Bush's Approval Rating Hits New Low

Saturday May 13, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President and 59% Disapprove.
Tuesday May 16, 2006--Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President and 60% Disapprove.

Just 17% Strongly Approve of his performance.
It is interesting how even Barry's daily numbers are so much different than the number in the high twenties the press keeps reporting.
Not really. Rasmussen is know for being far more biased towards Conservatives, skewing the numbers upwards. I think GWB job rating really is in the 20s.

If you believe Rove's statement that the numbers are just down because of the failures in Iraq then you probably believe Rasmussen's numbers.
barry2952 said:
Not really. Rasmussen is know for being far more biased towards Conservatives, skewing the numbers upwards. I think GWB job rating really is in the 20s.

You are really a piece of work. You make a comment like that knowing full well that Rasmussen just admitted to skewing the numbers in the Democrats favor and that therefore his numbers would be lower for Bush in the short term. Get a life dude. Your constant yammering on the President is really tiresome.

I know Fossten even pointed out to YOU the change Rasmussen made in his polling in an effort to get HIS numbers to fall more in line with the rest of the lib-wacks out there polling and lying.
barry2952 said:
Not really. Rasmussen is know for being far more biased towards Conservatives, skewing the numbers upwards. I think GWB job rating really is in the 20s.

If you believe Rove's statement that the numbers are just down because of the failures in Iraq then you probably believe Rasmussen's numbers.

Please - allow me.

This taken straight from Rasmussen's site - you go there every freaking minute, so you should be able to find it, although you probably never read it:

"Beginning this past Sunday, Rasmussen Reports Job Approval updates are based upon data using a slight modification to our targeting and weighting process. From this point forward, we will set our partisan affiliation weighting targets based upon survey results obtained during the previous three months. These shift only modestly month-to-month, but the change could be significant over a long period of time.

Based upon the past three months, the current targets are 36.6% Democrat, 33.5% Republican, and 29.9% Unaffiliated. These targets will be updated monthly. Previously, our weighting targets assumed an equal number of Republicans and Democrats.

We have adopted this system because we believe it allows us to maintain the day-to-day stability needed to follow trends while adjusting periodically for any substantive shifts in partisan affiliation (see trends in party affiliation).

The practical impact of this revision is modest in the current environment. The new approach will result in the President's reported ratings being a point or two lower than they would have been under the old system."


Barry, your truth and credibility quotient is on a par with Phil's (97SilverLSC).
fossten said:
Please - allow me.

The whole deal is..after 5+ years of Bush bashing, it is now more socially acceptable to call oneself a Democrat. Again, the herd mentality. When the Republicans gained control of the House and Senate and Clinton was being Clinton, more people decided to call themselves Republicans. The herd ebbs and flows as is evidenced by Rasmussen's attempt to follow the herd. MOOOOO!

None of it matters though. If the Republicans do their job and point out all the ridiculous comments the Left has made concerning our national security, people will once again vote to be safe. Plus, they will vote their pocketbook, and right now Republicans are stuffing the billfold full.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The number of Americans who approve of the job President George W. Bush is doing continues to fall, said a new poll, blaming the Iraq war.

Bush holds a 33 percent approval rating, the lowest of any US president in 25 years ABC News and the Washington Post have been publishing such polls.

Some 65 percent of those polled disapprove of Bush's performance, the highest level in those 25 years, the two news organizations said.

The reason is the US war in Iraq, ABC said.

According to the poll, 62 percent of Americans said that the war was not worth the sacrifices made and 59 percent said the war was a mistake.

More broadly, those polled said the United States was on the wrong track.

Americans' disappointment with their federal government did not apply to their local governments, as polls showed 45 percent said the states where they live are headed in the right direction and 58 percent said their communities are on the right track. Eight in 10 are happy with their own lives and futures.

Bush's rating matches that of his father, George Bush, in August 1992, just before losing a re-election bid.

His disapproval is one point less than that of Richard Nixon before he resigned. Nixon's was the highest disapproval rating since 1938.

The president's approval rating may affect mid-term legislative elections slated for November.
barry2952 said:
Bush's rating matches that of his father, George Bush, in August 1992, just before losing a re-election bid....The president's approval rating may affect mid-term legislative elections slated for November.

fossten said:
Uh...why do you post things that make no sense?

I'm sure you're concerned that the RNC might lose the house and/or senate in November...but what do I know.
raVeneyes said:
Uh...why do you post things that make no sense?

I'm sure you're concerned that the RNC might lose the house and/or senate in November...but what do I know.

