Passenger side indow motor


The Real Deal
Jun 6, 2004
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Hey Guys, I am in need of a window motor for the passenger side, the one I have works when it wants to and lately it does NOT work. So if anyone can send me one I would greatly appreciate it and pay for it when I can. Money is very tight right now.
I've been repairing Ford window motors since the 1980's. I never had a bad motor, transmission and switches were the only problems I found. The 3, 1/2"X1/2" plastic dowels in the trans go bad, and get all chewed up. For years I've always made my own out od delrin, real tuff stuff. I got a HELPS kit once, that had the 3 dowels, and it lasted about 3 months. Rock sells a kit with the dowels, and new gear. I got two kits, and that job is next on the list. Search the forum, I've seen where a member took pics of the motor, and how to repair it. That's a good price on a new motor. With your problem of not working at all,I'd be looking at the switch.
Success i got a new window motor from ebay and it works the passenger side window moves again. The problem was in the bottom part where the electrics are. The top part is still good i believe i will keep it for parts. :cool:

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