Warning to libtards---You won't like this

Huh... Seems the liberal news media, UN, and Council on Foreign Relations haven't "programmed" all of todays kids:

"Stand for the Second": Students hold school walkouts for gun rights - CBS News

Stand for the Second
Stand for the Second
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WHO WE ARE. Founded by Will Riley, a high school senior from Carlsbad, New Mexico, Stand for the Second is a movement by students, for students who recognize the attack on our rights and future. We also know that our silence won't cut it anymore.


NOW we need a movement called "Stop the Gang Bangers". Gang violence is one of the leading causes of shootings and deaths in the inner cities across this country, (plus drugs and other illegal activities).

My recent place of employment takes me through the "hood" to get there. The other evening,,, on the way home... I saw a local enforcement officer on the edge of someone's front lawn. One of the residents of the house had his cell phone out,,, recording everything. There were a lot of people on the front lawn dressed in red. As I continued on... about a half mile past the house,,, another officer passed me with lights and sirens on. Anyone wanna guess where he was going??? Anyone think he was dispatched as "backup"???
And as far as the BS about the background checks.... ,,,,,, it's already being done. Anyone who is able to legally own a firearm,,, when purchasing a firearm through a legal vendor, (I.E. "gun shop/licensed seller), has to fill out one of these.

[PDF]ATF Form 4473 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
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WARNING: You may not receive a firearm if prohibited by Federal or State law. ... Read the Notices, Instructions, and Definitions on this form. Prepare in original ...

Now... once the top 10 boxes are filled out properly,,, we get to section 11. The first box had better be checked "yes" if a person is buying a gun for themselves. If not,,, then it turns into a headache of more forms to fill out.

For the rest of the boxes in section 11... a "legal" gun buyer should be able to answer "no",,, But it doesn't really matter because the FBI can pull up a persons criminal record in a matter of a couple minutes.

Sooo.... if anyone is trying to buy a gun,,, that is not legally allowed to own one... they will be visited at the gun shop by local law enforcement and hauled away,,, with yet another criminal offense.

Point is.... the National Instant Check System does work.

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) — FBI
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) — FBI
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The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns fall into the wrong hands. ... Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998 ...
NICS E-Check · ‎About NICS · ‎NICS Appeals · ‎A NICS Delay
Another mass shooting in Texas. This time at least 9 people dead in a mall.

Texas has some of the most relaxed gun laws in America. Where were all the "good guys with guns" swarming in to stop this lunatic? As I've been told "more guns = more safety".

5 of the 10 worst mass shootings have happened in Texas. Weird.
Well... it seems he was radicalized.

A bit ironic that the shooter was Latino... but supported white supremacy. :rolleyes:

An oxy-moron?

But once again I'll blame social media, and the individual.

Drunk driver... or drunk car???

Disturbed individual... or the guns fault???

Again... If the Govt or world powers "policed" social media... there would probably be a lot less shootings.

This will be my only comment in this thread.
Where were all the "good guys with guns"? As the Rightist saying goes, "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." This is als Texas, after all.

This deplorable was let go from the military due to mental health issues, he had a history of believing in violent causes and a history of acting out, yet legally had guns because Red Flags laws are a no-go in Texas.

Um, attacks like this happened before social media...

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