1. The reason it doesn't make sense to you is because you don't understand irony or sarcasm, in which case it wasn't meant for you, being subtle humor.

2. I really don't care anymore about the Republicans. Or did you fail to read my thread about that subject? (What else is new)

3. The RNC doesn't possess the House or the Senate. It's simply an organization. Each member of Congress is elected on his or her own, by his or her own constituents. As a matter of fact, Congress as a whole is divided nearly evenly between Republicans and Democrats. The majority is very small. Sheesh. Go read the Constitution or study junior high Civics or something.
fossten said:

Rasmussen has a hypothetical poll replaying the '04 election with John sKerry winning 48 to 41.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

The Left-wing nut jobs want so bad to run against Bush again. They won't get their chance against Dubya, but they might with Jeb. Woohoo.

Rasmussen...May 15, 2006--A polling rematch of the 2004 Presidential Election shows that John Kerry leads George W. Bush 48% to 41% (see crosstabs). In the real election, Kerry never held a lead that big in any of the nightly polls we conducted from January 2 through Election Day.

This latest poll is another indication of how much support has fallen for the President since his re-election. The number of voters who call themselves Republicans is also down since Election Day 2004.

President Bush is still trusted by a few more voters than Kerry on the National Security issue. However, the President's advantage is much smaller than it was during the election season--44% now trust the President more while 41% opt for Kerry.
MonsterMark said:
I know Fossten even pointed out to YOU the change Rasmussen made in his polling in an effort to get HIS numbers to fall more in line with the rest of the lib-wacks out there polling and lying.

So your saying he drank the kool-aid?

Why do you have to make comments like this? "lib-wacks out there polling and lying" - Where are they lies? Everyone spins, so dont give me that excuse. Hell, O'Reilly's 'No Spin Zone" is the best example of spin I have seen in a long time.

But where is the lying? These kind of comments just push the division in this country further.

Bush had almost a 90% approval after 9/11 - You tell me why 60% of the country changed it's mind in 5 years... There isnt that much Kool-Aid.
Wednesday May 17, 2006--Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President and 61% Disapprove.
Joeychgo said:
So your saying he drank the kool-aid?

Why do you have to make comments like this? "lib-wacks out there polling and lying" - Where are they lies? Everyone spins, so dont give me that excuse. Hell, O'Reilly's 'No Spin Zone" is the best example of spin I have seen in a long time.

But where is the lying? These kind of comments just push the division in this country further.

Bush had almost a 90% approval after 9/11 - You tell me why 60% of the country changed it's mind in 5 years... There isnt that much Kool-Aid.
You can't see the lies because you have drank the kool-aid and are wearing the special glasses.

If you had my view, one closely tied to politics, albeit with one of the 'major' parties, you would see the outright lies and distortions propagated on the American people on a daily basis.

I'll go out on a limb here... The majority of the American population is stupid. Simple. Stupid. They are sheep. The media tells them what to think. They think what they are told. Simple.

Face it. The Country is split. Bush didn't do it, the media did. Only now, the Right has other avenues to communicate outside of the Drive-By Media. The Internet. Blogging. Government control in many State and Local municpalities. Majorities in the House and the Senate. The Presidency. The Supreme Court.

What we are seeing is the last dying gasps of a liberal media and ideology that so desperately wants to regain power. They are blatant political opportunists and have jumped at every single opportunity to discredit their opposition. It is the Liberals and the Media that have divided this Country. The rest of us are too busy working and getting along with our lives to bother fighting every single little nuance.
Bryan, you need to take a deep breath. Don't let these wacko media ideologues get you riled up and saying things you don't really mean. I think you are incorrect in assuming that most Americans are stupid. Everybody reading those exit polls on election day thought Kerry was going to run away with the election, but they were proved wrong, weren't they? Look what happened. The silent majority went out there and whipped the Dems' arses.

Keep in mind that Bush doesn't have to run again. Also bear in mind that this is the worst case of sour grapes in history, fueled by the Drive-by Media. In addition, the polls are a reflection of the country's mood due to gas prices and Drive-by Media-caused guilt over how badly the country must be doing just on their say-so. Personally, I'm not all that happy with Bush right now, since he's offering amnesty to 12 million illegals, so if the pollsters called me, I'm not sure how I'd answer.

For all these reasons and a few more, current job approval polls are meaningless. Unless you think polls can impeach a President, you have nothing to fear from these polls. They are designed to depress and discourage us and fool the sheeple.

