Whaddya think?

Didn't take it as one. Your free to express your opinion. As I stated in the first post... there are people who won't like it. The only thing that matters is that I like it and that I don't get laughed at regularly at intersections :biggrin:

Tyler, thanks for stickin up. Some LS owners would prefer to leave their cars as FLM designed them. Others like to mod them to fit their own personal style. What may be seen as "cool as hell" to one individual may be percieved as "rice" to another. But as long as there have been people willing to change their vehicles there have been others opposed to it...and I don't see that rivalry ending anytime soon.
With the white contrast from your paint you could paint it whatever color you want. If you REALLY want to go crazy, like I stated before, get some vinyl covering and get a nice dark gray marble pattern or brushed aluminum, I think it would look awesome.
I think it looks good. I was thinking that the engine compartment needed some contrast, as well. My LS is black on black. EVERYTHING is black!! What paint is it that you used? Is there enough "flex" in the paint? Did you do anything special to prep the surface?
I would paint the middle section white like surjax (his portion that is black) did, then go over it with a few clear coats.

Just a thought...
raquaro said:
I think it looks good. I was thinking that the engine compartment needed some contrast, as well. My LS is black on black. EVERYTHING is black!! What paint is it that you used? Is there enough "flex" in the paint? Did you do anything special to prep the surface?

I used duplicolor adhesion promoter, about 3 coats, then laid the color, and finally some clear. With the promoter, you can use any higher heat paint.
Looks nice.

I would prefer to have a stainless look myself (like the stainless fuse and strut covers that Ken offers).

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