Bush's Approval Rating Hits New Low

So if Bush's approval rating goes up, you only post a link, as opposed to a direct quote? What's the matter, you don't have the b*lls to report news that you don't like?
If that was a personal attack, wait till you see what I can do
Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Monday, June 19, 2006 12:52 a.m. EDT
Poll: Huge Support for Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter’s new book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" has created a storm of controversy, but an online poll sponsored by NewsMax.com reveals that Americans overwhelmingly support Coulter and strongly disagree with her critics.

In the book – which shot to the top of Amazon.com’s list of best sellers the day after it was published and has debuted at the No. 1 spot on The New York Times nonfiction list – Coulter criticizes four New Jersey widows who pushed for an independent commission to investigate the 9/11 attacks that killed their husbands, and backed Democrat John Kerry for president in 2004.

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis,” Coulter wrote.

Hillary Clinton immediately lashed out at Coulter for what she called her "vicious, mean-spirited attack” on the widows and said the book should have been called "heartless.”

House Democrats from New York and Long Island signed a letter demanding an apology from Coulter, and two New Jersey Democrats sought to have the book banned in that state.

NBC's Matt Lauer also went on the attack against Coulter when she appeared on the "Today” show, and The New York Times said her book is "in need of flogging.”

But the NewsMax poll – which drew more than 90,000 respondents from sites across the Web, such as Drudge Report and The New York Times - shows that the establishment assault on Coulter and her book did not change many minds.

The huge majority of respondents to NewsMax’s poll – more than eight out of 10 surveyed - believe Coulter was right in criticizing the four 9/11 widows from New Jersey.

And the tens of thousands of respondents overwhelmingly agree that media coverage of Coulter and her book has been unfair.

NewsMax will provide the results of this poll to major media and share them with radio talk-show hosts across the country.

Here are the poll questions and results:

1) Was Ann Coulter wrong in criticizing four 9/11 widows known as the "Jersey Girls”?

Wrong: 15 percent

Not wrong: 85 percent

2) What is your opinion of Ann Coulter?

Favorable: 87 percent Unfavorable: 13 percent

3) Do you agree with Hillary Clinton that Ann’s book is "vicious” and "heartless”?

Yes, agree: 13 percent

No, don’t agree: 87 percent

4) Has the media coverage of Ann Coulter and her book been fair?

Fair: 18 percent

Not fair: 82 percent

5) Of the three, who would you trust for news and information?

Katie Couric: 10 percent

Ann Coulter: 86 percent

Al Franken: 4 percent
Well, as much as I agree with that, you already know the ready and waiting response of "a poll from newsmax is purely BS. they are biased."

Yeah, but CNN isn't either is it?:rolleyes:
barry2952 said:
Bush's Approval Rating Hits New Low

WASHINGTON (AP) - More and more people, particularly Republicans, disapprove of President Bush's performance, question his character and no longer consider him a strong leader against terrorism, according to an AP-Ipsos poll documenting one of the bleakest points of his presidency.

Nearly four out of five Americans, including 70 percent of Republicans, believe civil war will break out in Iraq - the bloody hot spot upon which Bush has staked his presidency. Nearly 70 percent of people say the U.S. is on the wrong track, a 6-point jump since February.

``I'm not happy with how things are going,'' said Margaret Campanelli, a retiree in Norwich, Conn., who said she tends to vote GOP. ``I'm particularly not happy with Iraq, not happy with how things worked with Hurricane Katrina.''

Republican Party leaders said the survey explains why GOP lawmakers are rushing to distance themselves from Bush on a range of issues - port security, immigration, spending, warrantless eavesdropping and trade, for example.

The positioning is most intense among Republicans facing election in November and those considering 2008 presidential campaigns.

``You're in the position of this cycle now that is difficult anyway. In second term off-year elections, there gets to be a familiarity factor,'' said Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., a potential presidential candidate.

``People have seen and heard (Bush's) ideas long enough and that enters into their thinking. People are kind of, `Well, I wonder what other people can do,''' he said.

The poll suggests that most Americans wonder whether Bush is up to the job. The survey, conducted Monday through Wednesday of 1,000 people, found that just 37 percent approve of his overall performance. That is the lowest of his presidency.

Bush's job approval among Republicans plummeted from 82 percent in February to 74 percent, a dangerous sign in a midterm election year when parties rely on enthusiasm from their most loyal voters. The biggest losses were among white males.

On issues, Bush's approval rating declined from 39 percent to 36 percent for his handling of domestic affairs and from 47 percent to 43 percent on foreign policy and terrorism. His approval ratings for dealing with the economy and Iraq held steady, but still hovered around 40 percent.

Personally, far fewer Americans consider Bush likable, honest, strong and dependable than they did just after his re-election campaign.

By comparison, Presidents Clinton and Reagan had public approval in the mid 60s at this stage of their second terms in office, while Eisenhower was close to 60 percent, according to Gallup polls. Nixon, who was increasingly tangled up in the Watergate scandal, was in the high 20s in early 1974.

The AP-Ipsos poll, which has a margin of error of 3 percentage points, gives Republicans reason to worry that they may inherit Bush's political woes. Two-thirds of the public disapproves of how the GOP-led Congress is handling its job and a surprising 53 percent of Republicans give Congress poor marks.

``Obviously, it's the winter of our discontent,'' said Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla.

By a 47-36 margin, people favor Democrats over Republicans when they are asked who should control Congress.

