Who saw the Sopranos tonight?


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
We got Tony driving a New White Escalade now (he wrecked his last one a few episodes ago) and the new character, Phil Leotardo, a NY family Captian (played by Frank Vincent) is driving (and wrecked this episode) a new red Town Car with a hideous spare tire on the trunk)
i think today's episode was horrible! i think they just threw it in there to fill the 13 or 14 slots of episodes they have. Maybe I am not getting something, but we dont need to know about his father's future , just my opinion though
so far, i think the one with the crash has been the best episode this season (and last season was a bomb, it was horrible)
hee hee Ive thought every show was horrible for the most part........but cant seem to wait for the next one.

before you flame me, ill explain. for the first few seasons, I kept thinking "they are setting us up for something" and then ..........nothing. Remember the girl in italy? That coulda gone all kinds of ways...... Nothin. David Chase starts us down these paths and then just abandons them..... its wierd.

Only thing I know is -- I cant wait til the next episode.
You know my sister started out like this, the next thing you know you will be waiting the next episode of dawsons creek. :D
Ummmmmm I dont think so...........

Pepsi2185 said:
You know my sister started out like this, the next thing you know you will be waiting the next episode of dawsons creek. :D

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