Ok, I'm ticked


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
Upstate NY
I have a rant. Sprint and Nextel merging? That is the most bogus thing I've ever heard. Ok lets weight the facts. Now keep in mind I was in the Cellular business for several years and I'm a network engineer.

Nextel customer service is outstanding 99% of the time
Sprint customer service is notable crap

Nextel's network uses a unique technology which isolates them from the rest and allows them to provide service the other companies can't, no matter how hard they try. And the network was built from the ground up to do just that.
Sprint's network blows, coverage sucks and they use a technology that's being phased out. Site are always down and every time the try to implement something new they take down half the coverage area.

Everything on the Nextel network is 128bit WEP encrypted
Sprint can't even think about encryption. They just don't have the facilities to do it.

Nextel uses hardware from a single vendor, Motorola. Allows close reigns on rolling out new features and control over what's connected to the network.
Sprint uses random vendors, most of them being crap. This puts sprint in a place where they can't ever help you with hardware problems because they don't know anything about your phone.

Nextel billing is clear, correct and informative.
Sprint will usually bill you for several hidden charges every month and then turn your phone off because you didn't pay them.

I have never owned a phone from Sprint and never will. I sold enough of them and saw the horrendous problems many customers had. The return rate is probably 85% or more. The Nextel customers come back to thank you and tell they're friends how you helped them.

This is bull and I will drop my Nextel account at the first sign of Sprint-ness
all you can do is hope.

The claim is that the merger will lower prices <cough>
Wow, you feel like I do about Sprint, and I've been with sprint for 5 years now. Two and a half more months, and my contract is up. Hellllooooooo Verizon. I'm gonna be "in".
Take it easy Code... This is a business decision... There is much consolidation within the Telco industry on the horizon... It's all about customer base. Look at AT&T Wireless... They're service sucked! Since Cingular bought them, there has been a big push on the GSM service... I'm sure everybody has seen the commercial with the bars over the peoples head? I've got their service and a Motorola V600 quad band GSM. I'm "Pinned" everywhere I go. I suspect Nextel will do the same full court press on the Sprint customers, and if Sprint service sucks as bad as its reputation, those folks will jump to Nextel's premier products and service. Much more to come... as the Telco industry went from regulated Monopolistic control to de-regulation post '96 and now things are coming back to the strong who survived the transfer of technology and the fall of the market. Bottom Line, more consolidation on the way. Somebody is going to buy AT&T...! Like life I guess, Ma Bell will now be supported by one of her children in old age.... lol
I have sprint, and while the customer service does suck, i find that the rest of the service is pretty good. All I hope this merger does is increase the number of boneheads behind the counter trying to find out why the lady in front of me can't turn her phone on, so i can get in and out before the second coming.
caddyshack17901 said:
I have sprint, and while the customer service does suck, i find that the rest of the service is pretty good. All I hope this merger does is increase the number of boneheads behind the counter trying to find out why the lady in front of me can't turn her phone on, so i can get in and out before the second coming.

:II have had Sprint for years.....and have NEVER had a problem with them. I have had EVERY other service that is available and has been available, and Sprint has had exemplary service. They have taken care of every gripe I have had with my service....the only problem I have had is sometimes the attitude on the other end of the phone could be a bit better at times....but other than that I have NO complaints on Sprint, or their service.

I have had Nextel (HORRIBLE), I have had AT&T (HORRIBLE and then some, before the merger), I have had Verizon (customer service ON POINT, phone service HORRIBLE), and I have had Cellular One (WORST SERVICE EVER). I now have Sprint and T-Mobile (extra phone on my gurls service). As long as my bill says paid at Sprint I will never leave....they have had the best service (maybe not their customer service though......at times spotty at best) that I have ever had, and the phone works damn near everywhere, whereas all of the other services have not worked as good as the Sprint service......
You can have my Nextel when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. Or, as was stated above, when my service starts to suck as bad as Sprint. Then I'll personally deliver it to some CEO's @ss.
:Beer :iconcur:

TattooingSC said:
You can have my Nextel when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. Or, as was stated above, when my service starts to suck as bad as Sprint. Then I'll personally deliver it to some CEO's @ss.
Remember in 1986 there was New Coke? All it did was boost sales of the Old Coke when the New Coke tasted disgusting... years later you find out that was the actual intent of Coca Cola ....

I'm thinking.... "bye bye Sprint, bye bye CDMA technology"

One company buying another and taking them apart, piece by piece, customer by customer, helps the Economy stock share by stock share, instead of having Sprint go Bankrupt
Well if that's how it plays out, I'll be happy. However, the talk is that they're going to utilize Sprints network for long haul traffic. Which ultimatly splatters the media with 'SPRINT BUYS NEXTEL. THE NEW COMPNAY WILL USE SPRINT'S TECHNOLOGY NOT NEXTEL'S.' That's a very misleading statment when you know what's really in the works.

hottweelz said:
Remember in 1986 there was New Coke? All it did was boost sales of the Old Coke when the New Coke tasted disgusting... years later you find out that was the actual intent of Coca Cola ....

I'm thinking.... "bye bye Sprint, bye bye CDMA technology"

One company buying another and taking them apart, piece by piece, customer by customer, helps the Economy stock share by stock share, instead of having Sprint go Bankrupt
If I'm correct, then buy some Sprint stock, and when it dives "SELL SHORT" and make the $$ on the losing stock... otherwise, .... I dunno.
It's starting already. I've now been on hold for 20 minutes on the second call trying to get customer service from Nextel. 6 months ago this would never happen.

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