WTB: Trans for 2000 LS V8


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Looking for a used trans for my 2000 LS V8.

Mine slips real bad when I floor it, so its fine for now, but I want to get a new trans so I can drive her like I want to :p

By far I cant afford a new one, so I gotta get a used one, preferably less than 70k miles but let me know what you got, and prices.

I know this sounds :q:q:q:qed up but I don't care, I am in Ohio and I'll trade you mine (still in car) for yours if you do the swap and give me 100 bux.
That sounds very f*coed up man hahaha what's wrong with yours?
That does help, I couldnt find any yards around here that have one, but id be scared to buy one like that, spending 4-800$ not knowing how many miles, or if the damn things shot...
Im not looking to spend much, but I mean im not expecting someone to pop in and be like hey I have a mint one with 10k miles for 200$ I know that wont happen, but I need something thats gonna last me many thousands of miles without slipping and whatnot lol
I emailed them, tried calling, and emailed about 2 other ads about one, NONE replied or got back with me

Im not too mad though, I should do it the smart way and ask when I actually have the MONEY lol, which will be soon

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