Worst President Ever

Im not complaining about gas. Just commenting about about when it was cheaper. If i have a problem with it, i will build electric.

The topics gas and bush are unrelated as far as im concerned. Im not blaming Bush for gas prices, im just saying, 3 and a half years left of . . . . . . blah
MonsterMark said:
That blame lies directly on the shoulders of the EPA who wanted a 'cleaner' burning fuel that saved 5% in emissions but cost 10% in gas efficiency, and kills you as a side benefit. Nice shot, wrong target.

Considering that Texas converts nearly half of all our petroleum goods, it would seem logical that many of Bush cronies from Texas were involved. Wow, talk about pointing out the obvious.

Nice blame-dodge there, Bryan. While I'd agree that the EPA has too strong of an influence in certain areas (like this one that has a low ROI, or poor cost-to-benefit ratio), there is NO REASON that the MTBE manufacturers can't be held accountable, or at least responsible for cleaning their OWN DAMN toilets! The REAL root of this problem lies with the oil industry lobbyists in Washington having their hands too deep in the pockets of the politicians who are in the position of keeping the EPA in check and the oil industry out of the tax-payer's pockets. Of course, every politician who is bought by these lobbyists are to blame as well. And at the moment, those politicians are led by Bush and DeLay. Any claim by these loosers that they are "protecting the tax-paying consumer" is empty at best.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Nice blame-dodge there, Bryan.[\quote]
Not blame dodging, just pointing out that these pointy headed ideas always seem to surface from the left and do us more harm than good. It is the same way with the 'new fuel' we have to use now that uses a 10% 'corn' mix (ethanol). It was done under the premise of clean air. My crack. We use that crap gas here in the Midwest. Supposed to burn 5% cleaner. Well, guess what, gas mileage is off 3 mpg or over 10%. So we wind up polluting the air more instead of less and paying about $.15/gal to boot. That is what I am talking about. And it is usually, not always, the liberal leftist agenda that puts us in the hot seat.

You need to look at yourselves (conservatives) more closely. You seem to have blinders on. I thought you were smarter than that. How can you think Bush is a good President? Didn't you watch the press conference? Did you have your beer goggles on when you watched it?

The US is the laughing stock of the world. Oh yeah, it just the Liberal media reporting that.
History, not us, will reveal if GWB is or isn't the worst president.

One thing seems fairly certain: he just very well may be the worst president when it comes to unscripted public speaking.

Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, it must pain you to see him groping for the right words.

Pains me.
The problem with that is as Napoleon said "History is written by the winners of a conflict" which may prove that historical accounts are not what they seem. The Bible is a perfect example of that.
barry2952 said:
How can you think Bush is a good President? Didn't you watch the press conference? Did you have your beer goggles on when you watched it?
I will admit I didn't watch all of it. I was busy raising money to keep Hillary out of office and I do get a newsletter type briefing from the GOP on these types of get-togethers so I am not in the dark at all when it comes to the content. The questions from the press are the usual whinings so nothing new there. I will also admit that Bush is not the most watchable guy in the world and I think that is where some of your problem with him lies. I can't stand to look at Hillary. She makes me turn off the set whenever she is on so I understand your feelings.

But in the end, Bush has made great policy decision after policy decision. I agree with probably 85-90% of the agenda. Look, Iraq had to happen at some point (Crudel). Iran has to happen at some point (Natural Gas). These are things that have to happen if we want and expect to maintain our way of life. If we don't want these 'conflicts' to happen, us, we Americans, are going to have to make some huge sacrifices that none of us are willing to make. So either we are going to be the peace-keepers in the world or the world is going to collapse into chaos as resources get scarcer and more expensive. That is just the way it is and is going to be.

barry2952 said:
The US is the laughing stock of the world. Oh yeah, it just the Liberal media reporting that.
The rest of the world hated Ronald Reagan (especially Europe). Go do a poll know and europe sings a whole different tune about Reagan. It goes with the territory. Nobody likes you when you are stepping on their toes, but if you do it for the right reasons, in the end, people respect you for what you did. Thank God Bush doesn't operate via polling results or govern for political expediency. We already had that. Bill Clinton. That guy was popular but a HUGE flop. Name one thing that dollar Bill did (and don't name the economy). He just happened to be fortunate to preside while the internet was developing and would never had been re-elected without it.
MonsterMark said:
Look, Iraq had to happen at some point (Crudel). Iran has to happen at some point (Natural Gas). These are things that have to happen if we want and expect to maintain our way of life.

Bryan, if I were you, I'd stay out of the state of Florida. Talk like that will now get you popped if you bump into an Iraqi, as he'll be justified for being threatened. You can thank your bud Jeb for that one.

MonsterMark said:
If we don't want these 'conflicts' to happen, us, we Americans, are going to have to make some huge sacrifices that none of us are willing to make. So either we are going to be the peace-keepers in the world or the world is going to collapse into chaos as resources get scarcer and more expensive. That is just the way it is and is going to be.

