The End Of Atheism


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 30, 2005
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The End Of Atheism
If you are over the age of 40, perhaps a bit older, you have lived long enough to see a great fad get going, peak and then fade away completely. Lots of fads run their course in a few months, obviously, but social movements tend to build slowly and then stick around for a while, before disappearing down the memory hole. One of those fads is atheism, which had a good run in the 80’s and 90’s. It started to peter out in the 90’s, had a brief revival in the aughts, but now seems to be headed to oblivion.

The so-called “new atheists” are not ready to throw in the towel on their reason to exist, as it were, but that’s to be expected. Harris and Dennett moved all their chips into the middle of the table with the atheism stuff. It got them the attention they desired, so as a gambler will wear a diamond pinky ring to recall his one big score, these guys still proudly wear their atheism. All of them have moved onto other things, but they will expound upon their hatred of religion if the crowd demands it.

Of course, anytime the word “new” gets attached to something old, it means that old thing is now dead. It also means that old thing had some serious internal defect that eventually killed it. The “new right” made an appearance when it was clear Conservative Inc. was just a ruthless money racket. The previous iteration of “new right” appeared in the 70’s when everyone agreed the old right was dead. The reason “new atheism” got going is everyone agreed that regular old atheism was creepy and weird.

The central defect of atheism, old and new, is it is an entirely negative western identity and entirely dependent on Christianity. Specifically, it requires people of some status to defend Christianity and the Christian belief in the super natural. Atheism has always been the oxpecker of mass movements. Everything about it relies on its host both tolerating it and thriving on its own. It’s why atheism has had its spasms of success when Christianity in America has had a revival, as in the 80’s and the 2000’s.

Atheists will deny this, of course. They will argue, as Dennett often does, that the steep decline of Christianity is proof their arguments were superior. The reason they no longer talk about their thing is they won and their enemy is dead. The fact that there are plenty of Muslims and crackpot feminist airheads around spouting magical oogily-boogily never seems to get their attention for some reason. The only guy to venture into this area was Dawkins, but the Prog quickly reminded him who pays his bills.

That’s always been the tell with atheism. Belief in something as insane as male privilege or implicit whiteness should get their attention. After all, these are not just beliefs in the supernatural, they are primitive beliefs in the supernatural. Men of the classical period had more plausible and complex beliefs than people like Amy Harmon. She is a click away from demanding human sacrifice. Yet, the new atheists were never much interest in those magical beliefs. They were too busy hounding the last Christians.

That’s another tell. Atheism has always been a popular pose on the Left, because it was a useful signal. The bad whites loved their boom sticks and sky gods. The good whites rejected all those crazy beliefs. It’s why atheists tended to focus on the mainstream of Christianity, like Catholics and mainline Protestant churches. Mormons were always an easy target. They avoided the Jews and black Baptists. Sure, once in while a zinger against the tribe would be tossed in, but the enemy was always white Christians.

The decline on atheism is a good example of the perils of negative identity. When you define yourself as being in opposition to someone or something, you inevitably become a slave to it. Your very existence depends on it. As the main Christian churches collapse in scandal and bizarre attempts to move Left, the enemies for atheists to attack are getting more difficult to find. Attacking Christians is like beating up a puppy. Only the severely mentally disturbed think Christians have any power today.

The other thing working against atheism is it has been mostly male. That’s an interesting thing, given that the American Atheists was created by a woman in the 60’s. Then again, Madalyn Murray O’Hair was just a cat’s paw for the usual suspects. Her role was to be the point the spear in the war to decouple Christianity from American civic and cultural life. Since then, atheism has been a male thing. Given the declining status of males on the Left, particularly white males, it is no surprise that atheism is dying.

Given the state of affairs in the West and the crippling decline in the Christian churches, it is hard to see atheism having another revival. Christianity appears to morphing into a private, bespoke thing in order to survive outside the Progressive orthodoxy. That makes it a worthless enemy for atheists. You can never know, of course, but it looks like public Christianity is done for. That means atheism is done for as well, unless it moves onto Judaism or Progressivism and that will never be allowed.
The End Of Atheism
If you are over the age of 40, perhaps a bit older, you have lived long enough to see a great fad get going, peak and then fade away completely. Lots of fads run their course in a few months, obviously, but social movements tend to build slowly and then stick around for a while, before disappearing down the memory hole. One of those fads is atheism, which had a good run in the 80’s and 90’s. It started to peter out in the 90’s, had a brief revival in the aughts, but now seems to be headed to oblivion.

