car got broken into again

It sucks that your sh*t was stolen, but i learned along time ago when i lived in Flint MI, IF YOU DONT WANT IT STOLEN DONT LEAVE IT IN YOUR CAR!! If the inside of your can looks like theres nothing in it they will most often move on to the next car.

well there was nothing in my car its just flint michigan and idiots... thats all its cool though i got an ls out of it the only part that pissed me off was the paint was 5 days old what the :q:q:q:q but yeah they stole everything but my 300 dollar cd changer lol o well :q:q:q:q happens the car had only 47,000 on it so it had a good run
Assuming this story is true, you are very fortunate. Similiar situation happened here in Maryland a year or two ago. One of the car thieves opted not to run, turned and faced the guy to fight with no weapon. The owner fired and killed the thief.

Owner was convicted of voluntary manslaughter (excessive force, I believe) and sentenced to 15 years in prison. If I recall, the car was about 8 years old..and was fully insured.

Thats pretty retarted. Take the innocent guy who's life was in danger to jail cause he tried defending himself. Just like if someone breaks into your house you can shoot them but if they hurt themselves while breaking in to your house they can sue you. WTF. If someone hurt themselves trying to break into my house I'd shoot them either way, none of that I'm hurt I'm suing you, bitch you're hurt cause I shot you for trying to break in.
They :q:q:q:qed up my doors key :q:q:q:q trying to break into my car. They didnt make it but now I can only open my car with the only remote I have. Does anyone know which is the best way to buy a new control and set it up?

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