Do you always talk out of both sides of your a-s-s, or do you just have two a-s-s holes? "If we don't want conflicts, we'll have to go to war." "We're either going to keep peace by bombing our enemies, or be peacefull and the world is going to fall apart." That's just nonsense.

So are you now finally acknowledging that the Iraq war WAS all about the OIL?? And WTF gives us the right to waltz into Iraq to steal all their energy? If all that stolen energy was resulting in lower gas prices, I MIGHT be a little more understanding, but all it's doing is bolstering the oil companies profits and providing oppertunities for theives like Haliburton to rob us taxpayers. Meanwhile, GW is making the US look like the homeless fighting over the last bowl of soup. Pathetic.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Bryan, if I were you, I'd stay out of the state of Florida. Talk like that will now get you popped if you bump into an Iraqi, as he'll be justified for being threatened. You can thank your bud Jeb for that one.

Do you always talk out of both sides of your a-s-s, or do you just have two a-s-s holes? "If we don't want conflicts, we'll have to go to war." "We're either going to keep peace by bombing our enemies, or be peacefull and the world is going to fall apart." That's just nonsense.

So are you now finally acknowledging that the Iraq war WAS all about the OIL?? And WTF gives us the right to waltz into Iraq to steal all their energy? If all that stolen energy was resulting in lower gas prices, I MIGHT be a little more understanding, but all it's doing is bolstering the oil companies profits and providing oppertunities for theives like Haliburton to rob us taxpayers. Meanwhile, GW is making the US look like the homeless fighting over the last bowl of soup. Pathetic.

I don't know Johnny...sometimes it seems like you have a real "end of the world" view of things.

I cannot get into conversations such as these as my profession prohibits comments regarding my commander in chief but I will say this...

I have a good job, two nice cars, a 3000 sq. ft. home, a beutiful woman...and enough cash to pay for it all. I don't know about you but to me that's a good life. I don't know if any of that is due directly to the President but, the last time I checked it was better than a kick in the nuts. All while making what some might call a meager salary (especially when psychos like shoot at you).

So, with that being said...I think the economy is doing pretty friggin' good. I think the world will be better 10 years from now because of our actions today and I hope to somday see a world where all peoples rest under a blaket of freedom that is this very day being sewn...

I cannot comment on whether President Bush is the best or worst president...but I can say this... He is My President
Where are you that the economy is doing great? My business is down by 50% since Bush took office. Apartment vacancy rates in Michigan approach 15%. Every third commercial building is empty. Bankruptcies are at an all time high and unemployment is the nation's highest.

Please show me how I'm better off.
barry2952 said:
Where are you that the economy is doing great? My business is down by 50% since Bush took office. Apartment vacancy rates in Michigan approach 15%. Every third commercial building is empty. Bankruptcies are at an all time high and unemployment is the nation's highest.

Please show me how I'm better off.
I feel for your situation Barry, I really, truly do. However, you are in the minority and it is never fun to be in the minority. Your business model has to change. Simple as that. Home ownership is where it is at, where that be single homesites or condomium ownership. We as a country are moving to an ownership society where everybody gets a chance to share in the American dream. I can post hundreds of examples of where America is heading in the right direction. I don't have the time to do it. Maybe take a drive out of the city and see what's up. I get to travel quite a bit actually and I see successes everywhere. I went ot dinner last night and every single restaurant in the area was packed. Obviously either very lazy people that won't/can't cook or tons of disposable income. And the malls are always packed.
Build houses. My best friend started out building $300,000 houses, 1 per year, 4 years ago, and this year he will build 4 $600,000 houses. And no lack of buyers.
You fail to understand. I still have the same customers. I even have a bunch of new ones. They have all curtailed their spending. They will have to do the maintenance work eventually. When they do I'll be one of the few left standing as I have no debt. After 28 years of milking the cash cow the old girl has just hit a dry spell. That is not true for many around me as I watch small businesses fold at an alarming rate.

The only way to change my business model is to move to an area that is doing well. Seems kind of stupid to do that when the Republicans are finished for the next two terms, at least. GWB has ruined things for you guys. I can't believe I used to be one of your ilk.
MonsterMark said:
I feel for your situation Barry, I really, truly do. However, you are in the minority and it is never fun to be in the minority. Your business model has to change. Simple as that. Home ownership is where it is at, where that be single homesites or condomium ownership. We as a country are moving to an ownership society where everybody gets a chance to share in the American dream. I can post hundreds of examples of where America is heading in the right direction. I don't have the time to do it. Maybe take a drive out of the city and see what's up. I get to travel quite a bit actually and I see successes everywhere. I went ot dinner last night and every single restaurant in the area was packed. Obviously either very lazy people that won't/can't cook or tons of disposable income. And the malls are always packed.

