Need Help with Photo Garage Pics


LVC Member
Jul 11, 2008
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I've tried to upload pics to the photo garage and it keeps telling me the pics are too large when i upload from my computer. I've resized them to the point you can hardly see them, and still too large.

any help appreciated... ~thanks :)

That is what I use. It is really simple to use. I always resize my pictures to "large" and also I select to resize the original pictures. That address should help you out.

thanks! I always use either photobucket or imageshack to store my pics but on my laptop i have MS pic manager - and i even resized it off photobucket and DL it back to my computer as a forum size pic (same size as I did for my other forums) and still won't work =/

but thanks - maybe i try antoerh way and c if itll work - just keeps giving me these wierd numbers like pic can't be over 100000 something?
I've been using that tool for atleast a year. Never had any problems out of it. And I do the same, I resize all images and upload to photobucket. weird..
this is the only way I can post a pic - Imageshack or Photobucket, no direct upload....i can't upload directly from my computer to where it says "browse" and it selects a file from my computer. I can copy/paste like the samples below but thats off either photobucket or imageshack - doesn't let me upload directly from my system

example here:
i copy/paste from photobucket


and what does it mean max size 102400? it just won't let me uplaod a pic off my laptop at all - just confuses me :-/

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