," and I said, "Bin Laden did this." That's the first thing I said. He said, "How can you be sure?" I said, "Because only bin Laden and the Iranians could set up the network to do this, and they wouldn't do it because they have a country and targets. Bin Laden did."

KING: Did you also think at the same time, "We came pretty close to getting him"?

CLINTON: Yeah. I thought that my virtual obsession with him --

RUSH: Oh-oh-hoo! (Laughing.)

CLINTON: -- was well-faced and I was full of regret that I didn't get him. I mean, I immediately thought that he'd done it.

RUSH: (Laughing.) He's sick! (slapping desk) He is sick! (Laughing.) (Impression) "Oh, yeah, yeah, I thought my virtual obsession with him was well-faced." (Laughing.) Can we go back to cut 12 here and listen to Buzz Patterson who was senior military aide to President Clinton, author of Dereliction of Duty? "Colonel, we talk more about what went wrong leading up in the nineties to bin Laden. Is it correct to say the administration took its eye off the ball or realized this is not really a real threat?"

PATTERSON: Yeah. I think, Brian, if you look at the fact that there were eight separate terrorist attacks under President Clinton's watch in the 1990s and I could attest personally that my time at the Clinton White House in '96, they were very well aware of bin Laden -- and also they were well aware of it possibility that Al-Qaeda might use commercial airliners as a weapon.

RUSH: (Clinton impression) "I knew it was bin Laden. I knew it. I tell you what, I thought my virtual obsession with him was well faced, and I fully regret that I didn't get him. I immediately thought he had done it. I never worked harder in my life to get bin Laden, and I cared about him more than George Bush ever did. I knew he was a bigger threat than George Bush ever did." (chuckles) It's stuff like this, folks (chuckles), that makes you live to do this again another day.

barry2952 said:

Your mouse must have slipped when you cut and pasted my post. You left out the truth.

I see, so some of your post was lies, then...?*owned* yet again.
97silverlsc said:
Yes I do. I can admit Bubba screwed up by not getting Osama when he had the chance. There's not supposed to be a double standard here, admit Shrub screwed the pooch. The Iraq war is a Dismal Failure!!!

The Iraq war is NOT a dismal failure. The way we are rebuilding that country is a marvel, and you people are completely unaware of it, b/c you only read newspapers and spout Ted Kennedy's talking points about "terrorist breeding grounds" and "creating terrorists." I mean, come on, if you're going to idolize somebody, why a murderer/drunk/idiot like Kennedy? That's the best you've got? Here, you guys, if you have the balls, read this:

If you guys really have the guts to actually read this stuff, it'll take you DAYS to read about all the good we're doing over there. I bet NONE of you will bother, b/c you're too scared your wittle bubble of lies that you've been fed might pop.

Clinton's lack of balls in getting bin Laden and thus costing us over 3,000 innocent civilians with our backs turned was a DISMAL FAILURE. His whole presidency was a DISMAL FAILURE. The only thing he has to show for his EIGHT YEARS is Presidential lack of dignity and the 9/11 terror attack.

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