Poorish gas mileage 2004 LS 3.9L

I always make sure the left lane, or sometimes right lane if there are three, is open to them,so they are NOT bottled up. Most of them are flying above the speed limit. The ones in the right lane can pass me if they want. I am expert at NOT creating a problem and not making people mad.That's because I am considerate and leave a hole for anyone coming up behind. I am NOT a hyper miler. 28 mpgs is easy to achieve with the V6 and 24 with the V8 is too.
So quit worrying abut the driver(me) who leaves a hole,and worry about the driver who traps you in behind the semi or slow cars.
I've been cutting the cruise control on long hills,SAVING GAS, and I don't get people mad at me. I suppose I would know......horns honking,gestures,LOL! don-ohio :)^)

Overall, he is wasting gas as all the drivers stuck behind him have to adjust speed to deal with it. One of my bigger traffic peeves is people who can't drive a steady speed. Of course those that are going faster than me and never vary to a speed slower than mine are not a problem at all. Those that are going slower and never vary to a speed faster than mine are only a problem for a short time. Those that vary from slower than me to faster than me are the real problem, particularly if they don't use the passing lane correctly (correctly = only when passing).
Well,you guys probably drive a lot more crowded freeways near big cities than I do on I-35,SR.23,Sr32,I-77 and I-95 . Those roads really aren't that bad or crowded usually. Now when you get into the big city you just have to flow along,because there isn't enough space to take it easy.
One exception to these roads in Ohio is I-275, around Cincy at rush hours. It's almost s bad as I-75 is at Atlanta. don-ohio :)^)
On the interstate in New Orleans, there are even signs saying not to slow down going up hill or on the bridges. People still do anyway...
Well,if they got a sign,you gotta obey. That's the way I look at it. But if the speed limit's 70 and I want to run 65, as long as I'm not in the way,that's my choice. If the scofflaws want to run 85 in a 70,that's their business,but I won't help em. don-ohio :)^)
... I am expert at NOT creating a problem and not making people mad ...

^ sig worthy

I'm sure I-95 is a lot more crowded near NJ than in South carolina where I hit it. don-ohio :)^)

Definitely. I'm aware 95 is a very long road, but it was just a funny statement after driving on it 450 miles from NJ to MA and back in an 11 hour span (including both rush hours). I think CT might be the worst stretch of 95 during rush hour just because I don't expect so many people to be flooding on to go home. I at least expect a lot of people in the NYC area
Should try I-75 through Cincinnati, OH. during rush hours. Place is a disaster zone with all that construction and all. (couple years back, not sure now, haven't been in a while.)
75 though OH is always a sh!tstorm, they are always doing construction through the entire state!
Definitely. I'm aware 95 is a very long road, but it was just a funny statement after driving on it 450 miles from NJ to MA and back in an 11 hour span (including both rush hours). I think CT might be the worst stretch of 95 during rush hour just because I don't expect so many people to be flooding on to go home. I at least expect a lot of people in the NYC area

Yes it is long.

from key west FL. to Houlton Maine.

have driven it all,,some sections to many times,,,aint none of it very good !! :)
75 though OH is always a sh!tstorm, they are always doing construction through the entire state!

Kinda look like Detroit if you ask me. Fn nasty all over.
man, Detroit is at least making a turn around... they have at least one good street where they're putting everything now, and you can almost not see any more burned out buildings...
Yes,I would hate to have to drive it in congested areas. Pretty open from SC down until Jacksonville. don-ohio :)^)

Definitely. I'm aware 95 is a very long road, but it was just a funny statement after driving on it 450 miles from NJ to MA and back in an 11 hour span (including both rush hours). I think CT might be the worst stretch of 95 during rush hour just because I don't expect so many people to be flooding on to go home. I at least expect a lot of people in the NYC area

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