Watch "The Official JMOD How-to Video by Rizzo" on YouTube

Generally it is the same. I can't watch the video because it will give me night terrors (the person that did the video did a bunch of these on, but I don't think he fully understands what he is doing, what the changes mean and what they really do), but if it is for newer cars that ours, then mainly the differences would be what needs drilled (many of the holes from the older transmissions are already larger than the JMod specifies).

Everything JMod related came from one single source. It is just one more persons interpretation of it, and how it has changed to accommodate newer transmissions/changes since the original writeup was done.

If you can turn a wrench and have a healthy pair of internal snap ring plier to get the 1-2 accumulator out, it is easy. I found that many of the valves in my valve body were worn and replaced those as well and fixed up a transmission I might have condemned as worn out. with the VB out it was a perfect time to replace them, I had already ordered them and had them on hand when I did the JMod.
Do we have a write up for our years? It seems pretty straight forward from the video. The only headache I see is it being in the car.
The specs (what hole sizes for what level, spring combinations, etc) are here,

First time I removed the 1-2 accumulator I used a bottle jack, but noticed that there is a flat spot on the case above, and you can use a c clamp to compress the cover to get the clip out. I also would suggest no matter what year you have that you replace the accumulator pistons, even it already has the steel and bonded rubber type. This many years old the rubber gets hard and tears.

You can use the video as a guide on how to do it, but the specs from the document above.

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