ABS Traction control pump: Hasn't anyone just replaced the caps or seals at the bottom of the pump?


Dedicated LVC Member
Sep 25, 2008
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Searched and found the below post.

My ABS traction control pump looks the same as the one pictured in the tread above. Looks like one of the bottom caps (or seals? not sure what these are called) rusted out.

In the thread above wana461 took the pump form a 97 and his 98 module and put them together without issue.

Hasn't anyone just replaced the caps or seals at the bottom of the pump?

Here is mine.
ABS Traction Control assembly - seal (cap) rusted through - July 8, 2022  --  16574908019251.jpg
ok guess not.

Back when I bought my 97 a few years ago, I found I had a potential issue with the ABS pump. It wasn't the leaking rusty plugs like yours but a power plug lead to the motor has all of its insulation melted completely off. Thankfully, it still works but for how long, IDK. So I started a major long time search, like you, for a motor with good wires. This pump manufacturer also supplied pumps for Chrysler and VW. The VERY closest pump I could find with what looks like the same body and motor is of a Jetta VR6. I dont remember the year but its part number on the pump body is 10 0208-0426.2 ALL of the Lincoln junk yard motors I looked at on line had melted wires except for one. Originally, I ordered that off Ebay and the one they sent me was actually worse than mine! So much for their pictures. So they had to give me back a refund. The VW one is a newer version of our Lincoln pumps with a much improved motor plug insulation configuration and plug to help against melt down (Slightly pictured). The plugs on this one are flush aluminum units that are held in with C clips. Seems to me these clips would be about impossible to get behind them to collapse them so the valve can be removed since there is no cut in the body to get in behind the clip to compress it. I hope there is some kind of info here that you can use. Good Luck. PS, Looking at it some more, I think if you take the motor off, maybe the plugs push in past the clip with the motor shaft out of the way. This should allow for the clips to be removed and valves to be slid out. A best guess at least on this model.
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Thanks Xtriggerman! This is helpful!

I also spoke to another who said they used JB Weld. I'm wondering if there is a piston or something else inside the space or is it just a section to hold brake fluid for each brake line? I was thinking of getting a machine shop to make me a replacement cap/seal. They could get it to a thousands of an inch and then I could have them press it in? Just want to confirm if there is anything inside and if so, could it have fallen out like the cap/seal did?

http://www.absfixer.com - never did get back to me.
I did a little more looking into this and found that a Volvo #8619537 is the same exact ABS assembly as the VW one I pictured. The correct parts you need are called Accumulators. The body they are in is called a Hydraulic Control Unit. (HCU). They hold in a spring loaded piston or seal that captures the fluctuating pressure when going into or out of ABS function. It seems to me that these accumulators in these particular HCU heads are not ment to be removed once they are factory sealed or clipped into place. Yours are so dirty, I cant tell if they are nut type plugs or not. If that early model of yours has screw in plugs, that would be an easy fix but even in the link you provided, it dosent look like they are screw in. If clipped in like my picture, you would need to mill a small port to the side of the clip grove to be able to get behind it and compress it in some 3 different areas. Once compressed all around, its internal spring may pop its self out. Your probably better off just putting in one of these VW or Volvo HCU units with your OEM controller mounted on it. I'v read that you need a special beeder to flush the air out of these HCU's incase you go for that.
You are amazing Xtriggerman!

I would much rather buy new/used than trying to fix mine. And thank you for the kind words, far more rust than dirt. That is two decades of good of Canada winter salt. Imagine if this car wasn't factory treated for rust corrosion. I even sprayed it twice with Corrosion Free.

To any M8 owner in a snow region. Get a can of rust check or alike and spray the bottom of your ABS/Traction unit and all your brake lines. I had three of my brake lines rust through. Spraying the car once a year is well worth the repairs and body work you will have to do, if you plan on keeping the car a long time.
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