Read this text before you open the picture...


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Read this text before you open the picture...

With all the news on TV lately about the extreme weather conditions
affecting the East Coast and Florida, the mud slides in the Middle East
and South America, the flood that made it's mark on Southern England,
along with the dire predictions made by such films as The Day After
Tomorrow, we shouldn't forget that Chicago has its share of devastating
weather too.

I've attached a photo illustrating the damage caused to my home from a
storm that passed through Chicago last week. It really
makes you cherish what you have, and reminds us not to take things for


I feel your pain. How long till the chair can be uprighted and proper sitting position restored?
depends, im awaiting federal disaster assistance and FEMA inspection
I'm sure they'll give you more than enough to cover the damages.. :D

Thank goodess you were not sitting in it or anything! :biggrin:
Is Illinois a swing state. If it were the Prez would be there to hand you your relief today. :invasion:

How will you ever rebuild. Have you been getting any counseling? :bash:
mespock said:
Have you been getting any counseling? :bash:

Bryan is doing his best, with Kbob's help -- Not much progress to report yet.
Joeychgo said:
Bryan is doing his best, with Kbob's help -- Not much progress to report yet.
*owned* But at least I feel your pain? Never mind that I may be the cause of that pain :bash:

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