The so-called “new atheists” are not ready to throw in the towel on their reason to exist, as it were, but that’s to be expected. Harris and Dennett moved all their chips into the middle of the table with the atheism stuff. It got them the attention they desired, so as a gambler will wear a diamond pinky ring to recall his one big score, these guys still proudly wear their atheism. All of them have moved onto other things, but they will expound upon their hatred of religion if the crowd demands it.

Of course, anytime the word “new” gets attached to something old, it means that old thing is now dead. It also means that old thing had some serious internal defect that eventually killed it. The “new right” made an appearance when it was clear Conservative Inc. was just a ruthless money racket. The previous iteration of “new right” appeared in the 70’s when everyone agreed the old right was dead. The reason “new atheism” got going is everyone agreed that regular old atheism was creepy and weird.

The central defect of atheism, old and new, is it is an entirely negative western identity and entirely dependent on Christianity. Specifically, it requires people of some status to defend Christianity and the Christian belief in the super natural. Atheism has always been the oxpecker of mass movements. Everything about it relies on its host both tolerating it and thriving on its own. It’s why atheism has had its spasms of success when Christianity in America has had a revival, as in the 80’s and the 2000’s.

Atheists will deny this, of course. They will argue, as Dennett often does, that the steep decline of Christianity is proof their arguments were superior. The reason they no longer talk about their thing is they won and their enemy is dead. The fact that there are plenty of Muslims and crackpot feminist airheads around spouting magical oogily-boogily never seems to get their attention for some reason. The only guy to venture into this area was Dawkins, but the Prog quickly reminded him who pays his bills.

That’s always been the tell with atheism. Belief in something as insane as male privilege or implicit whiteness should get their attention. After all, these are not just beliefs in the supernatural, they are primitive beliefs in the supernatural. Men of the classical period had more plausible and complex beliefs than people like Amy Harmon. She is a click away from demanding human sacrifice. Yet, the new atheists were never much interest in those magical beliefs. They were too busy hounding the last Christians.

That’s another tell. Atheism has always been a popular pose on the Left, because it was a useful signal. The bad whites loved their boom sticks and sky gods. The good whites rejected all those crazy beliefs. It’s why atheists tended to focus on the mainstream of Christianity, like Catholics and mainline Protestant churches. Mormons were always an easy target. They avoided the Jews and black Baptists. Sure, once in while a zinger against the tribe would be tossed in, but the enemy was always white Christians.

The decline on atheism is a good example of the perils of negative identity. When you define yourself as being in opposition to someone or something, you inevitably become a slave to it. Your very existence depends on it. As the main Christian churches collapse in scandal and bizarre attempts to move Left, the enemies for atheists to attack are getting more difficult to find. Attacking Christians is like beating up a puppy. Only the severely mentally disturbed think Christians have any power today.

The other thing working against atheism is it has been mostly male. That’s an interesting thing, given that the American Atheists was created by a woman in the 60’s. Then again, Madalyn Murray O’Hair was just a cat’s paw for the usual suspects. Her role was to be the point the spear in the war to decouple Christianity from American civic and cultural life. Since then, atheism has been a male thing. Given the declining status of males on the Left, particularly white males, it is no surprise that atheism is dying.

Given the state of affairs in the West and the crippling decline in the Christian churches, it is hard to see atheism having another revival. Christianity appears to morphing into a private, bespoke thing in order to survive outside the Progressive orthodoxy. That makes it a worthless enemy for atheists. You can never know, of course, but it looks like public Christianity is done for. That means atheism is done for as well, unless it moves onto Judaism or Progressivism and that will never be allowed.
In the best of men there is some evil and in the worst of men there is some’s not about religion instead it’s about a relationship...KNOW THIS ...THERE IS A GOD AND I’M NOT HIM
That means atheism is done for as well, unless it moves onto ... Progressivism and that will never be allowed.

