Wrecked my LS


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Tri-State Area
Got into an accident(my fault) this evening and wrecked my LS. I have to get a better look in the AM but im pretty sure its totalled. I will let you guys know in the next few days in case anyone is interested in parts. Ill be selling EVERYTHING.



sad day.
doesn't look like all that serious of an accident. and you are here posting, so i trust you made it through with minimal injuries.
car is surely totaled though....

time for something different?
This is a sad day. You've been a great guy around here and I know if that car is totaled you'll likely move on from the LS era, but I hope you check in from time to time.
Looks like back of semi? Really sorry man, cars can always be replaced.
The important thing is you're OK. As depressed as you might be now, there are many options available. You could upgrade to an '06 LS if you want to stay with the LS, or you can move on to something newer. In any case, you're OK!

And yea..... My money is on a total...... SORRY!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that's totalled.

Judging by you posting about it, I assume you're okay.

Every door that closes, another opens. Funny we were just talking about Cadillacs.

Keep us updated amigo.
Dang, that stinks. I hope you are ok, that's the important thing. Cars can be replaced...
A good friend and my fav ls ever. Hurts to see this. I'm here for u bro anything you need. That includes rebuilding!!!!
That sucks dude. But cars can be replaced and your life can't.

If you get something other than an LS make sure you stop by occasionally.

Best wishes man.
I'm Glad you are Ok.

The damage is high up and limited to a fender,hood,bumper, radiator and trim. The rad support could be easily bent back into position. If you're handy, this could be fixed on the cheap. Used Lincoln LS body parts are inexpensive.

If you have the skill to dissemble and part out the car then you have the skill to put it back together.

If you decide to sell the car, remove the hood and any loose trim before photographing the car. Damaged body parts scare off potential buyers.

good luck!
Yikes!!! terribly sorry about your luck mlara, glad to see/hear you are ok.
I'm Glad you are Ok.

The damage is high up and limited to a fender,hood,bumper, radiator and trim. The rad support could be easily bent back into position. If you're handy, this could be fixed on the cheap. Used Lincoln LS body parts are inexpensive.

If you have the skill to dissemble and part out the car then you have the skill to put it back together.

If you decide to sell the car, remove the hood and any loose trim before photographing the car. Damaged body parts scare off potential buyers.

good luck!

And the engine was also most likely shoved back forcing other things shoved aft. Cars are designed to fold in all sorts of ways to protect the occupants.
Dang, just takes a split second, doesn't it? Don't assume you are OK, get the doc to check things out because it can take several days for problems to show up. If they aren't caught and treated early, then a few months down the road they can set up into a lifetime of misery.
Looks like back of semi? ...

No, I don't think so, that's not near enough damage if he slid into the back of a "semi" trailer bumper.

In the above pics you can see the LS entire bumper structure is still intact and not pushed in totally.
(to me) it seems he slid into the rear of pick up truck or SUV with a trailer hitch.

The large black mark in the center of his bumper seems to indicate he may have slid into the back of a pick up truck hitch ...
then picked it up and got underneath it a bit at headlight hood height.

A semi trailer crash impact bumper, also known as an "Underride Guard" sits lower and on full impact would have shoved
his entire lower front end (bumper w/lights) into the motor compartment. It would look more crumpled up and all pushed in.


---- EDIT:

Hmmm, looking at mlara pics again some more, with his LS sitting so low, a semi trailer bumper guard could have been high enough for him to only catch it from top of bumper up. I just think it would have done more damage than what's shown. plus the black mark in the center of his bumper seems like a hitch of sorts to me.

Got me wonder now ... He'll let us know what happened.

The car sits low anyways. And when you hit the brakes in any car your front end dives down. But everything aside glad your okay!
Duuuude!!! Mlara I'm so sorry man. Personally I had around 14-15 thousand into an integra (young stupid taste) when I was 19 and mine was totalled by a drunk lady driving through a red light. I got all depressed and picked up alcohol and drugs heavily for years reminiscing the accident.

Not that I presume you would do the same, just want to say that by the grace of God you are okay. You'll be back on top in no time. I'll pray for you man, God bless.

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