new job?


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 21, 2004
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well i was on vacation last week, and while on vacation i did some thinking,on what you ask? on how i HATE my job, I know everyone hate some aspect of their job(except maybe to wrench on Lincolns all day,)I know he has bad days too. anyway i started looking and tommorrow am going to apply at Procharger,yeah the supercharger company, they are based outta Lenexa, Ks or have an office here anyway, its about 10 min from my house,the job is entry level and mostly in the S & H,but man to work for a race company that would be alright , Not sure on the $$$ but if its right i may take it,I really can't afford to take a pay cut, but i am willing to budge to have my sanity back.....what di I do now you ask?, well lets just say its Managment in a world known grocer...anyway what do you guys think, working in the car biz sounds a lot better . :feed
A close friend of mine just reassed her job as well - and walked away from it, realziing she needs quality of life too. 60 hrs a week on salary is too much and leaves no time for a life.

Your not alone.
I'll tell you what - most people rise up pretty quickly in any organization - if they've already had experience.

Today shipping - tomorrow - fabrication - day after - director of operations.

Go for it if you can afford it.
If the numbers work out go and do what makes you happy. It doesn't seem to be your current makes you happy so it might be time for some change. Then again I am the guy who is going to graduate from college in 2 weeks and I don't have a job yet. I have worked for many people though and I always found I needed to do something I like to make it worth while in any respect.

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