Here's the deal.
The Doc bought an airline ticket online but did not pay the additional 70 some odd dollars for what's called a 'Seat Guarenteed' option. He could have picked a prime spot directly over the wings.
The airline, oversells the flight by a handful of seats as they always do.
This we call, Corporate Greed.
They hope not all show up, pray for cancelations and no shows.
The Air Marshall is already on the list and would never be randomly picked to get off.
Doc shows up at flight preboarding one hour before departure as required per contract along with other prepaid customers.
Here they sort out seating arrangements based on first come first served. Those that purchased seat guarantee option are golden. The rest ... meh ... you lucky if you don't get bumped or showed up late.
All seats filled ... sorry but as per the agreed upon terms and conditions when you's bought a ticket, shit out of luck, we sold more seats then we had cuz were Fn greedy manipulative pricks like that and some of you didn't show up on time or what other lame reasons they come up with and basically tell you, out of luck, here's a voucher only redeemable with us on the next flight. Don't like it ... too bad!
Preboarding completed.
Loading aircraft.
Just about to close the door.
Oh rats, we forgot about the four staff members we need to get to the next airport so they can make more money with them on another airplane out of another airport on another flight.
We gotta bump four prepaid loyal customers that are already in the seats.
Lets try and bribe them with some additional dollars in the form of vouchers, which can't be turned into cash and are only useful on our planes and must be redeemed within 10 days or they expire. Gotta hang onto our profits.
Looking for four volenteers to give up their seats.
Hmmm no takers on the last flight out on a Sunday evening. Understanding that folks have places to be on Monday.
Ok, regroup, call additional security and prompt the on flight air Marshall.
Lets pick some names, exclude celebrities, VIP's and those traveling with children as a family.
Ah here we go, list of single suckers.
Back onto aircraft and make the announcement.
Ah hello, attention all passengers, due to unforseen circumstances and because none of you clowns took the bait and volunteered to give up your seats for our staff members, you leave us no choice to but exercise our rights and pick names randomly and demand you get out of our plane. No refund, just a stupid voucher.
Hey you, Doc, your name came up first.
Hell no Doc says, I've got to be somewhere important first thing Monday morning.
Sir, we no care, get the fuck off our airplane.
No! You're racial profiling cuz I'm Chinese, I won't give up the seat I've already paid for.
Sir, we don't want to repeat ourselves, according to the terms and agreement you excepted and agreed to at the time of your purchase, we hold every right to kick you out of your seat if we please.
Now they nod over the bully and his backup team, comprised of a single strapped modern day thug, we'll call him the bouncer and his two stationed-at-the-airport local, serve and protect members of the outstanding police force.
Sir, we are giving you a direct order, you are requested by law to vacate that seat and exit the aircraft immediately.
No I won't go, this is Fn bullshit, why me? I'm a Doctor and I have be at the hospital by the next morning.
Sur sure sure no matter, get out of that seat.
Ok Sir, we now label you unruly and uncooperative. We don't want any trouble please exit the aircraft.
No Fuck you! I paid for this seat and have the right to ....
Here now, they invoke their involuntary passenger extraction procedure.
It basically consists of beating the crap out of you unless you go peacefully.
Oh ... don't wish to comply do you Doc?
Alright then, how 'bout we use excessive force by any means and help you out of that seat.
Oh oh ... still full of resistance are we Doc? You unruly paid customer, we shall have none of that. How about we grab a hold of you, the three of us that is, and for good measure, cuz we've received proper training on how we handle these types of sensative situations, bounce your head of this here solid arm rest, rearrange your teeth thereby knocking you out cold and drag you by the feet, embarrassingly down the isle and out the aircraft.
While we are doing this with excessive force we shall scare the other customers and show them we mean business and won't take shit.
Of course all the cell phones are video rolling already cuz we have to show all our friends and family on social media what we witnessed today. Naturally, no one steps in and lays a beating on the officials because that's the law and they've got guns and I have to get to my destination tonight. Me so fucking coward and want no trouble either.
Poor Doc, face smashed in, unconscious dragged out of an aircraft which he bought a ticket for.
isn't is great to live in the land of the free, where you have all sorts of right until you fail to comply with orders given.
So in a nutshell,
We'll sort out all the smaller details in a court of law, where we'll explain how you became a thread when confronted and left us with no other choice but to use excessive force as per our terms and conditions you agreed to at the time of your online ticket purchase.
Fn awesome huh?
This is what your up against these days folks! You think your safe and have rights ... until they decide otherwise.
Careful sneaking in the 1-6 items express line at Walmart with a seventh item, you potentially could have your face smashed up against a Barcode reader and later have explained to you that you posed a thread to national security ... that you brought this unto yourself and should have simply COMPLIED.