And as far as the BS about the background checks.... ,,,,,, it's already being done. Anyone who is able to legally own a firearm,,, when purchasing a firearm through a legal vendor, (I.E. "gun shop/licensed seller), has to fill out one of these.
[PDF]ATF Form 4473 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
- Similar
WARNING: You may not receive a
firearm if prohibited by
Federal or State law. ... Read the Notices, Instructions, and Definitions on this
form. Prepare in original ...
Now... once the top 10 boxes are filled out properly,,, we get to section 11. The first box had better be checked "yes" if a person is buying a gun for themselves. If not,,, then it turns into a headache of more forms to fill out.
For the rest of the boxes in section 11... a "legal" gun buyer should be able to answer "no",,, But it doesn't really matter because the FBI can pull up a persons criminal record in a matter of a couple minutes.
Sooo.... if anyone is trying to buy a gun,,, that is not legally allowed to own one... they will be visited at the gun shop by local law enforcement and hauled away,,, with yet another criminal offense.
Point is.... the National Instant Check System does work.
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) — FBI
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) — FBI
- Cached
- Similar
National Instant Criminal Background
Check System, or NICS, is all about saving lives and protecting people from harm—by not letting guns fall into the wrong hands. ... Mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 and launched by the FBI on November 30, 1998 ...
NICS E-Check ·
About NICS ·
NICS Appeals ·
A NICS Delay