04 LSE transmission issue... appreciate your input...


Active LVC Member
Mar 1, 2005
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I thought to learn from your experience prior to going 15 rounds w/ the dealership.

Just bought an 04 LSE (20,000 miles) a month ago and the transmission shifts hard from 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th, especially during slow acceleration.

Also, the transmission shifts even harder into reverse or should I say slams into reverse.

The dealership checked the transmission fluid level and "reprogrammed" the computer.

Not even 24 hours after picking up the car the harsh shifting is occurring again.

From your experience or what you have heard, any ideas on what is causing the harsh shifting so that I do not have to take this car back 4 or 5 times to finally get this thing fixed?

I appreciate it... Thanks
Part of the shifting is 'normal' for the LS.

To recalibrate the shifting 'stiffness' - you can clear the 'learned' behavior and try to re-teach it.

- just disconnect your battery for 10mins - easiest by disconnecting the ground strap from the trunk.
- hook it back up and drive the car through the shifting about 10 times the way you want it.

I like my shift faster and 'stiffer' (no comments please) so I really hammer on the throddle while I am in the re-learning phase.

You can also purchase a SCT XCalibrator that can re-program the PCM to change both shifting firmness and shift points.
I went through the same ordeal with my 00 LS V6 Sport and the rememdy for the first three visits was to replace the solenoid pack. The 4th replacement I went to a different dealer and they replaced the valve body and solenoid pack. So you may have a eltro mechanical failure like mine had.
some dealer/shops can be a pain in the :q to work with. If you are having problems with the dealer find another dealer interview them and make a ecision to use or not to use them. Nothing says you have to use the same dealer. I finally changed and have been very happy with the final fix for a year now.

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