Why Iran won't attack Israel and why Israel does not need our protection


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Report: Iran Would Suffer Up to 20 Million Casualties in Nuclear War With Israel

Monday , December 24, 2007

An estimated 16-20 million Iranians would die in a nuclear war with Israel, according to a report issued by a respected Washington think tank.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) also estimates that between 200,000 and 800,000 Israelis would be killed, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The report, which is theoretical and based on limited verified knowledge of Israel's and Iran's nuclear capability, paints a bleak picture for both nations.

It estimates that a nuclear war would last approximately three weeks and ultimately end with the annihilation of Iran, based on Israel's alleged possession of sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapons.

The report does not predict the number of deaths due to nuclear fallout.

It lists possible targets for an Iranian strike as Tel Aviv and Haifa, while the list of probable targets in Iran includes Tehran and Tabriz.

The report also points to Israel's Arrow missile defense system as an obstacle facing any Iranian strike.

Another scenario includes Syria coming to Iran's defense with chemical and biological warheads launched at Israeli targets. Up to 800,000 Israelis would be killed if that were to happen, according to the report. Syria, however, would be forced to grapple with the deaths of approximately 18 million of its citizens if Israel responded with its nuclear arsenal, the Post reported.
WTF... I said similar sometime ago, that Iran wouldn't nuke anyone, because in the end, it would suffer greater than either the U.S. or Israel; both Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs know this. I believe it was when the issue of possibly nuking Iran's nuclear reactors was a topic.

I got the, "It's not that, Iran would/could give nukes to groups who would use them."

Are you supporting this story, because Ron Paul's stance is "Iran is no threat"? Or?
Good question. I believe that the issue of Iran vs. Israel is separate from Iran selling nukes to terrorists to use on us. I've always said that the US harms Israel more than we help, by making her dependent on us for money and restraining her when we should be staying out of her way. We've turned Israel into a vassal while we give triple the funding to the Saudis. It's all a bunch of hypocrisy anyway.

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