Wouldn't that be counter productive and self destrutive since most atheists seem to be progressive humanists?

Atheism = A-Theism = A belief in no belief.
Wouldn't that be counter productive and self destrutive since most atheists seem to be progressive humanists?

Atheism = A-Theism = A belief in no belief.
Atheists have more faith than most Theists. They just can't be honest about that (honesty is a huge problem for that community). Even their presumed monopoly on science is rooted in faith and derived from the spiritual in some ways. For instance, Quantum Physics is rooted in the Kabbalah.

Atheists have more faith than most Theists. They just can't be honest about that (honesty is a huge problem for that community).

Been giving this some thought and there is truth in that statement. Although maybe a bit simplistic on my part... O'Hair would be the "god" of this age of atheism... Dawkins would be the "messiah"... and Wrm would be an apostle.

The problem starts with O'Hair's false premise of "separation of church and state". As most liberals believe... the idea was to keep religion out of government.

But with proper study people would find out that there is no such bill, law, decree, or ordinance found anywhere.

Further study would find that those words only show up in the "Jefferson letters" to clergy who were concerned about the establishment of a national religion.

The concern was legitimate... considering the country that founders of this country left... but based on ignorance and/or deception by O'Hair.
To quote from the 2nd link above:

"Jefferson wrote,

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties."[1] "
Probably not one person in a hundred understands this. Freedom of religion is the idea contemplated. Yet nitwits want to make it freedom FROM religion.

You are right. Most people I mention this to, think that it is law... and that it is to keep religion out of government.

They don't understand the intent of Jefferson's letter.
That's because they have been "indoctrinated" by the culture, the school system, and the liberal news media.

The 60's revolution didn't help either. Especially with some of the music from the "British invasion". It started the whole "humanist" thought process.
I used to be a devout catholic but I have witnessed many things that got me thinking and questioning my faith. Now I have no religion. I just pray directly to GOD whenever I feel like it. It's more of a personal relationship with him.
Religion is a man made construct full of rules and practices... in an attempt to appease God.

Whereas Faith is actually having a relationship WITH, and following... God.

This is demonstrated in the OT... as well as the NT. People are "saved" by faith... not religion. People are not granted access to Heaven... or found "righteous" because of "works"... but because of belief/faith. If any believer questions this... I suggest reading Hebrews chapter 11. Saved by, (God's), grace through faith.
Well... for once you are right Wrm.

"10And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. 11And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. 12Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold"

I have watched many friends stray away from what they knew to be true... by listening to people who presented lies as truth... and liking what they are hearing instead.
There is a BIG difference between "religion" and "Faith".

Chistian fundamentalism is not turning people away from "Faith" ... but rather... people are walking away from Faith due to the ideas and teachings of "moral relativism".

"3For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4They will reject the truth and chase after myths."

THIS... is exactly what is going on now. We are living in an age ... where right is wrong, and wrong is right... and "truth" is whatever the individual perceives it to be... even if the individual's "truths" are wrong.
There is a BIG difference between "religion" and "Faith".

Chistian fundamentalism is not turning people away from "Faith" ... but rather... people are walking away from Faith due to the ideas and teachings of "moral relativism".

"3For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4They will reject the truth and chase after myths."

THIS... is exactly what is going on now. We are living in an age ... where right is wrong, and wrong is right... and "truth" is whatever the individual perceives it to be... even if the individual's "truths" are wrong.
I couldn't agree more 04_Sport_LS! Spot on! Everyone one forgets that Jesus didn't come to change the Law but rather to Fulfill it...
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And now we have the Corona virus... either intentionally or accidentally released by China's millitary base in Wuhan.

Matthew 24:7

"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."
Um, Atheism is on the rise in America, and that's a good thing. Don't get me wrong, YOU people are allowed to go with your feelings like you always do, but the facts differ:

Modeling the Future of Religion in America

Since the 1990s, large numbers of Americans have left Christianity to join the growing ranks of U.S. adults who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular.” This accelerating trend is reshaping the U.S. religious landscape, leading many people to wonder what the future of religion in America might look like. -PewResearch

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