need some advice


New LVC Member
May 15, 2008
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i just boughta 95 continental a few months ago and i love the car the airbags were shot so i put the strutmaster kit on and 3 days later the transmission goes my dad is a pretty good mechanic so im debating whether to have one put in rebuilt for 1500 or buy a 500 dollar used one to have my dad put in. iis it hard changing a tranny on these cars?also i need a rear swaay bar link where can i find one of these? thanks for any advice
Hi, welcome to LVC :D

For parts go to the vendor section of the forum and click on "Five Star Ford" and post there that you need a quote on the sway bar. Because you're a member of LVC max will be able to get you the sway bar at a discounted price alot of us use him, and you really can't beat his prices. He's in charge of the service department for a Ford Dealership in Arizona so he is legit in case you had some reservations about it.

Welcome and I feel sorry for you! You bought a Continental hmmm bad choice.
You see now what will happen is you will never want to ride anything else in your life.

I know sad but good seriously the best car you ever will get.

Welcome to LVC

I am also one who got hook on Continental

Welcome and I feel sorry for you! You bought a Continental hmmm bad choice.
You see now what will happen is you will never want to ride anything else in your life.

I know sad but good seriously the best car you ever will get.

Welcome to LVC

I am also one who got hook on Continental


True :p

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