While the gap worries Republicans, Cole and others said it does not automatically translate into GOP defeats in November, when voters will face a choice between local candidates rather than considering Congress as a whole.

In addition, strategists in both parties agree that a divided and undisciplined Democratic Party has failed to seize full advantage of Republican troubles.

``While I don't dispute the fact that we have challenges in the current environment politically, I also believe 2006 as a choice election offers Republicans an opportunity if we make sure the election is framed in a way that will keep our majorities in the House and the Senate,'' said Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Stung by criticism, senior officials at the White House and the RNC are reminding GOP members of Congress that Bush's approval ratings may be low, but theirs is lower and have declined at the same pace as Bush's. The message to GOP lawmakers is that criticizing the president weakens him - and them - politically.

``When issue like the internal Republican debate over the ports dominates the news it puts us another day away from all of us figuring out what policies we need to win,'' said Terry Nelson, a Republican consultant and political director for Bush's re-election campaign in 2004.

Bowing to ferocious opposition in Congress, a Dubai-owned company on Thursday abandoned its quest to take over operations at several U.S. ports. Bush had pledged to veto any attempt to block the transaction, pitting him against Republicans in Congress and most voters.

All this has Republican voters like Walter Wright of Fairfax Station, Va., worried for their party.

``We've gotten so carried away I wouldn't be surprised to see the Democrats take it because of discontent,'' he said. ``People vote for change and hope for the best.''

Associated Press writer Will Lester and AP Manager of News Surveys Trevor Tompson contributed to this report.

On the Net:

Ipsos: http://www.ap-ipsosresults.com

Yeah, because he's trying to cater to you ultra-liberal whining bastards who'd rather see a Fundamentalist Muslim standing on the necks of US Soldiers, than you would like to admit that Bush is right in standing up to these crackheads.

Seriously, look at it, over the last few years, as SOON as we went into Iraq, we saw all these rogue nations across the globe, stand up and say "HOLY CRAP!!!! Um... yeah, those nuclear and chemical weapons we were devloping, um, we don't want those anymore..." Heck, even freaking Iran and North Korea shut their big fat mouths. THEN, all of a sudden, crackhead liberals like Ted "Commie-Commie" Kennedy, Nancy "Somebody shoot me" Pelosi, and Dennis "I'm a complete moron" Kucinich, started whining about how this is all so wrong, and we need to stop it now. IMMEDIATELY, North Korea and Iran started talking their big crap again, because Bush didn't have the public support that he had when we went in, and they KNEW that they could get away with murder (or developing nuclear weapons, like they are now), because YOU PUSSIES would start whining and protesting.

Friggin' hippy bastards.
Barwick said:
Yeah, because he's trying to cater to you ultra-liberal whining bastards who'd rather see a Fundamentalist Muslim standing on the necks of US Soldiers, than you would like to admit that Bush is right in standing up to these crackheads.

Seriously, look at it, over the last few years, as SOON as we went into Iraq, we saw all these rogue nations across the globe, stand up and say "HOLY CRAP!!!! Um... yeah, those nuclear and chemical weapons we were devloping, um, we don't want those anymore..." Heck, even freaking Iran and North Korea shut their big fat mouths. THEN, all of a sudden, crackhead liberals like Ted "Commie-Commie" Kennedy, Nancy "Somebody shoot me" Pelosi, and Dennis "I'm a complete moron" Kucinich, started whining about how this is all so wrong, and we need to stop it now. IMMEDIATELY, North Korea and Iran started talking their big crap again, because Bush didn't have the public support that he had when we went in, and they KNEW that they could get away with murder (or developing nuclear weapons, like they are now), because YOU PUSSIES would start whining and protesting.

Friggin' hippy bastards.

LOL that was an excellent point. And here we are on the brink of NK firing a 'test' missile. Whaddya say we get some Hornets up in the air and shoot the POS down when they fire it? Wouldn't that make the newsies go nutso?



Mark my words, pacifist lefties: Communist nations DO NOT adhere to treaties unless it benefits them to do so. History proves this.
fossten said:
LOL that was an excellent point. And here we are on the brink of NK firing a 'test' missile. Whaddya say we get some Hornets up in the air and shoot the POS down when they fire it? Wouldn't that make the newsies go nutso?



Mark my words, pacifist lefties: Communist nations DO NOT adhere to treaties unless it benefits them to do so. History proves this.

Maybe I should mail G.W. a copy of the book "Reagan's War" by Dinesh D'Souza. That's an incredible book, and 100% applicable to today.
Barwick said:
Yeah, because he's trying to cater to you ultra-liberal whining bastards who'd rather see a Fundamentalist Muslim standing on the necks of US Soldiers, than you would like to admit that Bush is right in standing up to these crackheads.

Seriously, look at it, over the last few years, as SOON as we went into Iraq, we saw all these rogue nations across the globe, stand up and say "HOLY CRAP!!!! Um... yeah, those nuclear and chemical weapons we were devloping, um, we don't want those anymore..." Heck, even freaking Iran and North Korea shut their big fat mouths. THEN, all of a sudden, crackhead liberals like Ted "Commie-Commie" Kennedy, Nancy "Somebody shoot me" Pelosi, and Dennis "I'm a complete moron" Kucinich, started whining about how this is all so wrong, and we need to stop it now. IMMEDIATELY, North Korea and Iran started talking their big crap again, because Bush didn't have the public support that he had when we went in, and they KNEW that they could get away with murder (or developing nuclear weapons, like they are now), because YOU PUSSIES would start whining and protesting.

Friggin' hippy bastards.


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