Charlie Rangel: Corrupt Democrat Leadership

So if someone pokes fun at me when I yell "YEEHAW!!" when OU scores a touchdown, they're actually being racist? It's a little different I know, but a stretch nonetheless.

I was falsely accused of being racist once in basic training. An African-American from Baltimore was a mouthy punk. He never messed with me, but he messed with lots of other people. One evening after a really hard day he was threatening a Hispanic guy from Dallas that I really liked. I snapped and got in his face and told him if he were to jump my friend that I wouldn't hesitate to intervene. And I didn't care how tough he thought he was, he'd get his a** beat. Well, after a little hemming and hawing, he accused me of being racist (I guess 2 non-African American guys vs him is racist in his book). He tried to get other African-Americans in the platoon to feel the same way. They didn't bite, though, and calmed him down. He was saying things like "if this were the projects I would have shot him" while in that group. I kept my cool and let him blow. That was pretty much the end of it.

What he didn't know and I didn't care to share with him was that although I didn't grow up in Baltimore, I did spend several years growng up in a couple of housing projects in Tulsa. They were mostly African-American. My best friend at one point was African-American. Maybe we didn't know any better, but race had nothing to do with it. Well, we moved, and as I got older the drug and thug element turned me off so much that I didn't hang out at the project during my play time. I went over to friend's houses instead. It wasn't because I didn't like African-Americans. It was because I didn't like what many of the kids my age were doing there. Long story short: got job while in high school, saved up money, got full-time job after graduation, me & my Mom & one of my sisters moved into a rent house that summer, and I haven't looked back.

I admit I did laugh at the guy when he called me a racist, though.

Point of the story: I don't think fossten was being racist, he was just making fun of what lots of people believe in Rangel's district. He could have not used those words and explained his position in a few sentences, but what he said got the point across in about as few words as possible.
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I guess you told him :rolleyes:

You're also welcome to think his racial comment wasn't in poor taste, it's a free country. Just spare me and don't post another rediculous anecdote of how you're not a racist because you "had a black friend", please.

P.S. I watch Oprah.
You're also welcome to think his racial comment wasn't in poor taste, it's a free country. Just spare me and don't post another rediculous anecdote of how you're not a racist because you "had a black friend", please.

P.S. I watch Oprah.
I'm not trying to convince anyone that I'm not a racist. I don't have to. My short, "rediculous anecdote" was a failed attempt to show that my words weren't hollow. You can make fun of me and my life all you want. As you say, it's a free country. The fact is, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill and sinking to the level that you so hypocritically claim to detest. "Please" yourself.

p.s. His comment was in poor taste, IMO, but not racist.
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I'm not trying to convince anyone that I'm not a racist. I don't have to. My short, "rediculous anecdote" was a failed attempt to show that my words weren't hollow. You can make fun of me and my life all you want. As you say, it's a free country. The fact is, you're making a mountain out of a mole hill and sinking to the level that you so hypocritically claim to detest. "Please" yourself.

p.s. His comment was in poor taste, IMO, but not racist.

Then we agree 100%, because I didn't call him a racist; in fact, I went out of my way to say I wasn't callling him a racist and just said exactly that, "comment was in poor taste". So I'll just ignore the upper part of your post.
Why do/did you find his comment in "poor taste?"
Look, I don't post on many threads. I only post on things I think I might have some input on. I have heard people say what fossten quoted, or very near to it anyway. What he is claiming is real, like it or not.

To answer your question: it is probably offensive to some people, like you for instance.
Look, I don't post on many threads. I only post on things I think I might have some input on. I have heard people say what fossten quoted, or very near to it anyway. What he is claiming is real, like it or not.

To answer your question: it is probably offensive to some people, like you for instance.


Why did you find his comment in "poor taste?"
....I'm going to just move this response so that it's not lost or conveniently overlooked.

Actually I do, I don't think Harlem is composed entirely of stereotypical 'ignorant ghetto blacks', nor do I think they're all blacks who'll vote for a guy simply because he's black and supposedly "down fo' da struggle."

Do you take issue with what he said and do you disagree?

Rangel wins re-election with about 90% of the vote in his district.
Hes been in office since the late sixties.

