Noob Dropping in to Say Hello


LVC Member
Apr 21, 2013
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My name is Rich and I live near Prichard, WV (at the Ohio, WV, KY border). I was a teacher, and loved every minute of it. Last April (2012), I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. At the time of diagnosis, I was given 3 weeks to live if treatment wasn't rendered immediately. My body responded well to treatment, and was afforded the opportunity for a Bone Marrow transplant in October. I am currently Cancer free and in the recovery phase. I am, however, suffereing from Graft vs. Host Disease- in other words, a war is raging in my body between my immune system and the transplant cells. I am often sick in my guts as a result. I don't know why I decided to share this with this community as I haven't done this sort of venting before. But hey, I'm alive, and the prognosis for me is good.

Now, I just recently purhased a 2001 Lincoln LS that is in pristine condition (45,000 miles). It is my first LS, but my brother (who is a member here- immusicman) now owns his 3rd. To me, the LS is the sexiest car ever made! And, it is a hot rod that veils itself in luxury. I'll be adding photos and asking questions to you audio guys as it's been a while since I dabbled in car audio. At any rate. I wish to both apologize for the novel and say hello.

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