Joey, even a lie when repeated enough becomes truth. I've documented numerous occasions where the media lied about Bush or the Republicans. They have waged a nonstop war of demagoguery since January of '05, and I've proven it. The latest is this so-called datamining of "TENS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS" phone records. Now it's turning out that USA Today's article was FALSE. What do you say to that?

Everybody knows that Democrats try to make lemonade out of the lemons they got in '04. Barry's just trying to salvage some vestige of solace even though his hated, worst-case, object-of-loathing BuSh got elected instead of the Traitor. It's just like the election in Ohio where what's-his-name only lost his local election by 4 points and the Dems claimed VICTORY! You guys leave barry alone. :rolleyes: He needs this "daily affirmation" in order to remain sane, and he's doing it right here on this forum:

(cue Stewart Smalley aka Al Frankenstein)
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people hate Bush!"
Thursday May 18, 2006 --Thirty-six percent (36%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Just 15% Strongly Approve. Those are the lowest levels ever measured by Rasmussen Reports. Just 65% of Republicans approve of the President's Job Performance, also a new low.
Saturday May 20, 2006--Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Sixty percent (60%) disapprove.
Monday May 22, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-nine percent (59%) disapprove.
barry2952 said:
Monday May 22, 2006--Forty percent (40%) of Americans Approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty-nine percent (59%) disapprove.
Wow, there's a 4% gain over the weekend? I guess there's a direct correlation between his face being on TV and his popularity tanking...
The majority of people may disapprove of President Bush's handling of certain issues, however, don’t necessarily look at it as a victory for democrats. Many are upset over Bush’s handling if illegal aliens and want tougher enforcement of existing laws as well as a comprehensive policy to deter illegal immigration.

At this point, President Bush’s handling of immigration is upsetting the conservative republican base, as well as many moderates which want tough enforcement of existing immigration laws. So far, President Bush is clearly trying to avoid taking a tough stance on illegal immigration. It’s possible that many will take out their frustrations over Bush’s handling of illegal immigration and the Iraq war on republicans as a whole, but don’t bet on it.

Democrats, for the most part, agree with Bush’s stance on immigration and thus they too are also outside the main stream as to what the majority of Americans want. It may end up that many on both sides will loose, including liberal republicans and liberal democrats.

If Bush can achieve a victory or near victory in Iraq by stabilizing the country then there will likely be a positive shift in the polls in an overall direction towards maintaining the republicans. This is especially in light of the fact that democrats are overall weak on national security and so far are unwilling to recognize the positive affects that Bush’s tax cuts have had on the economy.

Thus, Americans may ultimately decide to vote conservative republican fearing democratic weakness on national security and their apparent unrelenting desire to raise taxes will end up disrupting the economy and weakening the country, especially in light of volatile gas prices. It's "The economy, stupid."
MAC1 said:
Thus, Americans may ultimately decide to vote conservative republican fearing democratic weakness on national security and their apparent unrelenting desire to raise taxes will end up disrupting the economy and weakening the country, especially in light of volatile gas prices. It's "The economy, stupid."
And pixies might fly out of my butt to grant MonsterMark's greatest wish...

What are you babbling about?

Is this the crack they serve at RNC meetings? Man...no wonder some people are so dedicated.

"Your setbacks taste like candy"
raVeneyes said:
And pixies might fly out of my butt to grant MonsterMark's greatest wish...

What are you babbling about?

Is this the crack they serve at RNC meetings? Man...no wonder some people are so dedicated.

"Your setbacks taste like candy"

Ha ha ha...I see you are up to your usual standards of not winning friends and insulting people.

Was there supposed to be some logical debate in your post, or are you just doing drive-by posting?
raVeneyes said:
And pixies might fly out of my butt to grant MonsterMark's greatest wish...

What are you babbling about?

Is this the crack they serve at RNC meetings? Man...no wonder some people are so dedicated.

"Your setbacks taste like candy"

Don’t you remember how democrats use to focus on the economy right up to 2005 before President Bush’s tax cuts spurred impressive economic growth and job creation. I'm sure you remember democrats were still milking their 14-year old "the economy, stupid" slogan right up until the economy took off.

Now, that the economy is doing so well under a republican president and republican dominated Congress, democrats have little to say about the economy. Instead, they have their index fingers against firmly pursed lips hoping Americans will forget about their clever little slogan and the importance they once placed on a strong economy. It’s obvious a strong economy under a republican Congress is not what the democrats want, as it only serves to detract from their ability to moan and complain, which is what they do best.

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