Car Started by Itself...very strange! Help please.


LVC Member
Jul 19, 2008
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Ok, this is a weird one. I was adjusting the stereo settings in my 2000 LS with the ignition in the accessory position. When I was done I turned the ignition off and tried to lock the doors via the driver's door button, but nothing happened. It was like the button was dead. I then turned the ignition on and back off and the doors locked fine. I exited the vehicle and proceeded to walk away, when all of a sudden the car started. It is important to note that I do not have any kind of remote start system. I unlocked the doors, got in, put the key in the ignition and turned it back and forth numerous times but the car would not turn off. I finally decided to take it for a ride to see what would happen, but the car shut off as soon as I stepped on the brake pedal. Everything seems fine now. The only thing that I've done recently, is install a 12v accessory outlet under the dash. To do so, I disconnected the negative battery terminal and tapped into the wires of the existing cigarette lighter. Any ideas as to what could have caused this? I'm a little paranoid that the car will just start at any time now.

In a second, unrelated problem...the engine misses when revved to 3000 rpm while in park, but there are no noticeable problems while driving. Any thoughts?

Sorry for the long post. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
You bought this car used? Hitting the brake pedal and the car shutting off certainly sounds like a remote starter is installed.

The 3k in park is the stock rev limiter.
Yea it sounds like theres a remote start.

Last person put one on in my car as well, however I cannot find the fuse for the remote start, they pulled it because they didn't use the feature and they can't remeber where they pulled it from.
You bought this car used? Hitting the brake pedal and the car shutting off certainly sounds like a remote starter is installed.

The 3k in park is the stock rev limiter.

I did buy the car used, but I've had it for 11 months now and this has never happened before.
You bought this car used? Hitting the brake pedal and the car shutting off certainly sounds like a remote starter is installed.

The 3k in park is the stock rev limiter.

+1 on the rev limiter

+1 on the remote starter.. been said already, but dont hurt to repeat it. Remote starter is probably programed into your FOB keypad. Try tinkering around with the buttons pushing each one several times, it would be a nice extra feature that the LS for some reason didnt come with:confused:
its ghosts and they are playing a joke on you.

remote start, if you want it programmed to the stock keypad talk to the dealer, unless you can get an oem keypad from another source. i know volkswagon and toyota keypad's can be programmed to an aftermarket set up, had to take my supra to the dealer though to get it done, it was $60 all of the alarm shops around wanted $140 to do it so i went to the dealer.
How easy would it be to get a remote start that is programmed to the stock keypad?

Not easy... I've looked for an aftermarket set-up that would work with the stock Lincoln/FORD keypad for quite some time.

The best thing I could find is an alarm that would still allow the use of the factory keypad, but not arm/disarm/start the aftermarket unit.
How easy would it be to get a remote start that is programmed to the stock keypad?

Not easy... I've looked for an aftermarket set-up that would work with the stock Lincoln/FORD keypad for quite some time.

The best thing I could find is an alarm that would still allow the use of the factory keypad, but not arm/disarm/start the aftermarket unit.
its ghosts and they are playing a joke on you.

lol...My wife is all paranoid about stuff like that for real. I don't put much stock in it. You had to see her face when I told her what happened. She started talking about Stephen King's Christine.
Thank you all for your thoughts. I'll play around with the remote and see what happens.
well the car was mad at you because you wouldnt take it out for a spin, or the more likely answer is that you just didnt know that you had a remote start installed, and instead of useing the remote that came with the system, they hooked the activation wire up to somthing like the lock wire and programmed it to operate with an unusual number of button presses so that you could use the factory remote by pressing lock 2 or 3 times. this works great for Jags or VW's with the switch blade keys.
the reason you have not had this happen in the past 11 months, is because you have not hit the right button sequence until now

also i bet you have the same "misfire" in netrual and reverse
How easy would it be to get a remote start that is programmed to the stock keypad?

you could get the keypad to activate the R/S (but that would be useless since you are already at the car) but i have not been able to find a security system that would let somthing else (factory keypad) disarm the system. it would make the system too easy to bypass for theives

unless your happy with the factory alarm and you just want a stand alone R/S then it can be wired to use your factory remote (or keypad)
This should be a Demotivational poster :-D "Remote Start: Because your lazy *ss can't turn a key!"
Hey... Hey! Hey! Hey!

Obviously, you've never seen -40° F in the morning, or 110° F in the afternoon. Remote start is good.

And it's also good because you give the engine a chance to warm up a little before you sit your arse in it and drive away. It hurts to see pinheads jump in their car, start it up, slam it into gear, and drive away, all within 3 seconds.
Hey... Hey! Hey! Hey!

Obviously, you've never seen -40° F in the morning, or 110° F in the afternoon. Remote start is good.

And it's also good because you give the engine a chance to warm up a little before you sit your arse in it and drive away. It hurts to see pinheads jump in their car, start it up, slam it into gear, and drive away, all within 3 seconds.

ya, hurts the coolant...which is why i spend 10minutes finding the right artist to listen to out of the 368 music CDs I put on my Ipod.

But cmon...I'd go outside..start the car..put the defroster on..then go inside and make breakfast...really going out in bad weather to JUST start your car helps wake me up and would save americans ALOT in stupid coffee bills :/
Ok. let's say you do it your way, and I do it mine.

Crook walks by. Sees no key in the ignition of my running car, knows what's up.
Same crook looks into your car, sees the keys, but damn it, the door is locked.... ooooo! A rock! What a fun car to drive your LS will be to him.

'nuff said.
well could the crook that sees no keys, doors locked still just kill the window, hop in and take off? Or do you have to put key in ignition before driving away with remote start? I have never, never looked into them which now I find funny with everything else done to some of the rides lol.
and the car wont drive until the key is turned and the brake is pressed to shift gears (which will shut it off if the key is not in the car) and the steering wheel will lock if it is turned with out the key

not too mention in my area the cops will write you a ticket for leaving the car running with the keys in it,

also repete, you should NOT ever leave your keys in the car, i though that was covered before.
ah, I asked a shop awhile ago about one for my SS but they said being a manual it would cost more. I did not really care so I just whatever and let them finish what they were doing, never really had a use for it. Cars are usually in the garage so I just start them and let them warm up in there(not that it takes long with in a garage) and if they are outside not much chance of someone coming and stealing as my place is not in a neighborhood or anything where anyone comes close.
and the car wont drive until the key is turned and the brake is pressed to shift gears (which will shut it off if the key is not in the car) and the steering wheel will lock if it is turned with out the key

not too mention in my area the cops will write you a ticket for leaving the car running with the keys in it,

also repete, you should NOT ever leave your keys in the car, i though that was covered before.

OMG! wth repete?? lol you ride my @$$ for leaving my keys in the car, and you STILL think it's a good idea to leave your car running? To each his own I guess...
My cars are in the car when it's in the DRIVEWAY warming guys think I leave my car running with the keys inside when I'm miles away or sumthing? Cmon guys..stick with it! car warms up as I can physically see it right in front of me by a meter or so. Plus remember I got guns? a mofo trying to jack it will just be my new duck hunting game :p

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