1000th Post!

Green Machine

Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
St. Paul
Happy 1000th Post to me!!


Unless something really breaks on my car, or I lose my job and am able to have time to do real things to it, I doubt I will get to 1000. It took 9 years to get the 280 (I didn't post for the first 8 of those). It took me 13 years to get to 6500 on CVN (crownvic.net) (put 260k miles on the car, plenty of stuff to post on there), 3500 in 9 years on TCCoA and that is with 2 MN12s.
It is guys like you who take the time to answer questions and help us neophytes keep our cars on the road. Without condescension or sarcasm (mostly) :) This is a great forum community - Thank you all.
You don't need a million posts to be a good person. Just be helpful to others when they need you & others help you when you need them. That's the power of a place like this where people share the same passion.
Yep after all these years that's it. I try to remain silent and thought of as a fool, rather than to open my mouth and remove all doubt. :cool:

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