He's incompetent, corrupt, prone to making statements that are both offensive and ignorant on a regular basis. Yet, there is no doubt, he will win re-election. He's corrupt, he exploits the system, and lives by a gross double standard where he thinks that he's entitled to special treatment because of his job.

He, as the rest of the Democrat party as well, has been completely ineffective at actually improving the lives of those in his district, though that is the promise that he runs on every single year. He promotes victim hood and dependence, his political career is based in that. The only improvements in his district came about because of the reforms advance by REPUBLICAN Mayor Gulliani and REPUBLICAN Governor Pataki in the 90s.

No- they aren't all "ghetto", but Fossten never said that. However, to ignore his race when analyze his political sense wouldn't be just naive, it'd be a form of denial. Frankly, 90+% voter support is in line with the kind of support you see in regimes like Hussein, where people vote based purely on fear. And the Democrats, and exploiters like Rangel, despite the quality of life steadily declining due to their "lead" continue to generate that kind of support, decade after decade after decade....

So, yeah, I agree with Fossten.
He has a safe seat. He will not retire from the Congress based on these stories because he has NO local political pressure to do so. And he's in a secure enough position, and he's dirty and connected enough, to know that if he just waits for this stuff to pass over, the MSM will not make an issue of it and he can retain his leadership position.

Urban areas are frequently found to be like this- geez, Marion Barry ran for city councilman in D.C. after being caught doing crack with a prostitute and sent to jail! And since then, he still enjoys overwhelming support (95%) despite being prosecuted by the IRS, failing multiple drug tests for cocaine and marijuana, and multiple traffic violations including driving under the influence!
I read it and it was irrelevant to what I had brought up; that's why I didn't respond, but if you think I'm "conveniently" overlooking it:

How does Rangel being corrupt (and anything else you wish to levy at him and the Democrats) justify a blanket racial comment?
That wasn't an answer, now was it.

Why did you find his comment in "poor taste?"
I'm not the "poor taste" police. If you want to be, go right ahead. Be prepared for the crap storms and stomach-churning it's going to cause. You've got it out for someone, that's obvious. You post an accusatory comment 11 days after it was posted that didn't have anything to do with you. You've got a personal ax to grind, so be it.

You're probably going to take this as an insult, but here's the truth. You're no match for fossten. He doesn't stop. He's chewed up smarter people than you (based on the quality of the posts, no offense), and he'll make you look foolish the longer you play his game. I've seen it many times. You've been here long enough you have too. I admit at first I kinda liked it because the loud-mouthed libs who wouldn't listen to reason that were here when he first came finally got a dose of their own medicine, and then some. I've attempted to dull his 2-edged sword a couple of times in the past, to no avail. C'est la vie. My post above was my attempt to dull yours, and you spit in my face for it. Again, c'est la vie. Enjoy the pissing contest.

If you gotta have the last word, then go ahead "Dude". But one last paragraph from me and I'm done with this.

Half the comments on this forum are offensive and in "poor taste". I used to tell Polack jokes, thinking I was exempt from offending anybody since I'm part Polish. I'll "spare you another rediculous anecdote" since I'm sure you can figure out the rest of the story. "Poor taste" to me is something that offends me, or willingly insults or offends others. That doesn't mean I'm going to object to every "poor taste" comment I hear. If you don't like that truthful answer, I don't know what to tell you. You want me to say that I believe fossten made a racial comment, or some variation of that. I don't believe he did. I do know you took it that way.
I'll let you guys enjoy your gun battle. Take note; even machine guns run out of bullets.;)

Sorry Calabrio, had to post this because it made me chuckle this morning...
Calabrio said:
He promotes victim hood
Victim? Hood? Victimhood. Gotta love the english language.:D
Deville, I'm sorry for you. You must be the only guy who didn't hear Jesse Jackson's comment about Biden, after Biden's gaffe calling Obama "bright, clean, and articulate." Biden's comment was clearly racist. However, Jackson excused him and said, "..yes, but he [Biden] is down fo' da struggle."

That's where I heard it.

You're probably one of those libs that thinks Rush Limbaugh came up with "Barack the Magic Negro" on his own.

So go pound sand.
I read it and it was irrelevant to what I had brought up; that's why I didn't respond, but if you think I'm "conveniently" overlooking it:

How does Rangel being corrupt (and anything else you wish to levy at him and the Democrats) justify a blanket racial comment?

