Mlara1129's C-List Finds

I emailed him. I figure if the tires come with it, i'll jump on them.

I don't think they come with tires but I hope you get them it's a seems like a pretty fair price, I have dealt with lkq on count-less ocasions they are legit ebay sellers as well.
I don't think they come with tires but I hope you get them it's a seems like a pretty fair price, I have dealt with lkq on count-less ocasions they are legit ebay sellers as well.

That's good to know, with shipping included it seems reasonable. If the craigslist rims fall through, i'll definitely think about them.
So, I just came across my old totaled LS

looks like they are trying to sell the engine and tranny. Engine will not have throttle body or coils though since took them off it. But they are honest when they say it only has 47k on them.

lets see i sold it to them on december 23rd 2011 for $300. weird that this is the first time i've seen it listed for sale since its been over a year and all. ahh the memories it brings back..
Been for sale for some time now. It's fully loaded.
His original price was 12k and had 60k miles

Good price. It is actually below KBB private party good, which is a rarity for most any car you look at.
Perfect opportunity for someone to try these (Jag Sabres)

damm they are even all chromed up already for me:((..

damm damm damm, if i didn't just sign up and pay for classes this semester i could have spent the cash on those and drove to get them, but i cant swing it :(.. i really wanted these too..

but I'm glad im back to getting my education :)

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