Welcome to our 400th member!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Mike89LSC signed up today and became our 400th member!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would say thats not bad for 7 weeks!!!!!!!!!

:p :p

Thank you everyone for helping make this site greater and greater every day.

Now - lets keep spreadin the word. Everyone try to bring at least 1 member each during the next month!!! Email your friends, ask them to join --

This especially goes for our caddy owning friends --- We ahve a good handful of great caddy people, but I want to try and balance things a bit - I ahve so many great things planned when we have a good number of both caddy and lincoln people - the friendly rivalry will be awsome I promise you!!!!!!

So everyone -- Go find a caddy owner and get him or her to sign up and join the fun here!!!!!!!!!!
Joeychgo said:
Mike89LSC signed up today and became our 400th member!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would say thats not bad for 7 weeks!!!!!!!!!

:p :p

Thank you everyone for helping make this site greater and greater every day.

Now - lets keep spreadin the word. Everyone try to bring at least 1 member each during the next month!!! Email your friends, ask them to join --

This especially goes for our caddy owning friends --- We ahve a good handful of great caddy people, but I want to try and balance things a bit - I ahve so many great things planned when we have a good number of both caddy and lincoln people - the friendly rivalry will be awsome I promise you!!!!!!

So everyone -- Go find a caddy owner and get him or her to sign up and join the fun here!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the welcome. Board looks great!! Very nice rides. I wanted to post pics of my car for the contest but the board keeps telling me I do not have permission.
mike89lsc said:
I wanted to post pics of my car for the contest but the board keeps telling me I do not have permission.

You have to be a full member first. That means that you have to make at least five posts. At least I think that's what's up.
mike89lsc said:
Thanks for the welcome. Board looks great!! Very nice rides. I wanted to post pics of my car for the contest but the board keeps telling me I do not have permission.

Just make a few more posts to become a Full Member and you can submit your pix...that is all that it takes.

Congrats on being #400....... :p

:W to the LvC....sit back, relax and enjoy........hope you like what ya see, and stay a while....and try and pass the word that we exist........ :Beer
this place is growing fast and its turning out to be a great place. Im glad i found it. Its better than those "other" lincoln sites i've been to.
Yeah, lets keep it up. Already having meets lets keep em coming. Cant wait to buy a car worth driving to a meet . . . . . .. ahhhhhhhh someday . . .

Let me know when you have "car got hit in the parking lot twice and broken into" night. LOLOLOL :N
Pepsi2185 said:
Yeah, lets keep it up. Already having meets lets keep em coming. Cant wait to buy a car worth driving to a meet . . . . . .. ahhhhhhhh someday . . .

Let me know when you have "car got hit in the parking lot twice and broken into" night. LOLOLOL :N

Hmm -- Well Im thinking about a BBQ at a forest preserve later in the summer --- we can hide your car in the bushes then ---- :)

Hey welcome to the boards! seems like us caddy owners are getting left in the dust ;) but that's ok cause the ride is just fine...
RazeOrc said:
Hey welcome to the boards! seems like us caddy owners are getting left in the dust ;) but that's ok cause the ride is just fine...

Yup -- its been hard attracting caddy owners -- but there is a good solid handful around ----
lincolnmania said:
hey i'll bring you some new members.....i just fount this site tonite
my reg hangout is crownvic.net
scott :L

JoshMcMadMac said:
You have to be a full member first. That means that you have to make at least five posts. At least I think that's what's up.

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