108 degrees today in wichita.

Well it is 9:30 pm and it is 105 right now. It got to a record setting 118 today. Absoluely miserable.
Its not so bad if you sleep through it. The ambient temp. explains why every time I had awakened this afternoon, the A/C was running. Heres to another $200 electric bill!! :hump:
Hey Torque and Pepps.... The only hot weekend we had was the Meet weekend.. It was just for you from the south!! didn't want you to feel out of place....

Temps are still down... Haven't had the Air on for days.... Nice breeze blowing through the house.... Damn it's been a nice summer...
the last couple of days have been fairly good about 91. :D but with this being Oklahoma the HEAT will return, Rich i will let you know when it does so you can visit. :D
Yeah we have had a little bit of a break from the heat too. It has been rainy for the last two days.
Been hot up here to, humid as all heck. Not as bad as that thou, thats just frickin crazy. We go from hot to storms to hot again. I've already got hail damage once this year, and we just keep getting those types of storms, it sucks.

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