Bin Ladens dead! WOOO HOOO!!!!

More and more people are waking up to the fact that "both sides" are just two sides of the same coin. It's like a Punch N Judy puppet show, the kids see them fighting with each other, but know that both puppets are controlled by the same puppeteer. We mature adults are apparently not so clever.

I hate the whole Left/Right paradigm; it's phony, and contrived according to the divide and conquer principle. Both sides have their own talking head Gatekeepers whose main function is to keep the rabble going by punching their buttons, telling/emphasizing only one side of the story.

So we wind up voting for either detergent brand A or detergent brand B, not even realizing that they're both made by Proctor and Gamble.

Want a good laugh, google george carlin who really runs America.
Great clip. :lol:

\\George Carlin for president!!!!!....too bad he is dead... hey at least we got american Rice Crispies.!!!

Rice Crispies for President!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
I woulda voted for him twice. He sure knew how to cut through the BS!:Beer
Just like I told you that the gas hike and Libya wasn't a two week ordeal, like you suggested.

Can you tell me what is so political about Cals avatar? I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

Ha, where exactly did I say 2 weeks?

Not his current avatar.

Colbert 2016.
Gas went up ten cents a gallon here the day after Bin Laden was deprived of his miserable existence. And it shows no sign of slowing down. It's $3.92 for regular in Biscoe NC, $3.89 in Candor, and anywhere from $3.89 to $3.95 in Moore County, NC. The highest I've seen for premium is $4.14 in Aberdeen, NC. We'll be paying $5.00 a gallon for crappy 87 octane by summer. And I doubt Oblah-blah will do a dam thing to change it. He's too happy with himself for the Bin Laden incident to care about anything else.
I was actually happy the 93oct is or was still $3.98 by me and I heard a announcement on TV that they thought we had reached the peak. Doesn't look so :(

As far as Osama being buried at sea BS, I think they should have let us have his corpse and we should have buried him on the Trade Center sight as a reminder to any other terrorists! That way it would be a reminder to other Terrorists you to will be found killed and buried on the spot you attacked America!

Then there would be no thoughts or rumors that it was all a hoax that he is dead :rolleyes:
That reminds me, what ever happened with the muslims that wanted to build a mosque near Ground Zero? It was all over the news for a while and then it faded out. I assume they didn't do it?

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