Newbie from NC


New LVC Member
Mar 14, 2005
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granite falls
Hey bros and bras, I'm from the foothills of North Carolina. By trade I design liquid paint and powder coating systems. Been doing that for about six months now. I enjoy dirt and street bikes, weight lifting, and saltwater reef aquariums. I drive a 1995 300zx NA Colbalt Metallic green and my soon to be wife drives a 2000 Lincoln LS. I really pushed for her to purchase it and now it is begining to have small problems so I guess it is up to me to repair it. I am really glad to have found this board to help me with the repairs. I would like to thank everyone in advance for any and all help.

First up, the rear passenger window! Already found a thread on it and looks to be helpful. If I have any other questions I know where to look from now on.

Later, JaMan
:W Good luck on the repairs and congrats on your soon to be marriage!

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