Perhaps it's not relevant to what you want to talk about it, but it's precisely what we are talking about.
You're quoted in my response, I responded DIRECTLY to you.

To focus exclusively on Fossten's direct use of language and to ignore the substance of the statement is a convenient distraction.
And you then did say you disagreed with Fossten's implication. I have responded to that with a historical data and numbers.

A response is completely in order because you have been demonstrated to be wrong.

And since you're now defining the discussion, I'll engage that too-
Fossten DID NOT make a racist comment, but to understand and analyze Rangel political power, you ABSOLUTELY must consider RACIAL politics.
In order to have an honest discussion about that man, it is impossible to NOT discuss race. His power is the result of his racial identify, and his ability to manipulate racial politics.

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I'm not the "poor taste" police. If you want to be, go right ahead. Be prepared for the crap storms and stomach-churning it's going to cause. You've got it out for someone, that's obvious. You post an accusatory comment 11 days after it was posted that didn't have anything to do with you. You've got a personal ax to grind, so be it.

You're probably going to take this as an insult, but here's the truth. You're no match for fossten. He doesn't stop. He's chewed up smarter people than you (based on the quality of the posts, no offense), and he'll make you look foolish the longer you play his game. I've seen it many times. You've been here long enough you have too. I admit at first I kinda liked it because the loud-mouthed libs who wouldn't listen to reason that were here when he first came finally got a dose of their own medicine, and then some. I've attempted to dull his 2-edged sword a couple of times in the past, to no avail. C'est la vie. My post above was my attempt to dull yours, and you spit in my face for it. Again, c'est la vie. Enjoy the pissing contest.

If you gotta have the last word, then go ahead "Dude". But one last paragraph from me and I'm done with this.

Half the comments on this forum are offensive and in "poor taste". I used to tell Polack jokes, thinking I was exempt from offending anybody since I'm part Polish. I'll "spare you another rediculous anecdote" since I'm sure you can figure out the rest of the story. "Poor taste" to me is something that offends me, or willingly insults or offends others. That doesn't mean I'm going to object to every "poor taste" comment I hear. If you don't like that truthful answer, I don't know what to tell you. You want me to say that I believe fossten made a racial comment, or some variation of that. I don't believe he did. I do know you took it that way.

After you've finished licking Fossten's ass clean, would you mind telling me exactly why you found the comment in "poor taste"?
Deville, I'm sorry for you. You must be the only guy who didn't hear Jesse Jackson's comment about Biden, after Biden's gaffe calling Obama "bright, clean, and articulate." Biden's comment was clearly racist. However, Jackson excused him and said, "..yes, but he [Biden] is down fo' da struggle."

That's where I heard it.

You're probably one of those libs that thinks Rush Limbaugh came up with "Barack the Magic Negro" on his own.

So go pound sand.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
Perhaps it's not relevant to what you want to talk about it, but it's precisely what we are talking about.
You're quoted in my response, I responded DIRECTLY to you.

To focus exclusively on Fossten's direct use of language and to ignore the substance of the statement is a convenient distraction.
And you then did say you disagreed with Fossten's implication. I have responded to that with a historical data and numbers.

A response is completely in order because you have been demonstrated to be wrong.

And since you're now defining the discussion, I'll engage that too-
Fossten DID NOT make a racist comment, but to understand and analyze Rangel political power, you ABSOLUTELY must consider RACIAL politics.
In order to have an honest discussion about that man, it is impossible to NOT discuss race. His power is the result of his racial identify, and his ability to manipulate racial politics.


Is it also possible to discuss race issues in politics, without making racial comments that are in poor taste?
Is it also possible to discuss race issues in politics, without making racial comments that are in poor taste?
Apparently we can't discuss anything while you're spamming off topic. :rolleyes:

But keep repeating yourself. I'm sure you're going to get through to somebody someday.
Apparently we can't discuss anything while you're spamming off topic. :rolleyes:

But keep repeating yourself. I'm sure you're going to get through to somebody someday.

Feel free to ignore me and point of the evil that is Rangel, but if you're going to respond directly to a question I posed, at least answer it.

BTW, you're one to speak about spamming "off topic", or is it only this thread that must stay on it?

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