:I ,Down here in Florida There is a shortage in homes available in MLS. Also, it seems like everytime I go out to eat there is at least a 30 minute wait whereever you go.
barry2952 said:
GWB has ruined things for you guys. I can't believe I used to be one of your ilk.
One of our ilk. LOL. You really have fallen of the cliff.

And its 50-50% at best on the White House. All comes down to the economy come election time.

Hey, how come we don't hear about all the lost jobs anymore? Oh, that's right. We're in the plus column now so nobody better mention that fact for fear that more people might support Republicans and GW's economic boom.
dropped74 said:
Also, it seems like everytime I go out to eat there is at least a 30 minute wait whereever you go.
Yep, everywhere I go. PACKED. And we are not talking about McDonalds either. Lots and lots of people doing well. Some aren't, but most are.
barry2952 said:
Where are you that the economy is doing great? My business is down by 50% since Bush took office. Apartment vacancy rates in Michigan approach 15%. Every third commercial building is empty. Bankruptcies are at an all time high and unemployment is the nation's highest.

Please show me how I'm better off.

I was not speaking specifically about you and your situation Sir. I was merely stating my situation and my percieved view of the current economic state around me. I would never have the audacity to assume that just because I am doing well that all others are too. That would be absurd. There are far to many factors that could have gone into the decline in buisness that you are experiencing. But since I am not in the light fixture buisness (your field correct?) and reside nowhere near your area of operations it would be fairly obtuse of me to think that I could provide any source of advice. Frankly I don't know you that well. I was merely trying to state why I feel the way I do and why I vote the way I do. That was all...

I really think this thread is quite silly, to sit back and watch people bitch and moan because they are experiencing a hard time in life and placing all the blame on one person without ever looking in the mirror and wondering..."was there something I did wrong/am doing wrong?" Not saying that any of you are but when problems arise the first place one should look for solutions in sqarely in one's own face. Because the majority of dilemmas are started and solved right there. Barry, sir, I sincerely hope your buisness picks up and you continue to have sucess in all your ventures...and when it does I pray that you realize it was because of all you and your employees hard work and not because of some politician be it Republican or Democrat.
dertyclown said:
Im sure you think somone like good old john would be better??????
sorry he is not the better man he lost rember.

When I look at the red and blue areas I notice something. These are the areas of the nations best Universities! One might conclude that that could mean that educated people make a different choice!
mespock said:
When I look at the red and blue areas I notice something. These are the areas of the nations best Universities! One might conclude that that could mean that educated people make a different choice!
Them's fightin' words. Say your prayers, rabbit!

mespock said:
When I look at the red and blue areas I notice something. These are the areas of the nations best Universities! One might conclude that that could mean that educated people make a different choice!
I looked at the Top 100 Universities by location in the United States and 47 out of the top 100 schools happen to fall in the blue areas as listed on your map. Nice try, but looks like you're still in the minority when it comes to brain power.
Go red! ANd I had to include Wisconsin in your numbers where the liberals cheated and stole the election so actually subtract 2 and your at 45 out of 100.
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I would not say somthing like that when looking at a tshirt. just not the best Idea
MonsterMark said:
I looked at the Top 100 Universities by location in the United States and 47 out of the top 100 schools happen to fall in the blue areas as listed on your map. Nice try, but looks like you're still in the minority when it comes to brain power.
Go red! ANd I had to include Wisconsin in your numbers where the liberals cheated and stole the election so actually subtract 2 and your at 45 out of 100.

Just because your state doesn't agree with you! You have to cry foul. Boy I'd hate to play basketball against you. I'd make a shot and you'd find something wrong! LOL. Even the over conservative Southwestern county of Grant! I was so proud of these conservatives!! Way to figure it out Grant country!

Oh bye the way I'm waiting for you to knock over my tent on the weekend of July 17th LOL
mespock said:
Just because your state doesn't agree with you! You have to cry foul. Boy I'd hate to play basketball against you. I'd make a shot and you'd find something wrong! LOL. Even the over conservative Southwestern county of Grant! I was so proud of these conservatives!! Way to figure it out Grant country!

Oh bye the way I'm waiting for you to knock over my tent on the weekend of July 17th LOL
Rich, I posted in quite a bit of detail the illegal registrations. The votes counted exceeding the number of registered voters, yada, yada, yada. There is no question beyond a doubt that this country was almost cheated out of its rightful and deserving President. And now the pussy Democrats in our State Assembly won't vote for the new election I.D. law that would force people to show I.D. when voting, helping, but I am sure not stopping, the fraud being perpetrated upon the electorate in this State. That is so pathetic and demonstrates beyond any shadow of a doubt that Liberals, and Democrats in particular, care nothing about the American people and their right to be heard. All they care about is winning and shoving their crap liberal agenda down all of us hard-working people that either aren't on the dole looking for handouts or working for the government.

And now that you have pissed me off, I am not going to knock your tent down. I am going to sew the zipper closed and burn the biotch down, with YOU inside.:bash:

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