All Thieves Should be SHOT


The Real Deal
Jun 6, 2004
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I guess i was to trusting in my fellow man, my car stereo was stolen today and since i live in second story apartment i don't know when it happened. It's getting to the point that you can't have anything good anymore without some lazy S.O.B. wanting to steal it. I am turning the info over to the police, but i know i won't get it back. It is indeed a sad day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The inability to do anything about it is the most frustrating part. Once they rob you, there's virtually nothing that can be done, and it's very unlikely they'll be punished.

If nothing else, make sure you file the serial numbers of your electronics away. That way, in the off chance, they actually catch they guy- they can get the equipment back to you.
I will do that , but in this town the chance of the person getting caught is 99.9% against getting caught. The police in this town are not the brightest cops.
That sucks Pepps.
I hate when people do that, most of us work hard for what we have and then some SOB goes and screws with us !!:eek: :eek:
It doesn't matter how good the police are, finding stolen property is near impossible. No force has the man power to hunt down a single stereo, or a single bike, or any one criminals crap.

At least if you record the serial numbers, if they find a lot of stolen goods, they can get it back to you.
That really Sucks pepps, I'm very sorry to hear this. Hopefully the idiot :q:q:q:q up that stole it will fall down some stairs or something.:(

Which car got hit the Conti or the Town Car?
We can't shoot all thieves. That would mean shooting all of our poiliticans, (Remember, Don't steal. The government hates competition), most businessmen, and just about every human on this planet. You all can't tell me you have NEVER stolen, pilfered, or otherwise appropriated something in your lives.

Sorry to hear about your tune box, pepp.
WOW Sorry to hear that. Well what goes around comes around and paid in double So your radio will cost this chump allot more somewhere else. But just in case scope out the your hood from your window cuz you know he'll be back cuz they all ways come back for more. (mental thought Sniper riffle);)
Sorry to hear that someone stole your radio, I remember when my grandfather had his 1990 TC before he gave it to me, he had the mirrors stolen, center caps, and he used to remove the mirrors and take them home with him. I live in the burbs where stuff like this does not happen, however when I used to live in Brooklyn my families cars were always broken into. The 1998 Town Car I have now had the airbags stolen in 2002 on Brighton Beach in Brooklyn. My grandfather replaced them for $700. The cops wont do a thing for you, theives never get away, what goes around comes around.
pepperman said:
Damned Straight.

I'm not in a good mood today and will be more than willing to dump a couple of rotting carcuses in a lake! :gr_devil:
As soon as i catch the miserable :q:q:q:q i will let you know. :gr_devil:
Thanks JC, yeah i know how you feel about thieves, i feel the same way.
Thanks everyone for the offers of help with the problem :D , I gave the police the information yesterday (they suck in this town ) the chief is cool but the rest of the force :rolleyes: , anyways now to wait and see what happens.
Its too bad your stereo is single din - I have a complete double din system I would just give to you.
Thanks Godfather, yeah it is to bad , i have seen some cool set-ups that i like.

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